,shenyihaoFuture design,工设1206 Gavin,Contents,college life design,sum up my using money,parents letter,visit to the exhibition of school history,4,1,2,3,Its time for me to think about my life,college life design,first,I should have a clear aim which I wanna be after 4 years study in Jiangnan university second,T must follow my plan step by step,and meet my short-term goal foemly.,Image information in product Note to customers:This image has been licensed to be used within this PowerPoint template only.You may not extract the image for any other use.,First two years plan,The first year,The second year,Study,Life,learn more skills which cannot get from the class,get a lot social experience.,try to communicate with teacher frequently develope my own style,Know more about school,Meet more friends,Study hard,this two years is so important that I neednt emphasize any more.,make fundation,develope myself,5,Last two years plan,participate in competition,have my own showreel,win the schlarship at least 3 times,good English grades,high scores,opportunity for the further study,the third year,the forth year,Short-term plan,2012,2013,2014,2015,this plans simple but important,sum up my using money,Description of the contents,pocket money,about 200 per monthto buy some other things,food,breakfast:4lunch:8dinner:6total:18/day,tool,as a student in school of design,i need many material to complite my workabout 200 per month,live,about 200 for living things per month.,1200/month,Form,tools,pocket money,live,food,0%20%40%60%80%100%,16.7%,16.7%,16.7%,41.6%,barform to show the money used in a month,The,schools,history,1902-2012,The exhibition,The,ThemeGallery is a Design Digital Content&Contents mall developed by Guild Design Inc.,Title in here,Some photos of the exhibition,I learn a lot from it,photo wall,Ding,view,communication,A,B,C,D,A,B,Way to success!,Body,Study,Ability,Stay hungryStay follish!,Thank you,