汉英翻译技巧 宏观处理策略,Richie,主谓中心词前置,修饰语后置修饰语重新排序转译修饰与转移否定,语序的转换移译法,汉语中心词之前、或主谓之间经常有很长的修饰语,而在英语中较长的状语或定语往往出现在中心词之后。英语更注重句子结构的平衡,忌讳出现头重脚轻、两头小中间大的畸形句子,因此,翻译时常常需要把主谓中心词提前、修饰语挪后。请告知我们平安险和水渍险的保险费率。Please give us the policy rate for F.P.A Coverage and for W.P.A.Coverage.(名词中心词置于定语之后),主谓中心词前置,修饰语后置,如蒙赐寄有关公司信誉及财务状况之意见,我们将不胜感激。We should be obliged if you could let us have your opinion on our reputation and financial standing.(主谓中心词前置,条件状语后置)该公司在美国10个主要城市设有办事处。The company operates branch offices in 10 American major cities.(谓语前置,地点状语后置),值得注意的是:并不是所有的修饰语都需要后置。有时为了强调,或者一个句子含有多个状语,可以把一两个重要的状语置于句首,其余的状语后置。有些状语倘若很短,往往夹在主谓之间。由于装运严重缺位,不到9月28日不能运送这些货物。Due to a serious shortage of shipping space,we cannot deliver these goods until September 28.这篇文章写得好。This article is well written.,英语状语的排列顺序:评论性状语 方式状语 地点状语 时间状语,而且时间状语与地点状语内部成分常常由小到大排列。但汉译英时可以把过于简短的状语置于其他状语之前,为了强调某一状语,可以违反正常语序,将其提前或挪后。谨定于7月10日下午2点整在学校办公大楼306室召开系主任大会。Please be informed that all the deans are to have a meeting at Room 306 in the office building at 2:00 p.m.,June 10.,修饰语重新排序,坦白地说,一年前我还只会凑合讲两句英语。Frankly speaking,I could speak English after a fashion a year ago.该书的作者1956年出生在陕西省西安市一个偏僻的小山村。The author of the book was born in 1956 in a faraway village of Xian City,Shanxi Province.,汉语中定语顺序先笼统后具体。英语是越能说明该名词中心词性质的定语就越靠近该中心词,与汉语考虑的角度并不完全相同,它的大致顺序是一般描绘 大小、长短、高低 形状 年龄、新旧 颜色 国别、地区、出处 物质、材料 用途、类别。这是一件漂亮的中国景泰蓝圆瓶。This is a very attractive round Chinese cloisonn vase.这种供人生吃的酸青苹果口感很好、营养丰富。The sour green eating apples are delicious and nutritious.,在汉语原文中,修饰语所修饰的对象与否定词所否定的范围在翻译成英语时发生了变化,转移到另一个对象或范围,这也是两种语言习惯的差异造成的。一颗昂贵的钻石,换来一颗宝贵的爱心。A valuable piece of diamond can exchange for a precious heart of love.我们会进一步采取措施控制污染物的排放量。We shall take further measures to control the amount of pollutants.,转移修饰与转译否定,合译法分译法,句子的组合合译法与分译法,根据语义,将数句浓缩为一句欲知详情,请垂询Aramis专柜。Get the full facts at the Aramis Counter.由于业务繁忙,我难以按原计划访问贵公司。My tight schedule of business duties will not permit me to visit your company as planned.,合译法,利用并列连词and,so,but,or 或从属连词as,before,though等将数句连接成一句。使我们的服务尽可能完善是我们一贯的努力。任何错误不管多么微小,我们都能密切注意。It is our constant endeavor to make our service as nearly perfect as possible and no mistake is too small to receive our closest attention.,以一两个句子为主句,将其他句子降格为非谓语动词短语、介词短语、同位语等,成为该句的某一成分,从而将数句合译成一句。中国是个大国,80%的人口从事农业,但耕地只占土地面积的1/10,其余为山脉、森林、城镇和其他用地。China is a large country with four-fifths of the population engaged in agriculture,but only one tenth of the land is farmland,the rest being mountain,forest or put to urban and other uses.,这种床垫工艺先进、结构新颖、造型美观、款式多样、舒适大方、携带方便。The technological design of the bed cushion is advanced with novel structure,beautiful shape and various patterns.They are comfortable and convenient to carry.,分译法,接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发财计划,当然也不能算是生产的计划。He went on indulging in wishful thinking.Chickens would breed more chickens.Selling them would bring him more money.With this he could buy cows.The cows could breed too and selling oxen would become a moneylender.Such a succession of steps for getting rich,of course,had nothing at all to do with production.,零主语句子译法1.补全主语晚上12点半了,该打烊了。It is half past twelve.Its time to have business closed today.,翻译实践小技巧,2.在外贸函电中,作者往往省略第一人称,以示尊敬,或者根据上下文提示,省略主语,使行文更为洗练,而在英语译文中,一般需要补充出来,使句子结构完整。兹欣奉告,应贵公司要求,于此附上报价单No.X158,以供参考。To comply with your request,we are submitting our Quotation No.X-15-8 for your consideration.,译成被动态早上7点半到8点半旅馆有早餐供应,但需凭票就餐。Breakfast is served at 7:30-8:30 at the hotel to those who produce tickets.,增补礼貌用语请允许我介绍一下约翰先生。May I introduce Johnson?谨以此确认我今晨的口头订货。I have much pleasure in informing my verbal order of this morning.,回译克隆 clone 奔五 Pentium 5酷 cool 规模经济 scale of economy情报门 information-gate 峰会 summit conference,新词处理,直译三个代表“three represents”theory希望工程 Project Hope西部大开发 Western China Development,意译亲爱的夕阳红朋友们,加入我们的高尔夫球队吧。Join our golf team,dear friends of the senior age.政府正采取新一轮的扫黄打非行动。The government are taking another action to curb the erotic and trafficking offences.,直译加注无论中国如何发展,“五讲四美三热爱”都是对学生进行思想教育的重要内容。However may China develop,it is vital to offer the students with the ideological education of five advocates,four virtues and three devotions.Note:five advocates:advocate civilization,politeness,learning,discipline,and health,马加爵现象值得我们进行深层次研究。The Ma-jiajue phenomenon is worth a deep study.Note:the Ma-jiajue phenomenon originated from a 4-person manslaughter committed by Ma Jiajue.,别去找他,他是个典型的妻管严。Dont ask him for he is typically hen-pecked.在中国改革开放刚刚起步的时候,许多富有创新精神的机关干部与教师停薪留职、下海捞金。During the first years of adoption of reform and open policy,a large number of innovative government officials and teachers suspend their work and wages on the staff and try a fortune by doing businesses in China.,汉文化特色词汇的处理,他三下五去二,吃完早餐,就匆匆忙忙上班去了。He swallowed breakfast and then hurried to work.作为现代企业家,光按部就班、循规蹈矩是不行的,必须开拓进取、敢为人先。As a contemporary entrepreneur,he should possess the pioneering and challenging spirit to act before others instead of restricting himself to stereotyped ways of thinking and routine practice.,努力促进两岸“三通”,推动祖国和平统一大业。Efforts will be made to promote direct links in postal service,air and shipping services,and trade between two sides of the Taiwan Straits,so as to promote the peaceful reunification of the motherland.谢晋是中国著名的老电影导演。Xie Jin is an old famous Chinese film director.,Ex。指出下列汉英翻译的翻译技巧,目前世界市场已发生了很大变化,我国价格也有调整,因此无法按合同原价供应。As the situation stands,great changes have taken place in the world market,and the price of goods have been adjusted.We find ourselves not in a position to supply with you the goods according to the price as contracted.,为销售日本商品,特在本市开业,专营日货业务,特此奉告。We have much pleasure in announcing that we have established ourselves in this city as Commission Agents and Merchants for the sale of Japanese goods.,海河边的天津“三绝”之一是桂发祥的十八街大麻花。One of the“Three Uniques”three snacksof Tianjin located by the Haihe River is the big mahua(fried dough twists),which was first developed by a Liu family in the Shibajie(the 18th street)in the early 1900s.Now the proprietor and operator of the food is the Gui Fa Xiang company,Tianjin.,并非每个人都可当作家。Every person cannot be a writer.我们将对伪劣产品进行明察暗访。We will conduct watchdog surveys for shoddy products.一些经营不善的国有企业已经进行了关、停、并、转。Some state-owned enterprises have been rationalized.,卢沟桥(回译)夫妻店(套译)害群之马(套译)浑水摸鱼(直译)杞人忧天(意译)麻婆豆腐(意译加注释)美国著名的老作家(移译)由于交货日期临近,谨请贵方尽快开立信用证。(被动)我认为,你我双方各自坚持自己的条件是不明智的。(移译)塞翁失马,焉知非福(意译),Translate:,