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    ,The memory of our childhood,-Tang Lin,The memory of our childhoodWhen we look back on our childhood当我们回首往事,Every year flowers look the same as time flies,but its not true that people do.也许是花相似,但人不同了。How times flies,we have really grown up.,我们拥有属于我们自己的美好的东西,。纯真的年代,不知不觉的生长。我们都会有衰老的一天。但是我们不会忘记我们曾经有过的美好。它支撑着我们走过一生。-很幸运!温饱的童年。-我们出生于九十年代,Post 90s(90后)Post 90s,a generation(一代人)which is often questioned by the society,has received more praise and abuse(赞扬和谩骂)than any generation in contemporary(相同的)society.,When it comes to childhood,lots of people hold a strong belief that childhood is very important.Because it is the critical(关键的)period of time for ones character formation(形成).It has an significant effect on one growth both physically and psychologically(心理上).In a sense,it determines a persons life.,What did we play?,Kick shuttlecock 踢毽子,Hopscotch 跳房子,看别人都会,自己就拼命学着玩。后来才发现其实很简单,很漂亮 还有香味(fragrance),就是擦(wipe)不干净!,翻牛槽or翻绳,eraser,Marbles-Lying on the floor playing marbles(玻璃球),Classic big bubble(气泡),Do you still remember how to make it?,Cards cards-cards,What did we eat?,Every day we ask mothers for pocket money to seek每天黏在母亲身旁。撒娇换来一点零用钱。蹦蹦跳跳去寻找那些。,To exchange cards with each other to get the card you want or win the card by game-we will never forget.,Flat surface(干脆面),What he says is just what I want to say!,A original way to make popcorn(爆米花)still member?,Cotton candy(棉花糖)-The best memories of childhood,Look back on that summerDo you remember The evidence of the whole life?遥望那年的夏天 是否还记得那些今生今世的证据。,Can you remember it?!你还能记得初学这首诗时的心境吗?你是不是也喜欢用红笔在书上给自己加个“100分”?嚯嚯,YOU!YOU,OPEN EYES!,eye exercises,What did we watch?,At that time 那时。we seek on TV after school.放学回家匆匆打开电视机寻找的。,Super mario-classic左边第二个木盒里是长大蘑菇(mushroom)。其它的是钱币(coin)。满100个加命。,Contra(魂斗罗)有3条命和30条命两种,recreational machines,They are born in the deep heart of the ocean.Well,lets call them Haier Brothers海尔兄弟,Big head son and Small head Dad大头儿子和小头爸爸,Tom And Jerry猫和老鼠-Though I dont like mice,I like this mouse very much.,Wise yixiu聪明的一休,Sailor Moon美少女战士-Beautiful and clever girls,Ultraman 奥特曼,His duty is fighting little monsters(怪兽),Calabash Brothers 葫芦兄弟,Who on the earth can forget it?,In addition to those fantastic things,we may also went through some unpleasant matters.For instance,when we were in school,separation from parents might cause anxiety and unhappiness.And as we got older,academic and social pressures-especially the quest(追求)to fit in-could also create some stress.,Though we may went through some unpleasant matters,but I must say,Childhood is colorfulChildhood is a precious memoryChildhood is a charming mysteryChildhood is a valuable giftChildhood reminded me of the great joys in the old days,那一段时光是我们的人生之初.我们的一切思想和感情,都是在童年的沃土上扎根开花的。That period of time is the beginning of our lives.It leaves us so many things different and precious.All our thoughts and feelings are rooted in the fertile soil.,童年永远躲在你抓不到它的地方,它像一个顽皮的精灵不时从你眼皮底下冒出来,惹你情思绵绵遐想无限 Childhood always hides in the place where you can not find it.It likes a naughty elf appearing time to time from your eyes.Making you mind seeing endless and unlimited.,童年黑板上老师的粉笔还在拼命唧唧喳喳写个不停等待着下课 等待着放学等待游戏的童年,Days on my pastI recall when I was young,I will play and always having fun with the neighbor next to me And well play until the setting sun,总是要等到睡觉前才知道功课只做了一点点总是要等到考试后才知道该念的书都没有念一寸光阴一寸金老师说过寸金难买寸光阴一天又一天 一年又一年迷迷糊糊地童年,Few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time Always day dreaming in the class Till I dont even know the lessons done Then my teacher always tell me never be lazy again what can I do now What can I say now Those were the days of m my past,多少的日子里总是一个人面对着天空发呆就这么好奇就这么幻想这么孤单的童年盼望着假期 盼望着明天盼望长大的童年,Then once day I settled down with the only one I really love Having a small family with two kid that is what Im always hoping for But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friend Those were the days of my past,Sometimes,a single sign can rejuvenate(复原)our memory.Sometimes,a faded(褪色的)picture can accumulate(积攒)a tear on the corner of our eyes.,In some cases,it can not be recalled because thinking more about it may make you suddenly burst into tears.The olden days that belong to us are gone,but something indelible(难忘的)has rooted in each of us.,One day maybe all of us will have a child,so,what childhood do you expect to create for your child?And what kind of parent do you want to be?,I recall when I was young OH,I will play and always having fun with the neighbor next to me And well play until the setting sun try to be The best among the others in a game call the“Spider battle”It doesnt matter,who is the best how those were the days of my past,Days on my past(童年),few years later when I got to school and was late for lesson all the time Always day dreaming in the class till I dont even know the lessons done Then my teacher always tell me never ever be lazy again what can I do now What can I say now Those were the days of my past,As the days go on and on I grew up and had my first love candle light and sandy beach finally give away my first kiss mother said I was too young to fall in love and then I will one day regret so love was over but I do miss her those were the days of my past,just when I left my high school and got my first job as a salesmen working hard all day and night no one there to lend me a help.father told me not to worry and said that I should go on step by step what can I say now what can I do now those were the days of my past,then once day I settled down with the only one I really love a small family with two kid that is what Im always hoping for But I still remember having fun with all my friends when I was young I miss my hometown I miss my old friendsThose were the days of my past,The end Thank you!今天,正流逝着明天,将要被结束不会结束的,是昨天,此片仅纪念我们逝去的童年时光让我们珍惜现在,展望未来。向上吧,我的伙伴们!,


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