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    文明英语主题演讲稿2021 文明英语主题演讲稿1My dear fellow students,The Olympics are just around the corner. Today I want to talk about good manners and courtesy.We Chinese have always been respected and highly praised for good manners and courtesy, which have, as well, become precious traditions of our people. In a couple of weeks beyond, a large number of foreign friends will come to China to join us in enjoying the Olympics. Before foreign guests, we should have an easy manner and behave politely and warm-heartedly. In public places, such ugly behaviors as uproar, pushing or squeezing together, spitting and so on should be determinedly forbidden. In a sense, each of us will not simply stand for ourselves but stand for China. Therefore, boys and girls, lets do it well right now and the eyes of the world are to on us!我亲爱的同学,奥运会是指日可待。今天我要讲礼貌和礼貌。我们中国人一直尊重和高度赞扬了礼貌和礼貌,成为我们的人民的宝贵传统。在几周内,大量的外国朋友来中国和我们一起享受奥运会。外国客人之前,我们应该有一个简单的方式和行为礼貌和点到点。在公共场所,骚动等丑陋的行为,推动或挤压在一起,应该坚决禁止随地吐痰等等。从某种意义上说,我们每个人将不仅代表自己但代表中国。因此,男孩和女孩,让我们现在做得很好,全世界的目光都在我们身上!文明英语主题演讲稿2Good manners are very important in the communication of daily life. Everyone likes a person with good manners. But what are good manners?How does one know what should do and what should not do when trying to be a good - mannered person?Well, here are some common examples. A person with good manners never laughs at a people in trouble. Instead, he (she) always tries to consult or offer help to the person.When he (she) takes a bus and sees an old man or a sick man, he (she) always gives his (her) seat to him. He doesnt interrupt other people when they are talking.He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spite in public places.Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different regions. For example, people in Western countries usually kiss each other to show their greetings, whereas in China, kissing in public is something of unusual and sometimes be regarded as impolite to somebody else.So it is important to know what is regarded as polite and impolite before you go to a region.But remember that it is always right to be kind and helpful to others.文明英语主题演讲稿3Last Sunday, I went sightseeing with my friends in the Fairy Lake Park. The water is clean and clear and we can even see fishes swimming freely in it. Beside the lake there was a sign which read “Dont throw water into the lake!” However, a couple ignored it completely, throwing waste into the lake, while saying loudly “How beautiful the scenery is!”Seeing this, I was sad and angry. How should they do things like that? Now, some people dont mind their own behavior in public places. They speak loudly regardless of others feelings surrounding them and even pollute the environment at random.To make our society more harmonious, I appeal to the whole society to mind our own behavior in public places and small good things in our daily life which surely make a big difference to our world.文明英语主题演讲稿4At present, with the improvement of peoples living standard, more and more people go out to travel. However, while tourists enjoy the beautiful scenery, they also destroy it. There are many uncivilized behaviors, such as spitting, littering, and scribbling on walls and so on.Whether these behaviors are intentional or not, they have had a harmful influence on our cities, even on our country. For one thing, visitors would not be willing to come to the spot again owing to others uncivil deeds, which is a strike to the development of the local tourism. For another, some uncivil phenomena directly lead to the damage to scenic spots that are of great value.To sum up, uncivilized behaviors have influenced a lot on the images of our cities and our country. Therefore, we need to take some actions to stop those uncivilized behaviors. The cities where we are living are our homes so that everybody should shoulder the responsibility to be civilized.文明英语主题演讲稿5To witness immoral behavior in public, one need only visit the Beijing subway. I still remember the first time I took the Beijing subway. It was an early morning. I was in a hurry to go to school. When I was trying to get a ticket, I found a lot of people waiting in front of me, but nobody was in the line.Immoral behaviors in public exert a series of problems. One of the most serious ones is that it may exert a negative impact on our sense of social responsibility. We will keep ignoring other peoples rights and feelings, and in turn, we too will be disrespected some day.The improvement of this phenomenon is certainly not easy. With an eye on practical implementation and cost effectiveness, I propose that society make it clear in every way that people who fail to respect the common good will be seriously punished. Stricter policies for this should be made to correct this phenomenon as soon as possible.文明英语主题演讲稿2021


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