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    应用文体的翻译 Translation of Applied Writings,应用文一种用途非常广泛的功能性文体,从内容到形式丰富多样,适应不同的目的和要求。应用文的特点是实用性强,不管用于什么目的,都有很强的针对性。,应用文翻译应注意要语言简练、直截了当、条理清楚、表达准确、用词恰当、明白易懂。一般就事论事、不求虚饰、不作修饰和自由发挥,避免晦涩难懂的词语。,广告是一种最常用的应用文,主要由标题和正文两部分组成。标题说明广告对象,正文是主体,主要提供信息。,1 广告(Advertisements),广告的特点:提供信息 争取顾客 保持需求 扩大市场 确保质量,在翻译广告时,要用醒目易懂的简单句,简洁明了的并列句,语言凝练的省略句,感情强烈的祈使句以及印象深刻的平行结构等。注意运用修辞手段,体现并保持其各自的风格与特点;充分体现原文的语言特色,语言力求准确清晰、朴实客观,形象生动保持良好的广告效果。,5,AVON Perfect Day Moisture Cream Nourishes skin with the moisture it needs for a softer,more healthy appearance.,雅芳保湿营养霜蕴含丰富维生素和天然保湿成份,具滋养和保湿功效,为肌肤提供养份和水分,令肌肤滋润亮泽、平滑柔软、保持健康的动人光彩。,例1:化妆品广告,例2:住宅广告,FUEN SING ele.,pkg.,A/C appl.,Xint cond.$160.wk.call mgr.eve.0532-85075198,现有一套配有家具的单人公寓,有电梯,停车场,空调以及完好的电器设备,每星期租金为160美元,有意者,请于晚间与代理人电话联系。电话号码 0532-85075198。,Ads.advertisements广告A/C air conditioning空调appl.appliances 电气设备appt.appointment面谈ba.bathroom卫生间bach.bachelor apartment单人公寓bdrm.bedroom卧室balc.balcony阳台cpt.carpet地毯din.rm.dining room餐厅ele.elevator电梯eve.evening晚间flrs.floors楼层fplc.fireplace壁炉,广告常见缩略语,frig.refrigerator冰箱gard.garden花园hdwd.flrs.hardwood floors硬木地板kit.kitchen厨房lse.lease租借lux.luxury豪华mgr.manager经理nr.near附近pkg.parking停车场地st.street街道unf.unfurnished 内无家具utils.utilities水、电、垃圾处理等公用设施vu.view风景wk.week每周Xint.excellent完好的,广告常见缩略语,9,有一套未配置家具的公寓,内有三间卧室和两个卫生间,有一个可停放两辆汽车的车库,公寓内有壁炉和电冰箱,有意者可通过电话联系面谈,电话号码为0532-85070168。,广告练习,UNF.APT 3 bdrm.2 ba.2car gar fplc.,frig.call for appt.0532-85070168,1)住宅广告,10,WANTEDlook after children(1 1/2 to 2 years)in my flat 5 days a wk.9 to 12 a.m.St.Paul Street 3-2-2020532-85239278,2)聘请保姆广告,聘请保姆 我处有几个孩子(一岁半至两岁)需人照顾。每周约工作5天,每天上午9点至12点。如有愿者,请与圣保罗大街 3号楼 2单元202联系。电话:0532-85239278。,11,Shenyang Institute of Technology Invites You to Your Future And that future is now.Were in the countdown to a new and exciting century.Let SIT responds to all your needs for a college education that culminates in the career of your choice.With affordable tuition plus generous financial aid/scholarship packages,sports programs,and over 50 majors,SIT can put you on the road to success.,3)招生广告,沈阳理工学院造就你的未来 未来就在眼前。我们即将步入一个令人神往的崭新世纪。沈阳理工学院会帮你完成你必不可少的大学教育!这最终会使你在自己选择的事业上有所作为。沈阳理工学院的学费一般人都可以支付得起,加上学院慷慨的经济资助(奖学金),以及各种体育活动和50门课程,定会使你走上成功之路。,请柬(帖),就是邀请客人时送去的通知。其主要的部分是时间、地点和目的。英文正式请柬(帖)和复函,格式比较严格,每项内容占一行:邀请者、被邀请者、内容、时间和地点,主词用第三人称。汉译英时应按英语请柬(帖)的格式规范作相应调整,不应局限于原文的格式。,2 请柬(Invitation Card),请柬 谨订于6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区威斯特寇姆公园路10号举行晚宴,敬请布莱克先生和夫人届时光临!安康敬请回复。电话:03-454-5802 服装:礼服,例1:邀请,译文:Mr.An Kang requests the pleasure of the company of Mr.&Mrs.T.S.Black at dinner at 7.00 p.m.on Monday,12th June at 10 Westcombe Park Road,London SE3 R.S.V.P.Tel.03-454-5802 Dress:Formal,承蒙盛情邀请参加6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区威斯寇姆公园10号举行的晚宴,我们欣然接受。此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇谨复,例2:接受邀请,Mr.&Mrs T.S.Blackaccept with pleasure Mr.An Kangskind invitation to dinnerat 7.00 p.m.on Monday,12th Juneat 10 Westcombe Park Road,London SE3,15,6月12日(星期一)下午7时在伦敦东南三邮区威斯寇姆公园10号安康先生之盛情邀请,因事先有约,深为遗憾,敬谢。此致 敬礼 布莱克夫妇 谨复,Mr.&Mrs T.S.Blackregret that a previous engagement prevents them from accepting Mr.An Kangskind invitation to dinnerat 7.00 p.m.on Monday,12th Juneat 10 Westcombe Park Road,London SE3,练习:谢却邀请,16,Dr.and Mrs.Hou Leirequest the pleasure of your companyat a small danceat ten oclockSunday,the eighth of NovemberThe Culture SquarePlease reply to36 Park Road,请柬 兹订于11月8日(星期日)10时在文化广场举行舞会,敬请光临,恭候回音。侯磊博士及夫人 谨订回函请寄 公园路36号,练习.请柬,贺卡(信)在人们社交生活中扮演着很重要的角色。用来交流思想,联络情感,表达友情。,3 贺卡(信)Greeting Card and Letter,贺卡大致可分为节庆卡和日常卡两大类:,圣诞节卡新年卡情人节卡母亲节卡父亲节卡等,生日卡周年纪念日卡送礼卡致谢卡探视卡等,贺卡格式主要有称呼、正文、结尾、署名等几个部分;语句结构简单,多为单句、感叹句、比喻句、省略句;语言特点是文字简短,语言倾向口语化。翻译时既要考虑英语贺卡(信)的格式与特点,也要照顾英语的格式与特点,二者合理结合;用词一定要热情洋溢,字里行间充满美好而真诚的祝贺,但切勿过分夸张,言过其实。,【译文】July 7,2009 Dear Li Hui,Heartiest congratulations upon your graduation from Jilin University with honors.Youve just completed one of the first steps in life.Its time to get a job!May everything that youre hoping for be yours along the way.Good luck in the future!Sincerely,Wang Wei,例1:毕业贺卡亲爱的李辉:恭喜你以优异的成绩从吉林大学毕业。你已迈出人生中最重要的第一步。现在是找工作的时候了!祝愿你在人生的旅途上,心想事成,万事如意,前途光明!你的朋友 王伟 敬贺 2009年7月7日,例2:获奖贺卡亲爱的张涛:欣悉你荣获科技进步一等奖,这是巨大的胜利。恭喜成功!我们都以你为荣!李淼 上 2007年8月1日,【译文】Aug.1,2007 Dear Zhang Tao,I am so excited about your winning the first prize in science and technology research work.It is a great triumph.Enthusiastic congratulations on the job well done.We are proud of you.Truly,Li Miao,21,例3:晋升贺信亲爱的刘晨博士:从今天的报纸上,我非常高兴地获悉,你最近被任命为晨报的主编。你这次晋升想必收到许多贺信,而我还是要给你添上一封,以示贺意。你年轻有为,迅速加冕晋升,极其难得。当然这是你工作勤奋、才能非凡的结果。凭你的坚强意志和所具备的条件,你完全胜任这一职务。晨报终于有了一位能使该报成为风靡全国的出色日报的主编。衷心地预祝你取得更大的成就。王刚,22,译文Dear Dr.Liu Chen,From todays paper I have learned with much delight that you were recently appointed editor-in-chief of the Morning Paper.I would like to add my congratulations to the many you must be receiving on your promotions.Your speedy advancement at such a young age is quite rare.This is surely owing to your untiring industry,coupled with your extraordinary ability.With your qualifications and unyielding will,the position will surely prove to be a pleasant one.The Morning Paper at last has an editor-in-chief who can make it the dominant,outstanding daily of the country.With my best wishes for your further success.Yours sincerely,Wang Gang,23,Dear Mrs.Wang,We hear that your son Wang Ming has graduated from the notable M.I.T.with honors.You must be quite happy with his splendid accomplishment.He is doubtlessly a pride of your family.We are very happy for you and wish to extend to you our utmost congratulations.I believe that the knowledge he has acquired will enable him to be successful in whatever calling in life he may enter.With best wishes for his success and happiness.Sincerely yours,Li Meng,练习:贺信亲爱的王夫人:欣悉令郎王明以优异的成绩已从著名的麻省理工学院毕业,你对他的卓越成绩一定感到快慰。他无疑是你全家的骄傲。我们为你高兴,并向你表示最热烈的祝贺。我相信,他所获得的知识将使他今后无论从事什么工作都能取得成功。谨祝他成功、幸福。此致 李萌,海报是一种带有宣传广告性质的大幅张贴通告,用来告知人们有关学术报告、讲座演讲、戏剧电影、体育比赛、文化活动等。正文有具体内容,如活动时间、地点以及出席观看的有关规定、主持或举办单位等。书写形式不拘一格,可按行排列,也可分项书写,主要在于实际效果。汉语海报风格简洁规范,英语海报形式多样,富于变化,常用省略句、缩写形式、俗语等。翻译时要进行适当的调整,既要保持原文的风格,又要达到宣传的效果。,4 海报(Poster),美国文学史上的伟大诗人 演讲人:王伟 外国语学院美国文学史教授 时间:2010年5月31日,星期一,14:00 地点:405演讲厅 主办:英语系 欢迎出席!【译文】Great Poets in American LiteratureSpeaker:Prof.Wang Wei Professor of American Literature,College of Foreign languagesDate:Monday,May 31,2010Time:14:00Place:Lecture-room 405Organizer:English Department All Welcome!,所谓通知,就是指把事项告诉人知道,属于应用文。上级对下级,组织对成员,同单位之间,布置工作、传达事情、告知情况都使用通知。通知对象较少或通知内容不便公开,可用书信形式写给被通知的对象;通知对象较广或通知内容公开,仍用书信形式张贴公布,通知大家。,5 通知(Notice/Notification),通知的格式包括标题、正文、落款三个部分。标题就是通知的题目;正文是通知的具体内容,是主要部分,要写清楚什么时间、什么地点、有什么事情、什么人参加、应注意什么事项等;落款是发通知的单位和时间。题目“通知”写在第一行的中间位置上,正文从第二行开始写,开头要空两格。,亲爱的邻居:敬告6月6日小郭修理店开业。如果你觉得这店名说明小郭无所不修,那就对了。割草机,扫雪机,小型器具,自行车,甚至小型焊接,均在服务之列。还将事先告知修理费多少及何时修好。下次东西坏了,请别扔掉,可把它拿来免费检查一下。地址:辽宁路416号 小郭修理店 电话:01085372144 时间:周一至周六上午8:00下午6:00 此致 敬礼 小郭 2009年6月1日,Dear Neighbor,I am pleased to announce the June 6 opening of Junior Guos FIX-IT SHOP.If the name suggests to you that Junior Guo can repair just about anything,you are right.Lawn mowers,snow blowers,small appliances,bicycles,even light welding.Ill tell you in advance how much it will cost and when the job will be completed.So the next time something breaks down,dont throw it away.Bring it in a free estimate to:Junior Guos Fix-It Shop 416 Liaoning Road Phone:01085372144 Hours:8:00 AM-6:00 PM Monday through Saturday Yours sincerely Junior Guo June 1,2009,30,NOTICE The Foreign Affairs Office has informed us that Dr.Joseph Gonnella,Dean&Vice President of Thomas Jefferson Medical College,Thomas Jefferson University will be unable to travel to China as planned.His report on medical education has been rescheduled for next Friday,October 21,2008,at 2:00 p.m.in the school auditorium.Teaching Affairs Department October 10,2008,通知 接外事办公室通知,托马斯 杰弗逊大学副校长兼杰弗逊医学院院长约瑟夫冈纳拉博士不能按期来中国访问。他关于医学教育的报告将推迟到2008年10月21日(下星期五)下午2时在学校礼堂举行。教务处 2008年10月10,练习,公函主要指公务函件,属书信文体,是人们用于日常信息、情感和事务交流的书面形式,是一种比较正式严谨的文体。,6 公函(Business Letter),交流是公函的目的,一般都是公事磋商、公务答询,重在记实,往往涉及愿望、允诺、赞许、建议、催促、询问、拒绝、辩解或申述、质问、谴责等。翻译公函时不必套用中国传统旧式,尽量使用英语公函格式。,尊敬的阁下:5月19日布莱克先生之函谅已收悉。信函告知贵方当前中国市场急需大量建筑用五金产品,我公司为该项出口业务的承办人。由于我公司现有各种建筑五金及其他产品,如木工工具等存货,品质上乘。我方愿意在互利的基础上与贵方达成交易。目前我方正编印新的产品目录,将另函附邮,不日可达。我方已将贵方的函件存档,并将进一步联系,以期在双方城信互利的基础上达成协议。美国五金公司国际贸易部 约翰康布雷 敬呈 2007年6月 8 日,Huanyang Import&Export Company271 Taishan Road,Shanghai,China June 8,2007Dear Sirs,You have no doubt received Mr.Charles H.Blacks letter of May 19,in which he advised you that the writer who has charge of our export business would write to you regarding builders hardware and other items that are reported in great demand at present in China.Due to the abundance of stock of all types of merchandise such as builders hardware,carpenters tools,etc.in their superior qualities,we are in a position to do export business advantageously to you.We are now working on a new catalog,which you will shortly receive by separate mail.We are keeping your letter on file and will write you later how we could arrange to handle this business on a credit basis that would be satisfactory to all concerned.Sincerely yours,American Hardware Company John Combray John Combray Export Department,35,May 10,2007Your Excellency,The various subjects we discussed yesterday were all matters of very great importance.To avoid possible misunderstanding in our talk,I have composed a memorandum of the subjects we covered.I beg to send it herewith to Your Excellency and to ask you to examine it and to see if there are any mistakes therein.I hope you will favour me with a reply at your earliest convenience.I avail myself of this opportunity to express to you my best wishes.(Signed,in full name)Charged Affaires ad.Interim of the Embassy of the U.S.A.,外交大臣阁下:昨日与阁下所谈各项事务都极为重要。为避免言语之间可能有误会之处,兹将所商各事拟成备忘录一份呈上。清阁下检查有无错误,并希先期答复为盼。顺致敬意 美利坚合众国大使馆临时代办(签署全名)2007年5月 10日,练习:外交公文,合同、契约都属于法律性文件,也是应用文的一种形式。从语言结构上看,英语法律文件的语句一般较长,各类短语和从句都具有很强的限定作用。翻译时尽量不要对原句结构进行较大的改动、调整或断句,以免因结构变化而产生不必要的意义差异甚至漏洞。,7 合同(Contract),例1:赫斯汀有限公司(以下简称买方)授权的代表与泰华工业公司(以下简称卖方)通过友好协商根据以下条款签订本合同。【译文】This contract is made by and between the authorized representatives of HASTINGS Ltd.(hereinafter called the Buyer)and the TAIHUA Industries Corporation(hereinafter called the Seller)through friendly discussion according to the terms and conditions stipulated thereunder.,例2:本合同于二零_年_月_日在(签订地点)签订。合同一方为(一方名称),是一家依照(国家名称)法律组织而存在的公司,其住所在(地址)(以下简称甲方);合同另一方为(另一方名称),是一家依照(国家名称)法律组织而存在的公司,其住所在(地址)(以下简称乙方);鉴于甲方长期从事(产品名称)的制造和推销,并拥有制造、装配、推销上述产品的有价值的先进技术;鉴于乙方长期以来是一家经营上述产品的主要贸易公司,愿意安排上述产品的制造、装配和推销;鉴于双方都希望建立一家合资公司,来制造、装配和推销上述产品;考虑到上述各点和本合同所载各项条款,以及双方通过签署本合同而确认收到的彼此间的其他有效相应报酬,双方特定此协议如下:,【译文】This Contract is made this _ day of _,20 _,in(place of signature)by and between(name of one party),a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of(name of the country)with its domicile at(address)(hereinafter referred to as Party A)and(name of the other party)a cooperation duly organized and existing under the laws of(name of the country)with its domicile at(address)(hereinafter referred to as Party B).Whereas Party A has been engaged in the manufacture and marketing of(name of products),and possesses valuable up-to-date technology,relating to the manufacture,assembly and marketing of the said products;whereas Party B has been a leading trading company in the field of the said products and is willing to arrange for the manufacture,assembly and marketing of the said products,and whereas both parties are desirous to establish a joint venture company to manufacture,assemble and market the said products;Therefore,in consideration of the premises and conventions herein contained and other good and valuable considerations flowing from either party to the other,the receipt whereof both parties by their execution of this Contract do hereby acknowledge,the parties hereby agree as follows:,40,【译文】This contract is made by and between the Employer and the Contractor.Whereas the Employer is desirous that manpower can be rendered available for the construction of the Bridge;whereas the Contractor is willing to provide the manpower for the work.It is agreed as follows.,合同练习,合同 本合约由雇主与承包人达成。鉴于雇主希望承包人提供劳动力以建筑桥梁,鉴于承包人愿意为此提供劳动力,特此达成协议如下,电报电传是一种远距离交流信息的手段,是一种常用的文体,用于重要而紧急的业务联系,目的是为了争取时间,是最为常用的贸易交流手段。电报电传的特点:往来快捷、传递速度快,能引起收报人对有关事情的紧迫性的关注与重视;内容文字简洁。,8 电报电传(Telegrams),电报电传的翻译应注意其语言风格和特点,做到译文语言的言简意赅,其中要注意对一些缩略词和商业术语的含义理解与表达。,例1:船明日起航。【译文】SHIP LEAVING TOMORRO【解意】The ship will be leaving tomorrow.,例2:我已于10月5日抵达。【译文】ARRIVED 5 OCT【解意】I have arrived on 5 October.,例3:上述问题如接受,请电告。【译文】PLS TLX IF ABV QSTN ACPABLE【解意】Please telex us if the above questions are acceptable.,例4:28日来电收悉。【译文】YR TLX 28th RCVD【解意】Your Telex of 28th has been received.,例5:何时航寄的,复。【译文】WHEN AIRD REPLY【解意】When was the mail sent by air?We are expecting for your reply!,例6:请告样品于何时寄出。【译文】PLS TELL WHEN SMPLS SENT【解意】Please tell us when are you going to have the samples sent out?,例7:我们计划下月初寄样品。【译文】SENDING SAMPLES EARLY NEXT MONTH【解意】We plan to have the samples sent out early next month.,例8:请即电告规格,否则不能及时装运。【译文】TEL SPECIFICATIONS IMMDLY OTHRWS CNT SHIP IN TIME【解意】Tell specifications immediately otherwise the cargos cant be shipped in time.,例9:如欲订购,将再与您联系。【译文】WL CONTACT YOU AGAIN WHEN READY TO OFFER【解意】We will contact you when we get ready to offer.,A/Oat once 立即A/Sat sight 见票即付,即期ABTabout 关于AFas follows 如下ARVDarrived 到达ASAPas soon as possible 尽快AWBairway bill 航空运单B/Dbank draft 银行汇票BGbag 包BKbank 银行B/Lbill of lading 提货单BRSbrass 铜C&Fcost and freight 成本加运费价CEOchief executive officer 首席执行官CNTcant 不能,电报电传常用简化词和国际商贸标准术语缩写词,CIFcost,insurance,and freight 到岸价CODcash on delivery 货到付款CYcopy副本D/Pdocuments against acceptance承兑交单EECEuropean Economic Community欧共体ETAestimated times of arrival估计到达时间ETCand so on等等ETDestimated times of departure估计出发时间ETSestimated times of sailing估计开航时间EXPexport 出口FALLINGin the absence of 缺少FOBfree on board 离岸价FYCfor your consideration供你方考虑FYFfor your file供你方存档FYIfor your information供你方参考FYRfor your reference供你方参考,GLDgold 金HVhave有IMPimport 进口IOTin order to为了IVO in view of鉴于IYFin your favor以你方为受益人JANJanuary 一月L/C letter of credit 信用证M/Tmail transfer信汇MINminimum 最小MAXmaximum 最大MDmanaging director 总经理NUnew新的OWINGowing to由于PCpiece件PKGpackage包件PLSplease 请PTpart部分PYMTpayment 付款,QLYquality质量QTYquantity数量REPreference参阅REYOURTELreferring to your telegram 据来电RYCreferring to your cable关于你方电报RYLreferring to your letter关于你方信件RYTreferring to your telex关于你方电传SLRsilver 银SUBJECTsubject to以为条件THRUthrough 由于TKSthanks 谢谢T/Ttelegraphic transfer 电汇TWOPCTtwo percent 2%Uyou 你,你的UOSunless otherwise specified 除非另有规定USCunder separate cover另邮USDUS dollar美元W/Twith transshipment允许转船WTweight重量,YCyour cable 你方电报YC 12/6your cable of June 6月12日电悉YOURS 15thyour letter/cable dated 15th 15日来函(电)YLyour letter 你方信件YRyour你的,你们的YTyour telex 你方电传*保留单词的后缀形成的简化词,如:-d-ED-G-ING-BL-ABLE-MT-MENT-SN-SION-TN-TION,求职信是指为了谋求一个工作职位而推介自己的一种最常用的商务性信函。求职信类似自我推荐信,是一种比较正式的文体,又不像推荐信那样严肃,但要求格式规范。,9 求职信(Application Letters for Jobs),求职信的主要作用是向供职者提供求职者的有关信息,使供职者了解求职者的基本情况以便确定是否满足求职者的愿望。,例 1:尊敬的负责人阁下:从星辰晚报上获悉贵公司招聘兼职译员,特来应聘。本人的基本情况如下:姓名:王芳 性别:女 年龄:23岁 出生地:吉林长春 主修专业:在吉林大学主修英语 从业经历:在环球贸易公司兼职译员两年 薪金要求:每小时160元 若有意可面谈。盼早复为感。王芳敬呈 2007年5月26日,【译文】Application Letter May 26,2007Gentlemen/Sirs,In answer to your ad in Star Even


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