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    Economic Development and Environment,1、Intruduce,To develop the economy,but also protect the environment,which can balance the two?It can be said that the premise of limited resources,human survival and environmental protection and economic development,at least in the short term Cun Zai Zhe between the contradictions.,2、situation,The development of mankind itself has long been confined to areas of economic development,and economic development of the natural environment and natural resources to rely on the support of the productive forces,and inevitably the quality of the environment have a negative impact.Half of the 20th century,the development of humanity has been a global threat to the environment for the survival of human beings.,3、QuestionResource crisis,Oil resources will be exhausted within a generation.Its reserves are not unlimited,easily exploited reserves has been little development of the remaining reserves of more and more difficult to continue to develop to some extent lose value,the energy crisis occurred.,Although coal than oil,but not inexhaustible.Instead of oil and other energy resources,in addition to coal,the large-scale use,little can.Although the inexhaustible solar energy,but too costly and time in a generation able to rapidly develop and widely used.Other new energy sources is also true.,Forest resources is the main advantage of the resources of the human.Rapid economic development the worlds forests in the larger environment is a lot of development.Forest resources to reduce the influence by many factors,but lead to reduction of forest area is the most important factor is the development of forest production of wood and forest products.,Fracture of roots,Such a large root,Since a large number of consumer consumption of wood and forest products,thus reducing the global forest area is not only a countrys internal problems,it has become an international issue.,There is no doubt that developed countries are the largest group of timber consumption.Of course,part of the wood consumption in developing countries should not be ignored.,ProblemEnvironmental Pollution,Economic development led to extensive use of energy,it brings mankind civilization and prosperity,but also the survival of the human environment to a great disaster.,Acid Rain,Heavy use of energy to enhance the human material,but also caused unexpected disaster,the second cause of acid rain damage,almost all over the world great harm.,what a poor fish,Some people think that acid rain is a silent crisis,but also the history of the impact of our most serious environmental threat,is an invisible enemy too.This is not alarmist.,II.Greenhouse effect,There is no doubt global warming is a fact.Global warming is very serious consequences,such as glaciers melt,sea level rise,desertification,to the ecological system and the serious impact on agricultural production.,A desperate look,Come on!Lets do our best to protect our environment and make it more beautiful!,


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