如何撰写SCI论文:向CMJ投稿的注意事项,中华医学杂志英文版 汪谋岳,首先要有好的科研工作,选题好新颖,有创新不一定很复杂和自己工作结合起来根据自身条件选题适当考虑和他人合作注重积累,重视科研设计,多做前瞻性研究随机,对照(RCT),双盲多中心研究,重视统计学问题,正确使用统计方法正确描述统计学方法不同资料使用的统计方法描述使用的统计软件及版本描述检验水准,英文摘要,250字左右目的(背景)、方法、结果、结论目的:列主要目的,不定式短句或过去时短句方法:列主要方法,一般过去时结果:列主要结果,数据,一般过去时结论:一句话,现在时,过去或完成时从句,论文的引言写作要规范,需要交待研究的背景需要交待本文研究目的和意义需要引用相关参考文献字数多一些,材料与方法交待要详细,便于他人重复试验(如介绍随机过程)第一次描述产品时,要交代生产厂家和国家名称应简要介绍所采用的统计学分析方法、采用的软件及版本,并注明检验水准。交待试验有无得到伦理委员会批准和受试者知情同意,报告论文的结果要客观,要有重点,逻辑性强报告主要相关结果,图文并茂不要随意剔除不合预期的结果作者有义务报告阴性结果要重视对失访者的追踪和描述,论文的讨论要充分,第一段指出本研究的重要结果和新发现要把本结果和国内外其他相关结果进行分析,指出和其它研究的异同及原因要指出本研究的不足最后做小结和展望,引言举例,The terrorist attack on the world Trade Center on September 11,2001(hereafter referred to as 9/11),and its consequent collapse killed 2751 persons,including 343 rescue workers employed by the Fire Department of New York City(FDNY)and exposed thousands of persons to a dense,persistent dust cloud of pulverized building materials and chemical by-products of combustion or pyrolysis.1 The FDNY rescue workers who responded to the World Trade Center site during the collapse or the subsequent 10-month rescue-and-recovery operations had substantial loss in pulmonary function during the first year after the event,more than 12 times the annual age-associated rate.2 The largest decline was observed among workers who arrived at the site on the morning of 9/11,and there were larger declines among firefighters than among emergency medical services(EMS)workers.2 Among non-FDNY rescue workers,volunteers,and residents of lower Manhattan who were exposed to World Trade Center dust,abnormal results on spirometry were common3,4 and persisted during a 3-year follow-up.3 However,health records were not available before 9/11 to determine the extent of new versus preexisting abnormalities.We investigated the longer-term consequences of exposure to World Trade Center dust by characterizing trends in pulmonary function during the 7 years after 9/11,as assessed by repeated measures of forced expiratory volume in 1 second(FEV1)among FDNY rescue workers.,统计学举例,We compared individual characteristics between firefighters and EMS workers,according to smoking status and arrival-time group,using Pearsons chi-square test,the MannWhitney test,Students t-test,or analysis of variance,as appropriate.All reported P values are two-sided.We used linear mixed models8,9,10 to estimate weighted average values for FEV1 and percent of the predicted FEV1 for each 6-month period from March 12,2000,to September 11,2008,for all workers and separately for arrival-time groups and for firefighters and EMS workers.We also used the linear mixed models to assess changes during the first 6 and 12 months after 9/11,during the 7 years after 9/11,and during the 6 years between September 12,2002,and September 11,2008.We adjusted the FEV1 for age on 9/11,sex,height,and race and adjusted both the FEV1 and the percent of the predicted FEV1 for weight,smoking status,arrival time,and duration of work.The models allowed for the acute decrement in spirometric measurements that was previously observed in the first year after 9/11.2 We included all predictors in the models as fixed effects.We used a random intercept to take into account the heterogeneity across subjects and the correlation induced by having repeated observations on the same subjects.We performed a similar analysis with the last FEV1 value taken during the final 2 years of follow-up as the outcome but without the random effects.For white workers and black workers,at each 6-month interval,we used marginal logistic-regression models,fit with generalized estimating equations,11 to estimate the percentage of FEV1 values that fell below the lower limit of the normal range and the percentage that fell below 70%of the predicted value.Both the linear mixed models and the marginal logistic-regression models take into account that individuals could contribute unequal numbers of repeated correlated observations to the analyses over time.All data analyses were performed with the use of SAS software,version 9.1.,重视参考文献,注意格式保证准确无误,相关文献 数量不能过少需要有近2年文献最好适量自引,重视伦理学问题,伦理委员会批准 Ethics committeeInstitutional review board知情同意(informed consent)知情同意一稿多投、重复发表其他器官移植人工流产,重视伦理学问题,还要注意动物的伦理学问题说明按照单位或国家的动物管理和使用有关规定来操作处死动物要尽量减少动物痛苦用词要人性化,如不用kill,用sacrifice,伦理问题举例,This study was approved by the institutional review board at Montefiore Medical Center.Written informed consent was obtained from all FDNY workers.,重视版权问题,版权已经转让,不可随便使用引用别人的图表除了需作文献引用外,还有征求作者和杂志的同意自己发表的文章中的图表再在另一篇文章中使用,需要经过原杂志授权文章发表后,如果再以另一种形式出版,在版权已经转让的情况下,要经过原杂志同意,了解二级发表(Secondary Publication),作者须事先取得有关杂志编辑的同意 二级发表应与第一次发表间隔一周以上 主要是针对不同的读者群 应该忠实于原版 应在首页脚注第一次发表的出处,重视临床试验的注册,www.ClinicalTrial.govactr.ctc.usyd.edu.auwww.controlled-www.umin.ac.jp/ctr/index.htm,临床试验注册举例,(ClinicalTrials.gov number,NCT00262769 ClinicalTrials.gov.),写好投稿函,说明研究是真实的 说明研究的重要性说明研究是否存在利益冲突 说明作者署名无争议 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Laine等,希望您是位好医生 希望您是位好作者,www.cmj.org;,