,Student:Shamsiya Mentor:Maynur,From Oncology department,Cervical Cancer宫颈癌,Student:ShamsiyaMentor:Maynur From Oncology department,Cervix,Lower part of the uterusConnects the body of the uterus to the vagina(birth canal)Source:American Cancer Society,Statistics,10,520 new cases in the U.S.this year 3,900 will die50%are diagnosed between ages 35 and 55.20%at the age of 65 or over.Rarely occurs in women younger than 20Noninvasive is four times more common74%decrease in deaths between 1955 and 1992 in the U.S.Death rate continuous to decline by 2%a yearSource:American Cancer Society,Three Types,Squamous cell CarcinomasCancer of flat epithelial cell80%to 90%Adenocarcinomas Cancer arising from glandular epithelium10%-20%Mixed carcinoma Features both types,Cervical Cancer,Begins in the lining of the cervixCells change from normal to pre-cancer(dysplasia)and then to cancer,Risk Factors,Human papillomavirus infection(HPV)Primary factorHPV 16,HPV 18,HPV 31,HPV 33,HPV 4550%are caused by HPV 16 AND 18Sexual behaviorSmokingHIV infectionChlamydia infectionDietOral contraceptivesMultiple pregnanciesLow socioeconomic statusDiethylstilbestrol(DES)Family historySource:American Cancer Society,Signs and Symptoms,Vaginal bleedingMenstrual bleeding is longer and heavier than usualBleeding after menopause or increased vaginal dischargeBleeding following intercourse or pelvic examPain during intercourseSource:American Cancer Society,Diagnosis,Cervical Cytology(Pap Test)Cells are removed from the cervix and examined under the microscope.Can detect epithelial cell abnormalitiesAtypical squamous cellsSquamous intraepithelial lesionsSquamous cell carcinoma(likely to be invasive)Source:American Cancer Society,Diagnosis,Additional testingColposcopyCervix is viewed through a colposcope and the surface of the cervix can be seen close and clear.Cervical BiopsiesColposcopic biopsy removal of small section of the abnormal area of the surface.Endocervical curettage removing some tissue lining from the endocervical canal.Cone biopsy cone-shaped piece of tissue is removed from the cervix,Staging,FIGO System(International Federation Of Gynecology and Obstetrics)Has five stages 0 to 4Stage 0 Carcinoma in situStage 1 Invaded cervix,but has not spread.Stage 2 Has spread to nearby areas,not leaving pelvic area.Stage 3 Cancer has spread to the lower part of the vagina.Stage 4 Cancer has spread to nearby organs;metastasis.Source:American Cancer Society,Survival Rate,5-year survival rate is 92%for earliest stage 71%for all stages combinedSource:American Cancer Society,Treatment,SurgeryPreinvasive cervical cancerCryosurgeryLaser surgeryConizationInvasive cervical cancerSimple hysterectomyRemoval of the body of the uterus and cervix.Radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissectionRemoval of entire uterus,surrounding tissue,upper part of the vagina,and lymph nodes from the cervix.RadiotherapyChemotherapySource:American Cancer Society,Prevention,Avoiding the risk factors Especially HPVHelp for low-income women(NBCCEDP)Having the Pap Test3 years after first vaginal intercourse or by age 21.Have test annuallySource:American Cancer Society,NCCN Guidelines 2010 v.,Thank You,