1,汉英对比与文体翻译 文学文体之散文翻译,2,所谓散文,从广义说,是与诗歌、小说、戏剧相并列的一种文体;从狭义说,是一种自由、灵活,短小精悍,表现真人真事真实感情的文体。,3,散文写作要素,精于立意 善于构思 创造意境 感情具体,4,善于构思,一是感情线索。杨朔的荔枝蜜 二是事物线索。三是人物线索。四是思绪线索。五是景物线索。六是行动线索。,5,记叙性散文落花生 从百草园到三味书屋藤野先生 抒情性散文朱自清的荷塘月色刘白羽的日出 矛盾的白杨礼赞 议论性散文陶铸的松树的风格,散文分类:,6,散文的功能:信息功能表情功能:译者应深刻地体会作者的感情并与之共鸣。美感功能:散文的韵味主要表现在语言的声响和节奏、作品的意境和氛围与作者个性化的话语方式三方面。,7,散文语言的特点:广义的散文是相对于韵文而言的,指除去韵文以外的所有文体。狭义的散文指那些记事、记人、抒发情感、发表议论的文章。散文语言与小说中的叙事和议事语言十分相似,但更为清新自然、活泼灵秀、洗炼畅达,能带给人更多的美感。,8,散文语言的特点,ProfoundnessPlainness Elegance,9,翻译散文:【1】首先要准确把握原文的内容与风格,因为内容与风格是统一的。【2】另外要认真体会散文的时代风格与作家风格。当代散文有向口语化或非正式风格演变的趋势,这也许是散文风格的主流。例如:,10,Sleep is most graceful in an infant;soundest,in one who has been tired in the open air;completest,to the seaman after a hard voyage;most welcome,to the mind haunted with one idea;most touching to look at,in the parent that has wept;lightest,in the playful child;proudest,in the bride adored.婴儿的睡眠,最为优美;疲劳的人在户外睡眠,最为酣畅;水手在艰苦航程之后的睡眠,最为圆满;为某种意念所苦的人,对睡眠最为欢迎;哭泣后的母亲的睡眠,最动人心弦;一个顽皮小孩的睡眠,最为轻松;一个深受爱慕的新娘的睡眠,最为骄傲。刘炳善,11,散文最明显的特点是“散而不乱”:“形散”而“神不乱”。由于“形散”,便造就了语言的多样性,因“神不乱”,才吸引读者于色彩纷呈的语言中随着作者的笔迹去追寻作者审美的轨迹。散文翻译的要点是以多样化的语言之“形”来传达散居于语言之中的“神”。,12,到冬天,草黄了,花也完了,天上却散下花来,于是满山就铺上了一层耀眼的雪花。译文1:In winter the grass turns yellow and the follows fade,but the sky spreads down flowers,so that the hills are covered with glittering snow.译文2:In winter the grass turns yellow and the flowers fade,but new flowers come down from heaven,spreading a cover of glittering snow over the hills.,13,母亲一把大剪刀,仿佛裁掉了我童年的忧伤,给我剪出一个原来如此瑰丽的世界。Mother had a big pair of scissors,with which she seemed to cut off the sorrows of my childhood and cut out for me such a surpassingly beautiful world.,14,几株老梅竟斗雪开着满树的繁花,仿佛不以深冬为意;倒塌的庭子边还有一株山茶树,从暗绿的密叶里显出十几朵红花来,赫赫的在雪中明得如火,愤怒而且傲慢,如藐视游人的甘心于远行。(鲁迅:在酒楼上)Several old plum trees in full bloom were braving the snow as if oblivious of the depth of winter;while among the thick dark green foliage of a camellia beside the crumbling pavilion a dozen crimson blossoms blazed as flame in the snow,indignant and arrogant,as if despising the wanderers wanderlust.(杨宪益、戴乃迭 译),15,这种力,是一般人看不见的生命力,只要生命存在,这种力就要显现,上面的石块,丝毫不足以阻挡,因为它是一种“长期抗战”的力,有弹性,能屈能伸的力,有韧性,不达目的不止的力。(夏衍:野草)The power is an invisible force of life.So long as there is life,the force will show itself.The rock above it is not heavy enough to prevent the seed from growing,because it is a force that keeps growing over a period of time,because it is an elastic force that can shrink and expand,because it is a tenacious force that will not stop growing until it is grown.(刘士聪 译),16,Thank you for your attention!,