Translation of CST,科技汉语的翻译,Features of Vocabulary and translation,1.Translation of Professional Terms(1)高清晰度电视:high-definition television(2)温室效应:the greenhouse effect(3)克隆技术:cloning technology(4)纳米技术:nanometer technology,5)快把他送到医院急救。Rush him to hospital for emergency treatment.6)直线被称作是一维的。A line is said to have one dimension.,5)医生摸脉之后,宣布他已经脱离危险。The doctor,having felt his pulse,pronounced him out of danger.6)针灸:acupuncture7)阴阳:Yin-Yang(Yin Yang,in Chinese medicine,are the two forces which both oppose and complement each other,with the former indicating feminine and negative and the latter masculine and positive.),1)到了2050年左右,土壤中细菌的碳的释放量有可能大于林木的吸收量,地球会加速变暖。Around 2050,_released from the soil by bacteria would be greater than the amount soaked up by trees,and _would be accelerated.,2)在无模型的情况下进行试验。The test is _without_.3)大气中的臭氧层保护地球免受太阳的有害辐射。_in the atmosphere protects earth from _.,4)悬浮液是一种混合物,如果让它静止,它就会发生分离。_is a _that will_ if left to stand.5)流沙的运动与太阳上的自然爆炸存在共性。There are _between _and _on the sun.,2 Translation of sentences,2.1 Tense Present tense(1)声音以光波的形式在空气中传播。Sound travels through the air in waves.Future tense(2)电子产品在不远的将来将会越来越普及。Electronic products will become more and more popular in the near future.,The present perfect tense9.11恐怖分子的袭击对全球经济产生深刻的影响。The September 11 terrorist attacks have caused great impact on the global economy.,The past tense在古代,人们认为地球是宇宙的中心。In ancient times,people thought that the earth was the center of the universe,2.2 passive voice(1)自动生产线工作正常。The automatic production line is found in proper operation.(2)自从采用数控以来,生产效率大大提高了。Since numerical control was applied to machine tools,the productivity has been raised greatly.,(3)它只是星际空间的一块岩石,受火星引力作用而被吸引住,并沿着轨道环绕火星运动。It is a space rock captured and held in orbit by the gravity force of Mars.,(4)大家都知道,人体能产生微弱的磁场。Weak magnetic fields are known to come from the human body.(5)我们知道,卡路里(calorie)是指食物供给身体的热量单位。,(6)为了取代那些燃料,我们应较多利用太阳能与风能来提供电力、热能和运输的动力。,It is believed that.It is considered that,2.3 Nominalization(行文简洁,表达客观,内容确切,负载信息量大)1)电视通过无线电波发射和接受活动物体的图像。Television is the transmission and reception of images of moving objects by radio waves.,2.4 The confirmation of Subject遵循三个习惯符合英语国家人的语言习惯符合英语国家人的思维习惯主语必须符合句中的逻辑关系,符合英语国家人的语言习惯(1)在这个季节经常有雨。It rains a lot during this season(2)地球完成一次自传需要23小时56分4秒多。,符合英语国家人的思维习惯(1)人们对这种情况有各种各样的描述,有的说是“好心的遗忘”,有的说是“逃避现实的疗法”。This condition has been described as anything from“merciful loss of memory”to“escapist therapy”.,(2)但是居然过了30年才出现适用的仪器让我们对之进行系统和细微的考查。But 30 years were to elapse before suitable instruments were available to allow a detailed and systematic investigation.,2.4.3 主语必须符合句中的逻辑关系(1)比目鱼的营养价值和经济价值高,生长快,适应于养殖环境,是颇有养殖前景的鱼类。The turbot shows considerable promise as a species for marine culture because of its high value nutritionally and economically,rapid growth rate and ready adaptation to the fish farm environment.,(2)在大规模培养(mass culture)时,轮虫(rotifer)种群生长会出现滞后期,人们往往朝培养液中添加营养物质,这是非常有效的。Nutritional substance is most effective when added to rotifer cultures fluid at the lag phase of growth in mass culture.,2.5 Conversion of Part of Speech(1)新型液晶的特点是工作温度范围广,工作电压低和可靠性。The new liquid crystals _wide working temperature,low operation voltage and high reliability.,(2)随着大规模集成电路的出现,电子工业在60年代取得了巨大的进展。_saw the great advance in electronics industry with the emergence of the large-scale integrated circuits.,(3)当今世界科学技术正在迅速发展。The modern world is experiencing _of science and technology.,2.6 The use of adverbial/attributive clause(to make original meaning clearer and more specific to the readers)(1)电能通过输电线送到需要的地方。Through Power lines,electricity power goes _.(adverbial clause),(2)冬眠动物保存能量的习性胜过不冬眠的动物。Animals _ practice energy conservation to a greater extent than those_,2.7 The use of inversion(1)后来,微型计算机发展起来了。Then _of the micro-computer.(2)这样管中就此产生了或多或少的稳定的水流。There _in this way a more or less steady stream of water through the pipe.,2.8 The Translation of Numeral1)A 比B 多 N 倍数A is(N+1)times more than B2)A 比 B(重,大,高,宽,亮,长。)n倍A is(n+1)times+heavier/greater/taller/wider/brighter/longer than B,A is(n+1)times as heavy/great/tall/wide/bright/long as B3 A 比B 增多了n倍A increase(ed)by(n+1)times compared with B,4 A 的(能量)是B的N倍A+is+N times+B,1)表层的粒子数比表壳下的粒子数多2倍 2)这一距离比前者长7倍3)一个人在月球上所能举起的重物要比他在地球上所能举起的最重的物体重5 倍。4)车祸比六十年代增多了1.5倍。5)撞击强度(the intensity of the impact)是动量变化(momentum change)的11倍。,3 About Abstract,关于科技论文摘要的语言特点:(P254)(1)The author(or writer)of this article(paper、dissertation、thesis)reviews(discusses、tries to describe、explores、deal with、summarizes、gives an account of、etc.)something(2)The aim(purpose、objective)of this article is to determine(explore、review)sth,(3)problem ofis discussed(researched、investigated、analyzed、evaluated、assessed、reported)(4)The method(theoretical foundation、experimental scheme、modification to、algorithm)is discussed(suggested、proposed、presented、developed),例1:本文就驻波中的微分子之间相互作用所带来的影响提供了一种全新的理论和试验相结合的观测方法。The author presents some new observations both theoretical and experimental concerning the effect of the mutual interaction between microsized particles in a standing waves.,关于结论的建议有如下格式:1 The author suggests(recommends、concludes)that2 This article shows that3 The authors suggestion(conclusion)is that4 The author finds(considers、seems)it necessary to,结论结果比较:1 These results are(quite)consistent with the original hypothesis.2 These results provide substantial evidence for3 These experimental results support the original hypothesis that5 The experimental and theoretical values agree quite well.6 The result observed in our study are better than those reported by howell(1996)。,Translation practice,你的头发可以透露一些关于你健康的情况。就像分析血样和尿样一样,头发的研究可以带来一些医学方面的信息。通过分析头发,内科医生可以判断出你是否受到环境的污染、甚至通过此分析,可以判断出你的饮食,诊断一些疾病,以及对于你从疾病恢复时的状况加以监控。The hair on your head may give you a clue to your health.Like the blood and urine analyses,Studies of hair can provide useful medical information.With hair analysis,Physicians can tell if you have been affected by environmental pollution.They can also check your diet,diagnose some diseases,and monitor recovery from them.,头发获取简单,保存方便。更重要的是。研究人员在分析毛发,尤其是毛发中的微量元素的技术上取得长足的进步,手段多样。研究人员发现在毛发中聚集的微量元素比在血液中和尿液中的微量元素高9倍。Hair is easy to collect and convenient to store.More importantly,researchers have developed a number of techniques for analyzing hair,particularly for trace elements.Researchers have found that the trace elements in hair are 10 times more/higher than those found in blood or urine.,