Micro expression,Outline,Basic knowledgeSome examplesApplied in daily life,microexpression,A microexpression is a brief,involuntary facial expression shown on the face of humans when one is trying to conceal or repress an emotion.,They consist of the seven universal emotions:disgust,anger,fear,sadness,happiness,surprise,and contempt.Microexpressions can occur as fast as 1/25 of a second.,Do they lie?,Your expressions dont lie,1.鼻子皱起 2.上唇扬起,1.眉毛紧锁2.眼镜怒视3.双唇紧闭,1.眉毛提高紧锁 2.提起上眼皮 3.下眼睑紧张 4.嘴唇微微拉向耳朵,1.上眼睑下垂 2.眼镜失去焦点 3.嘴唇微微拉低角落,1.眼角皱纹2.脸颊上扬3.肌肉自然,1.眉毛上扬 2.眼镜睁大 3.嘴巴张开,1.嘴唇提高到一边,contempt,Scorn:lip raised up to one side,Scorn,scorn,Huge scorn不屑,不屑,非常不屑,A fake smile,Most people avoid eye contact when they are lying?,No,Some research indicates,1.The average person tells three lies per ten minutes conversation.2.When someone lie,they often make more eye contact,because they need to watch,see if you believe their lies.,3.Rigid(僵硬的)repetition is a typical of a lie.,4.Oblique(倾斜的)eyebrows show sadness.,5.Man have erectile tissue on nose.It will itch when men are hiding something.男人鼻子里有勃起组织,当他们想要掩饰时鼻子就会痒。6.People got the slightest head nod“yes”before they shook their head“no”.7.In a fake smile,there is no eye wrinkling.假笑眼角是没有皱纹的。,Lie to me非常了得(姜振宇),Thank you!,Thank you!,