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    英语专项复习词法,形容词和副词,课标要求,形容词的作用及在句子中的位置。形容词的比较等级。,沈阳市中考题,1-Who has _ marks in English,Wang Lin,Zhang Fang or Li Hong?-Li HongAgood BBetterCbest Dthe best,2010年全国中考题,1.My dog is gentle and never bites,so you neednt be_.A.excited B.frightened C.satisfied D.interested2.-Oh,whats the matter?-Im really _ all the time.I have no energy.A.busy B.happy C.tired D.excited,2010年全国中考题,3.-How are you feeling today?-Much _.I can go to school next week.A.good B.better C.best D.well 4.Mr.Brown always makes his class _ and keeps his students _ in class.(镇江)A.alive;interesting B.lively;interesting C.alive;interested D.lively;interested,形容词的用法,形容词在句中作定语,表语,宾语补足语。Our country is a beautiful country.(作定语)The fish went bad.(作表语)We keep our classroom clean and tidy.(作宾语补足语),be起来系列 look sound smell taste feel变得系列 get grow go turn become保持系列 keep stay remain似乎好象系列 seem appear,形容词的位置,1)在名词前若有几个形容词作修饰语时,其顺序如下。1.限定词(指示代词,冠词)2.数量词 3.性质词4.大小 5.形状 6.老少/新旧 7.颜色 8.国籍/来源 9.材料 10.用途/类别。但要注意的是英语的习惯是一个名词前的形容词一般不要多于三个。如:What a pretty little white horse!,形容词的位置,2)形容词修饰something,anything,nothing,everything等不定代词时,形容词放其后面。例如:I have something important to tell you.Is there anything interesting in the film?,相近词语辨析,1.she is taking care of her _ _baby.(ill,sick)2.Harry potter is an_ book for children,but my friends doesnt seem at all _ in it.(interesting,interested)3.Is there anything _i can do for you?What _things do you need?(other,else),sick,interesting,interested,else,4.I felt _ when I heard the _ news.(excited,exciting)5.Sometimes I feel very _ when I am _at home.(lonely,alone),excited,alone,lonely,exciting,形容词的原级用法,1.原级:常用于“asas”及“not as/so as”两种句型中。1)句型“asas”,表示两者相比较,程度相同。Science is as important as Maths.This coat is as expensive as that one.,形容词的原级用法,2)句型“not as(so)as”,表示两者相比较,程度不一样。Im not as tall as Jack.This book isnt as interesting as that one.,判断正误Today is as warmer as yesterday.Today is as warm as yesterday.Im not so more careful as my brother.Im not so careful as my brother.,形容词的比较级,2.比较级 1)表示两者之间比较时,用“比较级than”或“lessthan”两种句型。例如:Your mother looks healthier than before.Im less interested in basketball than you.,固定句型,2)形容词的比较级还可以用于以下句型中。比较级+and+比较级或 more and more+原级,表示越来越.。Its getting hotter and hotter.The park is getting more and more beautiful.,固定句型,the+比较级,the+比较级,表示 越就越。例如:The more books we read,the cleverer we willbecome.The sooner,the better.The more exercise we take,the healthier we are.,固定句型,the比较级of the two 表示两个中较.的一个。例如:Id like to go to the farther of the two places.She is the fatter of the two girls.,形容词的比较级,“比较级than any other+单数名词/the other+复数名词”表示比其他任何都。例如:Li lei is taller than any other boy in his class.=Li lei is taller than the other boys in his class.,形容词的比较级,3)比较级前还可以用much,a lot,far,even,still,a little,no,any等表示程度的词来修饰。例如:I feel a little better than yesterday.The job is far more difficult than before.,形容词的最高级,3.最高级 1)三者或三者以上相比较用“the最高级名词in/of范围”。例如:Tom is the youngest of the brothers.,形容词的最高级,2)表示“最之一”,用“one of the+形容词最高级复数名词”。例如:Shanghai is one of the biggest cities in China.,形容词的最高级,3.序数词+最高级表示“第几最”例如:The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.,注意,形容词的最高级前面必须加定冠词the,但当形容词最高级前面有物主代词修饰时,则不加the。例如:This is my best friend.This is my the best friend.,练习,1.Your classroom is _(wide)and _(bright)than ours.2.There are_(few)hours of sunlight a day in winter than in summer.3.Which do you like_(well),Maths or chemistry?4.This is the _(good)film I have ever seen.5.Africa is the second_(large)continent.,wider,brighter,fewer,better,best,largest,先填空然后说说它属于什么用法,练习,6.Im not as_(careful)as he.7.He is_(young)than his two sisters.8.The_(old)I get,the_(strong)I seem to feel.9.The weather is getting _(warm)and_(warm).10.Summer is _(hot)season of the year.,careful,the hottest,younger,stronger,older,warmer,warmer,改写句子,The Yangtze River is longer than any other river in China.=The Yangtze River is longer than any of the other rivers in China.=The Yangtze River is longer than the other rivers in China.=The Yangtze River is the longest river in China.,方法指导4,注意形容词和副词的联系和不同用法。,Keep _(安静).Its time for class.All the students are sitting in the classroom _(安静).,quiet,quietly,He speaks very _(好)English.He speaks English very_(好).,good,well,What he said made me _(生气).His father looked at me _(生气).,angry,angrily,例题,解题示范,1.-I dont have enough money.This watch is too expensive.-Look,there are some more over there.Theyre _ and nice.Abig Bold Csmall Dcheap2.-Look,this is my new house.How do you like it?-Mm,it is beautiful.But it is not_ ours.Alarge than Bso large than Cso large as Das larger as,解题示范,3.-She plays the guitar wonderfully-Yes,and her voice sounds_,too.Abeautiful Bmore beautiful Cbeautifully Dmore beautifully4.-Tina,you know what?We can have a dog!-Great!But I prefer to have a cat.It is _to take care of.A.easy B.easier C.easiest D.the easiest,解题示范,5.-What do you think of the Chinese food?-Very_I like it so much.Adelicious Bawful Cfunny6.The Chang Jiang river is about 6300 kilometers.A.long B.tall C.wide D.high,专题复习:副词,课标要求考点分析方法指导解题示范,课标要求,副词的基本功能和在句子中的位置。副词的比较等级。,沈阳市中考题,4.-Here is a present for you,Jack.-Wow!It looks _ nice.A.truly B.nearly C.really D.hardly,沈阳市中考题,1.You _ ever saw computers years ago,but now they are everywhere.A.sometimes B.usually C.hardly D.almost 6.Alice _ eat meat so that he can keep herself from getting too fat.A.rarely B.always C.nearly D.carefully,沈阳市中考题,08年:10.While we were watching the play,I_ noticed a man with a funny look.A.usually B.suddenly C.quickly D.carefully,沈阳市中考题,09年:-Does Alice often work until 2 am.?-No,she _ does.A.nearly B.certainly C.seldom D.always,沈阳市中考题,5Have you _ joined in a dragon boat race?Yes,I have Anever Bstill Cseldom Dever 12Excuse me,_ is the post office?About 500 metres away.Ahow often Bhow long Chow far Dhow soon,2010年全国中考题,1.-Do you think yesterdays math problem was difficult?-Yes.I could _ work it out.A.hardly B.easily C.finally D.nearly2.-_ will you come back?-In an hour.A.How soon B.How often C.How far D.How long3.-Where is my watch?I cant find it.-Dont worry.It must be _ in your room.A.somewhere B.anywhere C.everywhere D.nowhere4.-It seems that Alice never wants to do anything except drawing pictures.-Right.Thats what she likes to do _.A.more B.less C.most D.least,方法指导1,明确副词的基本词义和用法,在语境中合理的使用副词。,副词,副词在句中可作状语,表语和定语。He studies very hard.(作状语)Life here is full of joy.(作定语)When will you be back?(作表语),副词的分类1,时间副词 时间副词通常用来表示动作的时间。常见的时间副词有:now,today,tomorrow,yesterday,before,late,nearly,never,seldom,sometimes,often,usually,always等。What are we going to do tomorrow?He often comes to school late.He is never been to Beijing.,副词的分类2,地点副词 地点副词通常用来表示动作发生的地点。常见的地点副词有:here,there,inside,outside,home,upstairs,downstairs,anywhere,everywhere,nowhere,somewhere,down,up,off,on,in,out等。Put down your name here.I met an old friend of mine on my way home.He went upstairs.,副词的分类3,方式副词 方式副词一般都是回答“怎样的?”这类问题的,其中绝大部分都是由一个形容词加词尾-ly构成的,有少数方式副词不带词尾-ly,它们与形容词同形。常见的方式副词有:badly,carefully,suddenly,successfully,angrily,happily,slowly,well,fast,slow,quick,hard,alone等。He runs very fast.The old man walked home slowly.Please listen to the teacher carefully.,副词的分类4,程度副词 程度副词多数用来修饰形容词和副词,有少数用来修饰动词或介词短语。常见的程度副词有:much,(a)little,a bit,very,so,too,enough,quite,rather,pretty,greatly,completely,nearly,almost,hardly等。Her writing is very good.She sings quite well.I can hardly agree with you.,注意,程度副词一般放在所修饰的形容词和副词的前面,但enough作副词用时,通常放在被修饰词的后面。He didnt work hard enough.My brother isnt old enough to go to school.,副词的分类5,疑问副词 疑问副词是用来引导特殊疑问句的副词。常见的疑问副词有:how,when,where,why等。How are you getting along with your studies?Where were you yesterday?Why did you do that?,副词的分类6,关系副词 关系副词是用来引导从句的副词。常见的关系副词有when,where,why,how等。This is the place where I was born.Can you explain the reason why you were late?,方法指导2,准确辨析一些近义词和易混淆的副词。,易混淆的副词1,very,much 这两个副词都可表示“很”,very用来修饰形容词和副词的原级,而much用来修饰形容词和副词的比较级。She is a very nice girl.Im feeling much better now.much可以修饰动词,而very则不能。例如:I dont like the idea much.They did not talk much.,易混淆的副词2,too,either 这两个副词都表示“也”,too用于肯定句,either用于否定句。She can dance,and I can dance,too.I havent read the book and my brother hasnt either.,易混淆的副词3,already,yet already一般用于肯定句,yet一般用于疑问句和否定句。He has already left.Have you heard from him yet?He hasnt answered yet.,易混淆的副词4,so,neither so和neither都可用于倒装句,但so表示肯定,neither表示否定。My brother likes football and so do I.My brother doesnt like dancing and neither do I.,方法指导3,掌握副词比较等级的用法。,副词的等级,副词的比较级和最高级用法同形容词的比较级用法基本一样。最高级形式句中 the 可以省略。Lucy gets up as early as Lily.Lucy doesnt get up as early as Lily.Lucy gets up earlier than Lily.Lucy gets up earliest in her family.,方法指导4,注意副词和形容词的差别。,观察句子(一),误 He worked with me friendly.正 He was friendly to me.不是所有结尾是ly的词都是副词,friendly是形容词,这样的词还有lovely,lonely,costly,lively,monthly,weekly 但其中有些词既是副词,又是形容词。如:early,hourly,monthly,观察句子(二),误 You can speak free in front of your friends.正 You can speak freely in front of your friends.free作为形容词意为“自由的,有空闲的,免费的”。作为副词讲则是“免费”之意。而freely作为副词则是“自由的,随便的”。要注意的词还有:hard 努力|艰苦-hardly 几乎不;late 迟|晚-lately 最近的|最新的;near 近-nearly 几乎;like 像-likely 几乎。,解题示范,1.-_ have you stayed in New York?-For about two weeks.(09河南)AHow soon BHow often CHow long DHow far2.Im much _ than my two friends,but I jump _ of us three(09 南通)Ataller;higher Bshorter;higher Ctaller;highest Dshorter;highest,解题示范,3.We shouldnt talk when we are in the library A.quietly B.slowly C.politely D.loudly4.This morning Jack came to school _ than _ student in his class.(08 无锡)A.much late;any B.much later;any other C.much later;any D.much later;the other,Goodbye!,


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