普通微生物学,(General Microbiology)同济大学生命科学与技术学院School of Life Science&Technology 张梦杰,Schedule of Microbiology,Academic unit:2 credit hours/week 17 weeksPractical unit:3credit hours/two weeks(odd week)6 weeks Room:Medical building 1206 references:微生物学,沈萍主编,高等教育出版社Microbiology fifth edition,Prescott,Harley,KleinWebsite:,Chapter:Introduction to Microbiology,1.microorganisms and Microbiology,Microorganisms(微生物)are not equal to germs(病菌).What is Microorganism?Microorganismsvery tiny life forms,most of them cannot be seen without magnification Microbiology(微生物学)the science deals with microorganisms Basic aspect Applied aspect,Including:Bacteria(细菌),Fungi(真菌),Algae(藻类),Protozoa(原生动物)and Viruses(病毒)Micrometer(m,微米)is always used to describe the size of microorganisms.Microscope(显微镜)is always used to observe individual microorganism.,The discovery of microorganismsDiseases-invisible living creaturesThe conflict over spontaneous generation(自然发生学说)-living organisms could develop from nonliving matter Italian physician Francesco Redi meat-maggors?3 containers fine gauze:flies lay eggs on the gauze uncovered:lay eggs on the meat paper,The scientific method,Problem,Develop hypothesis,Select information needed to test hypothesis,Collect information by observation or experiment,Analyze information,falsification,Hypothesis supported,Hypothesis rejected,Construct new hypothesis,Expose to more tests,Eventual falsification,Develop new hypothesis incorporating strong points of old hypothesis,Control group,2.Importance of Microorganisms to Humankind,The Total of bacteria in soil:10034 10 12 ton;,on the surface of money:9 million;,human skin:100 thousand/cm2;mouth:500 kinds;intestines:total 1015,1)benefits of Microorganisms,Many microorganisms benefit humans,producing foods we eat,removing wastes we produce,and making antibiotics(抗生素)and vaccines(疫苗)for use in medicine.Microorganisms are essential for maintaining the balance of nature and sustaining life on earth.Which other benefits do microorganisms have?,Wine production,Wine and beer production,Beer fermentation,Mushroom culture,Waste water treatment with microorganism,Methane production,2)Microorganisms and Disease,The reduced impact on humankind of diseases caused by microorganisms is due in part to advances in our scientific knowledge of microorganisms and their interactions with human.Vaccines(疫苗)and Antibiotics(抗生素)The battle between humans and microorganisms will continueEnemies or friends?,Mortality due to different diseases in 1900 and 1990s,Chicken pox(水痘),Measles(麻疹),Smallpox(天花),Colorized micrograph of the human immunodeficiency virus(HIV),that cause AIDS,on the surface of a cell,Coronavirus(冠状病毒)that cause SARS,Avian influenza virus(禽流感病毒),Streptococcus suis(猪链球菌)that can cause death on both pigs and human beings,Distribution of HIV/AIDS patients,Spoilage of dairy,Spoilage of food,3.Historical Perspective stage:Discovery of Microorganisms,Leeuwenhoek(列文虎克;吕文虎克)of Holland invented the first microscope and made the first recorded observation of bacteria in 1670.,Leeuwenhoeks microscopes and his sketches of bacteria,Louis Pasteur&Robert Koch a.Pasteur,Louis Pasteur(18221895),stage:experimental stage,Spontaneous generation of microorganisms?,b.Koch,Robert Koch(18431910),discovery of antibiotics:,1929 Fleming:discovery of penicillin1940 Florey:purification of penicillinImmunological studiesPasteur-chicken cholera(霍乱),stage:development,Main Branches of Microbiology,stage:modern microbiology,4.classifications and characteristics,1)classifications,microorganism,Acellular:virus,Prokaryotic:Eubacteria(真细菌)Archaebacteria(古细菌),Cellular:Eukaryotic:Fungi(真菌)Algae(藻类)Protozoa(原生动物),2)Characteristics,simple structure,tiny size:measure unit:m or nmaverage length of rod:2 m;1500 rod bacteria=the length of a sesamethe ratio of surface area to volume(SA/V)of microorganism is larger than other organism.acellular(virus);unicellular;multicellular,strong digestion and transformation various ways to acquire nutrition the source of the nutrition to micoorganisms:cellulose,lignose,keratin,oil,methanol,methane,plastic,many organic compounds,quickly reproduce,easily culture Each E.Coli:10 12 grams,20 minutes/generation after 24 hours:4.71022 cells,the weight is 4722 tons after 48 hours:2.2 10 43 cells,the weight is 2.2 1025 tons=4000 times of the weight of the Globe!Many microorganisms can be easily cultured in labs!,strong resist bad environments,high mutationExtreme environment:high temperature,low T,high pressureHigh mutation to survive:,突变率:10-5,Lot mutations in short time,Production of Penicillin:,20 U/ml(1943),10000 U/ml,Dosage of Penicillin:,最高:10 5U/day(40s),数百万-千万单位/次,broad distribution Soil,water,air,on the surface of animals and plants and so on 1020 104 species have been confirmed,only occupy 1%of the total Various metabolic products;diversity of physiology(生理);morphology(形态学);genetics(遗传);and so on,级界宽:,Five-kingdom classification system proposed by Whittaker,photosynthesis absorption ingestion(光合作用)(吸收)(摄食),Five-kingdom classifica-tion system multicellular eukaryotes unicellular eukaryotes prokaryotes,级界宽:,5.Prospects of Microbiology in the 21 century,more interactions with other disciplines,the tool to accelerate the pace of genomics,the tool to discover the essential of life:,To stimulate the industrialization of microbiology,6.how to study Microbiology,more practices learn the importance of Microbiology to other subjects review be familiar with the advanced development in this subject,