CSE 410:Computer Systems,Instructor:David Ely(elycs)Office Hours:Sieg 226DTAs:Jiwon Kim(jwkimcs)and Tao Xie(taoxiecs)Office Hours:Jiwon MF 2-3(Sieg 226A),Tao M 1:30-2:30 and Th 12-1(Sieg 226A)Web page:Mailing List:cse410cs,Administrative,TextbooksArchitecture component:Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface,2nd edition.Hennessy and Patterson.Operating Systems:Design And Implementation,Second Edition by Andrew S.Tanenbaum and Albert S.WoodhullAnonymous feedback,More Administrative,Schedule(on web page):weeks 1+2:Intro,MIPS assemblyweek 3+4:Speeding things up(pipelining,the memory hierarchy)Midterm:Monday,October 30thweeks 5-10:Operating systemsweek 11:Wrap up,reviewFinal:Wednesday,December 13th,8:30am,Yet More Administrative,Grading9 Homeworks:40%(drop lowest)Midterm:25%Final:35%Homework policydue at the beginning of class on Wednesdayno late work acceptedpreferably typed,neatly written is acceptablehigh level collaboration only(write names of collaborators on your assignments)CheatingDont do it,9/25:Lecture Topics,Administrative stuffAn overview of computer architectureOrganization vs.architectureLevels of abstractionThe hierarchy of computer languagesSome example architecturesAn introduction to MIPS,Architecture Overview,How do you talk to a computer?What do computers have in them?How do computers execute programs?How can we speed up execution?What are todays hot topics in architecture?,Computerese,Bits=binary digitsInstruction=set of bits forming a commandPeople used to write these by hand.,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,Machine Language is Tedious,Writing this is hardDebugging this is impossible,Solution#1:Assembly,Assembly language is just like machine language,but more comfortable for humans,becomes,add A,B,Assembly is Also Tedious,Each line corresponds to one instructionProcedure call is a painForces the programmer to think like the computer,subu$sp,$sp,32sw$ra,20($sp)sw$fp,16($sp)addu$fp,$sp,28li$a0,10jal factla$a0,$LCmove$a1,$v0jal printflw$ra,20($sp)lw$fp,16($sp)addu$sp,$sp,32,Sol.#2:High Level Languages,Programmer can think more naturallyDifferent languages for different usesPortabilityEnable software reuse(libraries),Tower of Babel,C program,assemblylanguage,machinelanguage,C compiler,assembler,for(i=0;iN;i+)Ai+;,lw$t0,1200($t1)add$t0,$s2,$t0sw$t0,1200($t1),Organization vs.Architecture,Architecture:interface between hardware and softwaree.g.the instruction set,registers,how to access memoryOrganization:components and connectionse.g.how“mult”is implementedMany organizations for one architectureIntel x86,Pentium,Pentium Pro,Computer Organization,the chip,system bus,level 2 cache,main memory,input/output,level 1 cache,registers,functionalunits,control,PC,Components of Computers,The processor,or the chip,includes:Functional units:logic to manipulate bitsControl:logic to control the manipulationRegisters and Program Counter(PC)First level cacheSecond level cacheMemoryOther devices for input and output:disks,etc.,Instruction Set Architecture(ISA),All of the specifications necessary to program the machineWhat instructions does the machine understand?How do the instructions need to be formatted into bits?How many registers?How big is memory?How is memory addressed?This should become clearer with MIPS,Architecture Families,IBM 360,370,etc.IBM PowerPC(601,603,etc.)DEC PDP-11,VAXIntel x86(80286,80386,80486,Pentium,etc.)Motorola 680 x0MIPS Rx000,SGISun SparcDec Alpha(21x64),The Bigger Picture,hardware,OS,machine program,high level language program,ISA interface(e.g.MIPS,Alpha,80 x86),OS interface(system calls),Prog.lang.interface(C,Java),Instruction Sets,An assembly language has a“vocabulary”of commandsadd,subtract,shift,branch,etc.The set of commands forms the instruction setComputer architects argue about what should be included,RISC vs.CISC,Some instruction sets are large and have complex instructions:CISCComplex Instruction Set ComputerOther sets are small and have only simple instructions:RISCReduced Instruction Set ComputerMore on this after youve seen MIPS,MIPS,The Instruction Set Architecture(ISA)well be studyingA RISC architecturePopular for real lifeNEC,Nintendo,SGI,SonyPopular for classes like this onereasonably simple and elegantabout 100 instructions total,Operations,Arithmeticadd,sub,mult,divData transferlw,sw,lb,sbConditional branchbeq,bne,sltJumpj,jr,jal,Arithmetic Operations,Desired result:,MIPS assembly:,a=b+c,add a,b,c,Conventions:Always three variablesResult goes into first variableHow do you add up more than two variables?,Desired result:,MIPS assembly:,a=b+c+d,?,More Than Two Variables,Form more complex operations by combining simple onesYou can reuse the same variable in more than one place,Desired result:,MIPS assembly:,add a,b,cadd a,a,d,a=(b+c)+d,A Complex Arithmetic Example,Desired result:,MIPS assembly:,f=(g+h)-(i+j),Registers,Variables are a high-level language conceptIn assembly,we use registersA special place on the chip that can hold a(32-bit)wordThere are only a few of themThey are very fast to access,How Many Registers?,MIPS has 32 registersIntel x86 has only 4 or 8 general-purpose registersWhy does the number matter?Any data you use has to be in a registerIf youre using 5 data items and have 4 registers,thats a pain,How Many Registers?cont.,If registers are so great,why not have lots?space is at a premiumthe more you have,the less efficient your designthey might all get slowerit takes more bits to describe which one you mean,MIPS Registers(p.A-23),