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    Unit1 Communication Part1-Greeting-phatic communication,Fossil man,Dialogue 1,A:Hi,Susan!Hows it going?B:Well,I am still alive and kicking.A:Are you leaving for America soon?B:I guess so.Perhaps next Monday.,Dialogue 2,A:How are you getting along?I havent seen much of you lately.B:Keeping busy.A:Doing what?B:I am supposed to give my oral defense tomorrow.A:Well,keeping busy before oral defense is all in the days work.,Be all in the days work.,Kind of humorous expression Usual Not strangeEg:to anyone working in a hotel,angry complaints from guests are all in a days work.,Dialogue 3,A:Look,who is here!B:Jack,fancy meeting you here.A:Mr.Parker,what a small world!B:Boy,I am glad to see you again!A:Me too.Its been almost 10 years since we last met in Chicago.B:Yeah,how time flies!How are you these years?A:Couldnt be better.And how about you?B:Just so-so.,fancy meeting you here,Its a small worldWhat a small world Amazing What a surpriseYours is the last face I would have expected to see here.,Dialogue 4,A:What a pleasant surprise running into you.B:Same here.A:Where have you been hiding lately?B:I moved to London.A:Oh,really?Ive been thinking about you recently.Lets talk over coffee.B:Great!We are rolling.,running into you,Come acrossBump intoSometimes,we can say,“where have you been fooling around?”,Dialogue 5,A:Have a nice weekend!B:Thanks.You too!A:Do you have any plans?B:Another day,another dollar.,Put in part B,1.A:How are you?B:_2.A:How is it going?B:_3.A:How is everything?B:_4.A:How is your business?B:_5.A:Whats the hurry?B:_,Sample,1.A:How are you?B:Pretty good!2.A:How is it going?B:Nothing much.3.A:How is everything?B:Same as usual.4.A:How is your business?B:Not bad.5.A:Whats the hurry?B:Hey,fancy meeting you here.I am going to be late for class.,Put in part A,6.A:_ B:Nothing in particular.7.A:_ B:Another day,another dollar.,Sample,A:How are you doing?B:Nothing in particular.7.A:How are you doing?B:Another day,another dollar.,Describe the situation for the following dialogues,8.Where have you been fooling around?9.It is a small world.10.Being nervous in interviews is all in a days work.11.I came across a former primary schoolmate in the supermarket.12.He seems stout,but far from being clumsy.13.You are the same old Linda,arent you?14.Its been so long.15.Wish you a happy birthday and many happy returns of the day.,Break the ice,May I have your name,please?/How do I address you?Where are you working now?May I ask where you are from?Is this your first trip to China?/Have you ever been to China?How do you like China so far?/Whats your impression of China?What do you think of China?/What impressed you the most about Shanghai?,Proper way to begin your communication,最常见的说法是how are you doing?前面加上对方的名字,可以说hey Matt,how r u doing?一般来说hey显得比较亲近,而hi就比较生疏一些,不过也更加礼貌一些。这时候回答可以说:Im good或者更加省略地说good,说完之后可以反问how are u doing?如果想要和别人交朋友,一定要反问,不要只回答一下就算了。同样回答别人的问题 的时候,也不要只说一个yes 或者 no否则别人会觉得你有不是很想要搭理的意思。,Some other expressions,也有另外的说法,比如hows everything 或者 hows the day goes?这些并不那么顺口,但是也时时可以听到。回答hows everything可以说good 或者not bad。回答hows the day goes可以说smooth或者pretty good。比较随意。有时候也可能会听到good day作为开门见山的问候。一般服务生说得很多。这时候可以不用回答,也可以说一声hi之后就告诉对方需要办什么事情。,如果对方介绍你和某人认识,可以在握手的时候说出自己的名字。比如Tim和James认识了,两个人握手的时候只要说Time和James就算介绍了。然后可以说how are u doing之类的来问候,也可以省略不说。当要道别的时候,可以说:James,i gotta go.nice meeting you或者nice talking to you。然后可以加上一些寒暄的话,比如have a nice day或者take care.have a nice day简直可以算得上北美最流行的道别寒暄了。几乎任何场合任何时间都可以用。当然如果天很晚了,也可以改成have a good night,但是基本上没有必要区分的那么清楚。,用英语与客户寒暄-握手,初次见面,一般采用握手的礼节。握手者双目注视对方,微笑,问候,致意,不要看第三者或显得心不在焉。除了关系亲近的人可以长久地把手握在一起外,一般都是握一下即可。上下级之间,上级伸手后,下级才能接握;主人与客人之间,主人宜主动伸手;男女之间,女方伸手后,男方才能伸手相握;当然,如果男方为长者,则遵照前面所说的方法。,Body language,不要使自己有紧盯或逼视对方的样子,才被认为有礼貌。与人谈话时,不要用手指指人,不宜与对方离得太远或太近。不要过于兴奋,过多的手势会被认为不得体。,Tips,对女士衣饰可予以赞扬,但不要问人家是花多少钱买来的等问题。要牢记对方的姓名和职位。为使交谈进行下去,可以开始纯属交际性的谈话,如天气等,这在很多国家都是可行的。要把在座的每一个人都介绍到。除了介绍名字之外,提供一些个人背景情况,有助于介绍双方进一步交谈。西方人通常不像中国人和日本人那样在介绍时彼此递送名片,他们通常只有在商务活动中才使用名片。,Sample,在下面的对话中,Carol Jacobs 是一家合资公司总部的一名高级主管人员。她出差到了这家公司的亚洲地区分公司(在北京合资)。主管亚洲地区业务的副主席会见了她。David:Good morning,Carol.Its great to see you again.Did you have a good trip over?Carol,Carol:Yes,it was a good flight.I was a little tired yesterday,but Im OK now.David:Great!If youre ready,Id like to introduce you to some of our key personnel.Carol:Lets go.David:Carol,this is Kathy Chen,our Financial Officer.Kathy,Id like you to meet Carol Jacobs.,Carol:Im pleased to meet you,Kathy.Youre doing a great job.The divisions finances are in top shape.Kathy:Thank you,Ms Jacobs.Im happy to meet you,too.David:And this is Ben Guo.Hes in charge of Marketing.Ben,let me introduce Carol Jacobs.,Ben:How do you do,Ms Jacobs?Carol:Its a pleasure to meet you,Ben.So youre the one responsible for those outstanding sales figures Ive seen.Ben:Thank you.I must say I have a great staff.David:I think youll find all of our staff is top-notch.Carol:Im already convinced of that,from the reports Ive seen.Well,Id like to see our manufacturing operation now,if I could.David:Sure thing!Right this way,Free talk,Money and friend,which one is more important?,


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