Lesson One Where Do We Go From Here?,HighlightsReview,1:倍数表达,When we view the negative experiences of life,the Negro has a double share.There are twice as many unemployed.The rate of infant mortality among Negroes is double that of whites there are twice as many Negroes dying in Vietnam as whites in proportion to their size in the population.One twentieth as many Negroes as whites attend college.(parag.2),4 semiotics,Semiotics:a general philosophical theory of signs and symbols that deals especially with their function in both artificially constructed and natural languages and comprises syntactics,semantics,and pragmatics,4:semiotics,Semantics:The study or science of meaning in language forms 语义学Syntactics:The study of the rules whereby words or other elements of sentence structure are combined to form grammatical sentences 句法Pragmatics:The study of language as it is used in a social context and affects the interlocutors and their behavior 语用学,4:Rogets Thesaurus,thesaurus:A book of synonyms,often including related and contrasting words and antonyms 同类词汇编,4:white and black,White lie is a set phrase,meaning a lie concerning a trivial matter,often one told to spare someones feelings.Black lie is coined by the speaker playing on the earlier mentioned definition of black by Rngets Thesaurus.black sheep:a family member shunned because of disreputable behavior 败家子,4:antonyms,Despise(look down upon)Adore(honor highly)Superiority inferiority,6:confrontation,the forces of power demanding changeIt indicates black peoples fighting,the forces of power dedicated to the preserving of the status quoIt indicates the white supremacists containing black peoples fighting,7 have problems with power,LoveOn the one hand,we arepreachers of Gods teachings,of love and peace;we have moral beliefs and concerns,PowerOne the other hand,the common concept of power is force,physical force.,These two things have been contrasted as polar opposites.That is why preachershave problems with power,7:Polar opposites,Some of our philosophers misinterpretation(off base:mistaken),Love:Resignation or giving Up of power,Power:Denial of love,8 Misinterpretation of power and love,But the truth is:power without love is reckless and abusive,and love without power is sentimental and anemic.(antithesis),Nietzsches will to power,Rejection of love,Theologians love,rejection of the will to power,8:proper understanding:integration/compatibility,Power at its best is love implementing the demands of justice,and justice at its best is power correcting everything that stands against love.Translate?,8,权力实施正义之要求,其至善在于为了仁爱;正义荡除仁爱之阻力,其至善在于拥有权力。devoid of:without,9:Chiasmus,kaizms 交错配列A device that consists of two balanced statements,the second of which reverses the order of the words in the first,with or without a repetition of wordsE.g.Collision of immoral power with powerless morality 邪恶的权力与无力的道义之冲突 We live to eat,not eat to live.He was an angel on the surface,but at heart a knave(流氓).,12,事实上,人们改善人类生存条件,传播知识、增强实力、丰富文学以及升华思想,所有这些事情并不是为了谋生。受制于活计、工头或动物本能的奴隶是不会做这些事情的。只有人,找到了某种工作的人,工作带来了生存的安全,工作使他的生活不再匮乏,这样的人才会从事有利于人类福祉的事业!,13,这样的工作可以大规模的增加。与其先解决住房和教育问题再来消灭贫困,还不如先废除贫困。人们会发现,有了钱,住房和教育自然会得到改善。,17 such as,引导从句:such as(+S)+VWe had hoped to give you a chance such as nobody else ever had.It is the purpose of this article to furnish information such as is not furnished by 99%of the newspapers in the United States.,18,paralleled paradoxes:Without recognizing this we will end up with solutions that dont solve,answers that dont answer and explanations that dont explain.,19 Parallelism,I am concerned about a better world.Im concerned about justice.Im concerned about brotherhood.Im concerned about truth.And when one is concerned about these,he can never advocate violence.,19 Antithesis,For through violence you may murder a murderer but you cant murder murder.Through violence you may murder a liar but you cant establish truth.Through violence you may murder a hater,but you cant murder hate.Darkness cannot put out darkness.Only light can do that.,20 Parallelism and climax,And I have seen too much hate.Ive seen too much hate on the faces of sheriffs in the South.Ive seen hate on the faces of too many Klansmen and too many White Citizens Councilors in the South to want to hate myself,Rhetorical devices in 25,(1)Parallel structure:11 sentences beginning with let us be dissatisfied until and two short sentences of let us be dissatisfied“(2)Antithesis:a)outer city of wealth and comfort vs.inner city of poverty and despair b)dark yesterdays vs.bright tomorrows;C)on the basis of the content of their character vs on the basis of the color of their skin,Rhetorical devices in 25,(3)Metaphors and Similes:the battering rams of the forces of justice;the junk heaps of history;justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream,Rhetorical devices in 25,(4)biblical allusion:when the lion and the lamb shall lie down together every man will sit under his own vine and fig tree and none shall be afraid(5)Anaphora(nfr 首语重复法):the rhetorical device of repeating a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses or sentences,Rhetorical devices in 25,(6)Transferred epithet:Tragic walls(7)synecdoche:Let us be dissatisfied until from every city hall,justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.(municipal government)(8)alliteration:And the lion and the lamb shall lie down together,Synecdoche(提喻法),The substitution of the part for the wholeOr the whole for the partName of material for the thing madeThe container for the thing contained or vice versaThe thing worn the wearerE.g.:,Synecdoche(提喻法),They are short of hands at harvest time.He paid the workers$5 per head.Yet there were some stout hearts who attempted resistance.There is bread and work for all.Then he cut me open and took out the appendix and stitched me up again.,Synecdoche(提喻法),He walked the boards for a living.(the stage)She was dressed in silks and satins.(dresses made of silk and satin)Cotton suits you.(garments made of cotton)The kettle is boiling.(water in the kettle),Synecdoche(提喻法),I arrived at the school just three feet tall and fatly wrapped in my scarves.The playground roared like a rodeo(竞技会),Old boots,ragged stockings,torn trousers and skirts,went skating and skidding around.,25:a high blood pressure of creeds and an anemia of deeds,Creed:a statement of belief,principles,or opinions on any subject 信条Translate the whole sentence?让我们心怀不满,一直到美国的顽症信条上是高血压、行动上是贫血症康复的那一天,25:white power”and black power,White power refers to the view of white supremacists.These people think the whites are superior racially and they should control power and run the country.They oppose desegregation and the Civil Rights movement.Black power:see Note 23,26 antithesis,when the buoyancy of hope will be transformed into the fatigue of despair.Translate?希望之轻松愉快将变成绝望之筋疲力尽,26:v-n collocation,Our dreams will sometimes be shattered and our ethereal hopes blasted.ethereal hopes:崇高的希望Blast:destroy by using explosives,27:When our days become dreary,1.Metaphor:low-hovering clouds of despair;gigantic mountains of evil2.Antithesis:dark yesterday vs.bright tomorrow3.Paradox:a statement that appears to be logically contradictory and yet may be true,the purpose of which is to provoke fresh thought.to make a way out of no wayTranslate this sentence?,当绝望的阴云密布,日子变得阴郁无望,当夜晚变得比一千个深夜还要黑暗,让我们谨记:天地之间有一种创造之力,能摧毁罪恶的高山,在无路之处开凿坦途,能把黑暗的昨天幻化为光辉灿烂的明天。我们要懂得道义的苍穹长又长,但它终将落向正义。,Proverb,As a man sows,so he shall reap.,