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    ,Join the zebrafx Community and get 欢迎加入斑马外汇社区 6-in-1一个社区 六大优势,A Partner Career斑马合作伙伴的职业生涯,2,How to Earn from the Internet?如何通过网络赚钱?,What about to earn being a part of the community,which provides you for free all the necessary tools,knowledge and support to achieve your dreams?如果成为社区的一部分又会怎么样呢?这个社区免费为您提供所有必要的工具,知识以及支持,帮您实现梦想。,There are many ways to earn from the Internet:Clicks,Blogging,Web-site Development,Spam,Copywriting,Translating,Polls,Video Editing,Audio Decoding etc.点击量,博客,网站开发,广告邮件,软文,翻译,调查,视频编辑,录音等等,Do you have what it takes?您拥有这些吗?,Requirements Experience 需要经验Resources Elements for success资源成功因素Understanding Skills 理解所需技巧,How?怎么做?,3,Traditionally How Traders Earn?传统的交易员们如何赚钱?,Income 收入,Investments 投资,Investment is Required 需要投资Trading Platform 交易平台Trading Strategy 交易策略Risk and Return 风险以及回报,1,4,Income 收入,Investments 投资,Income 收入,No Investment is Required 无需投资No Trading Platform 无风险No Trading Strategy 无交易策略Risk and Return 风险回报,Partner Back-Office 合作伙伴后台Communication with Clients 跟客户沟通Support and Help 支持帮助Digital Marketing Basics 数字市场基础Offline Marketing 线下的市场推广,Traditionally How IBs Earn?传统IB如何赚钱?,2,5,The zebra Challenge 斑马外汇挑战这个行业的传统,The industry standard split is between Trader/IB/Broker这个市场被清楚地划分为交易员/介绍经纪人/经纪商zebrafx is all in oneso everybody is a partner斑马应有尽有每个人都是合作伙伴,6,zebrafx is more than your Average Broker!斑马外汇不同于现有的任何经纪商!,Problem:问题:Discrimination between Traders and IBs 交易员与IB之间存在的歧视问题Inefficient career opportunities 低效的职业发展机遇Brokers restrict tools and education 经纪商对客户工具和学习的限制Lack of support and an interactive community 缺乏支持以及内部社区的交流 Solution:方案:Provide a place,a destination where people can progress their careers,profit,interact and communicate 提供一个平台,这个平台能够使您发展您的职业生涯,提高您的收益,并能够与更多人沟通交流Action:行动:The client gets to decide what career he wants to follow;he is supported all the way by our dedicated team by promoting interaction and events from our community 客户可以自己决定自己的职业生涯,我们的团队会全心全意为您服务,给您提供支持。我们的社区会让您参与更多的交流和活动。,7,The zebrafx Core Values斑马外汇的核心价值观,1.Education:learning;an interactive training zone for everyone 教育:每个人都可以在这里享受到互动式的学习和培训2.Entertainment:social events,interaction,communication and fun activities 娱乐:社交活动,互动,沟通和有趣的活动3.Investing Opportunities:for everyone(VIP treatment)投资机会:每个人(VIP 待遇)4.Your own Business Platform:to promote and start your business today 您自己的商务平台:推广开始您自己的事业5.zCare:Guidance and protection from experienced people(environment)斑马式关怀:从经验丰富的高手(环境)那里获得指引和保护6.Support:All the way career support,from the novice to the advance user 支持:从新手到成为高手,我们全程为您提供支持。,8,zCare 斑马式关怀,Helps you build a career all the way Giving you all the tools and support you need 全程帮助您打造属于自己的职业生涯提供给您所有您需要的工具和支持Providing you aid by:提供以下支持:Educating you on how to find clients 教您如何寻找客户Promoting learning and education 帮助您学习和教育Having a dedicated trading learning center 提供独有的交易学习中心Providing you a healthy and stable environment for career growth 为您的事业发展提供健康稳定的环境Connecting people all around the world with similar interests 连接全世界志趣相投的人Bringing a lifestyle that is beyond FOREX in terms of,fashion,trends,events and relationships 带给您与一般外汇行业不同的生活方式。比如,时尚,潮流,以及活动中的人际关系,9,zebrafx Technology All in 1 place 斑马科技 一体化平台,One Cloud Environment:Where the business itself,the management and the trading takes place 云环境:生意在哪里,管理和交易就在哪里Social:A community made of partners that helps each other.Our own software made for communication zChat 社交:合作伙伴们在由他们组成的社区中自由交流。我们为此提供斑马聊天软件zChat Live Online Entertainment:Regular social events for the members of the community 在线实时娱乐活动:为社区成员举办常规的社交活动ECN Trading Products:NDD with 48 financial instruments for margin trading and binary options 交易产品:NDD上为保险金交易和二元期权提供48种交易品种24/5 Dedicated Support:Including more that 50 financiers 5天24小时全程服务:包括50多位理财专家Regulation:FSA(Financial Services Authority of SVG)监管:FSA(SVG的金融监管机构),10,The Cloud Innovation 云创新,11,What we are giving you todayto start?我们今天能给您什么来开始呢?,12,Partners Back Office 合作伙伴后台,Access from Anywhere in the World 从世界的任何地方都可以登录Easy-To-Use Graphical Interface 操作界面简单Business Set of Tools 配套商业工具Powerful Reporting 强大的报告Marketing Section 市场环节Real-Time Tracking Technology 实时追踪科技,Before 之前,After 之后,Terms and Conditions with Broker 跟经纪商的合同条款,13,Link Generator 链接生成,Tracking system for all the Visits,Registrations and Deposits/Withdrawals 可以追踪所有的访问,注册以及出入金Unlimited Number of Web-sites Connections 网站无限制数量连接Visits Counter,even outside of zebrafx Portal 访问统计,即使不在斑马外汇的网站,Before 之前,After 之后,Referral links to a limited number of pages 推荐链接有页数限制Easy to remove referral code from the link 从链接当中很容易消除推荐代码Tracking for brokers web-site only 只能追踪经济商的网站,Partner ID合作伙伴ID?ref_id=888,14,Promo Materials 推广材料,A Banners Gallery to choose your promotions 图标相册供您选择推广材料Ability to Create Your own Promotions 创造您自己推广内容的能力 Integrated Tracking System for Promo Materials 推广材料追踪系统,Before 之前,After 以后,Banners and Graphics by request via regular E-mail 靠常规电子邮件获取宣传图标,15,Reporting 报告,Get Information about every single Trader or Partner 获得每个交易者或者合作伙伴的信息Real-Time Monitoring System of Client Activity 顾客活动的实时监督系统Adjust Your Marketing Activity based on Knowledge 基于认识调整您的营销活动,Before 之前,After 以后,Monthly MS Excel Reports by E-mail 每个月通过电子邮件的EXCEL报告,16,Messenger(Announcement)消息(通告),Dedicated Communication Tool inside Partner Back-Office.专注于合作伙伴后台的交流工具Be always in touch with:保持不间断沟通:The Company 公司Personal Manager 个人经理Your Partnership Network 您的合作伙伴网络New Materials 新材料Events 事件Trends 趋势,Before 之前,After 之后,To be in touch with the community:社区沟通的方式:E-mailQQWeChatPhoneetc.,MetaTrader 4 ECN,No Dealing Desk 无交易者平台ECN with Direct Bank Access ECN直接银行访问Deep Liquidity Pool with 16 banks and 2 Financial Organizations 16家银行和2家金融机构的流动性Ultra High Frequency trading with speed under 1ms 毫秒之内的超高频交易速度Forex(30 pairs),Stock Market Indices(14)Brent and Crude Oil,Gold and Silver 外汇(30对),股票市场指数(14),原油,金银One-Click trading 一键式交易,18,Easy-to-use GUI 操作页面简单使用Responsive Platform 互动式平台Payouts up to 250%最高回报率250%,Binary Options 二元期权,19,An only members area 仅限会员的领域Where skills are promoted 提高技巧的地方Where education is shared 分享教育的地方Where achievements are rewarded 奖励成就的地方Where members have first priority 会员就是上帝的地方Where people interact 大家互动的地方,Introducing zebrafx Members Club 斑马会员俱乐部,The zebra Members Club 斑马会员俱乐部,zebrafx 1,zebrafx 2,zebrafx 3,21,The zebra Members Levels 斑马会员级别,Level 1-3:Education,Tools and Support 1-3级:教育,工具和支持Level 5:a Tablet PC 5级:平板电脑Level 7:a Laptop 7级:笔记本电脑Level 8:a Vacation 8级:假期Level 9:a Car 9级:汽车,22,How zebras Grow?斑马如何成长?,Friends 朋友Your Town or Village 您的家乡Popular web-sites,forums,social networks 出名的网站,论坛,社交网络Forex Trading 外汇交易Betting 下注Gaming 游戏Gambling 博彩Attract from your Blog or Web-site 吸引他们关注您自己的博客或者网站Search Engines 搜索引擎Attract from other Partners 吸引其它合作伙伴帮助您Trading Academies and many other places 交易学院以及很多其它地方,23,Your Rewards您的奖励,24,Partner Bonuses,Choose from Various Bonus Tariffs and Platforms you want or use all of them under a single Partner Account选择您想要的任何奖励规则和平台,或者在单个合作伙伴账号下边使用所有奖励模式,25,Best Partner in China中国最好的合作伙伴,zebrafx presents the amazing opportunity to our Partners from China to compete for the Award for the Best zebrafx Partner in China 2015:斑马外汇给中国的合作伙伴带来千载难逢的机会,大家可以赢取2015年斑马外汇在中国最好的合作伙伴:The winner of the top prize will be the ultimate champion(key of the office)大奖得主将会成为终极冠军(后台秘钥)The winning Partner is determined by the amount of total net deposits achieved during the competition 获奖合作伙伴是由比赛过程中净入金量决定的,26,“Its not about ideas.Its about making ideas happen.”“想法并不重要,重要的是让想法成真。”Scott BelskyThank youFor further information about joining us please contact me at 非常感谢如有任何疑问,请联系我,Coming soon!尽请期待!,


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