醫學術語,潘德樑高雄榮總,內容大綱,學習目的醫學術語的組合常見縮寫病歷範例應用實例簡易解剖圖解結語,學習目的,醫學術語是醫護、醫療管理 相互間溝通專業語言幫助學習者發展對醫療語言 的閱讀與了解能力進一步應用於實務作業,醫學術語的組合,字根法(Word Root)字尾法(Suffix)字首法(Prefix)多重組合(Multiple combination)聯結母音(a,e,i,o,u),字根法(Root),Cardi/o=heart 心臟Hepat/o=liver 肝臟Pneum/o=lung 肺臟Nephr/o=kidney 腎臟Ren/o=kidney 腎臟Arthr/o=joint 關節Cerebr/o=cerebrum 腦,字根法(Root),Gastr/o=stomach 胃Enter/o=intestine 腸Derm/a=skin 皮膚Psych/o=mental 精神Hemat/o=blood 血液Oste/o=bone 骨頭Pancreat/o=pancreose 胰臟Splen/o=spleen 脾臟,字尾法(Suffix),Endoscopy=endo+scopy in+examination 內部+鏡檢(法、術)Gastritis=gastr+itis stomach+inflammation 胃+發炎Nephrotomy=nephro+tomy kidney+incision 腎+切開,字尾法(Suffix),Splenomegaly=spleen+megaly spleen+enlargement 脾臟+腫大 Arthrodesis=arthro+desis joint+fixation 關節+固定Rhinoplasty=rhino+plasty nose+plastic 鼻+整形術,字尾法(Suffix),Cystocele=cyst+cele bladder+hernia,protrusion 膀胱+突出 Adenoma=aden+oma gland+tumor 腺體+腫瘤Leukemia=leuk+emia white+blood 白血病,字尾法(Suffix),Dysentery=dys+entery pain+intestine 疼痛+腸道(痢疾)Tonsillectomy=tonsil+ectomy tonsil+excision 扁桃腺+切除Pyuria=py+uria pus+urine 膿+小便,字首法(Prefix),Antipyretic=anti+pyretic gainst+fever 對抗+發燒 Antepartum=ante+partum before+labor 在之前+生產Polyarteritis=poly+arteritis many+arteritis 多處+動脈炎,字首法(Prefix),Hemiplegia=hemi+plegia half+paralysis 一半+麻痺 Hypertension=hyper+tension above+pressure 高+壓力(血壓)Bradycardia=brady+cardia slow+heart 心跳過慢,字首法(Prefix),Tackycardia=tacky+cardia rapid+heart 快的+心臟 Polyneuralgia=poly+neuralgia multiple+never pain 多的+神經痛Subcutaneous=sub+cutaneous under+skin 皮下,字首法(Prefix),Dysphasia=dys+phasia impairment+speech 障礙+言語 Dysuria=dys+uria painful+urine 疼痛+小便,多重組合(Multiple combination),electro cardi o gram字根 字根 字尾 電 心 圖salpingo-oophor ectomy 字根 字根 字尾輸卵管 卵巢 切除,多重組合(Multiple combination),gastro entero stomy 字根 字根 字尾 胃 腸 造口Esophago gastro duodenoscopy 字根 字根 字根 字尾 食道 胃 十二指腸 鏡檢,聯結母音(Combining vowel),NephropathyCardiomegalyOsteotomy,聯結母音(Combining vowel),GastrectomyCystitis 字尾的開頭即為母音Hepatoma 故不需另加其他母音,字尾及其組合元素實例,cele:hernia,tumor,protrusioncystocele:hernia of the bladdergastrocele:hernia of the stomachHydrocele:serous tumor of the testis,字尾及其組合元素實例,emia:bloodhyperglycemia:abnormally high blood sugar itis:inflammationgastritis:inflammation of the stomachnephritis:inflammation of the kidney,字尾及其組合元素實例,malacia:softeningosteomalacia:softening of the bonesplenomalacia:softening of the spleenpathy:disease neuropathy:any disease of nervemyopahty:any disease of muscle,字字尾及其組合元素實例尾及其組合元素實例,centesis:puncturethoracentesis:puncture and aspiration of the pleural cavity,字尾及其組合元素實例,ectomy:excision,removetonsillectomy:removal of tonsilsoophorectomy:removal of ovaryplasty:surgical correction,plasty repair ofhernioplasty:plasty repair of herniaproctoplasty:surgical repair of rectum,字尾及其組合元素實例,scopy:inspection,examinationbronchoscopy:examination of the bronchi with an endoscopecystoscopy:examination of the bladder with an endoscope,字尾及其組合元素實例,stomy:creation of an opening colostomy:creation of an opening into the colon through the abdominal wallgastroduodenostomy:creation of an opening between stomach and duodenum,字尾及其組合元素實例,osis:increase,conditionarteriosclerosis:hardening of the arterieslymphocytosis:increase in number of lymph cells,字尾及其組合元素實例,penia:deficiency,decreaseleukopenia:decrease of leukocytes in the blood angio:blood vesselangiotomy:dissection of blood vessel,字根及其組合元素實例,crani:skullcraniotomy:surgical opening of skullcyt:cellerythrocyte:red blood cell,字根及其組合元素實例,derm:skindermatitis:inflammation of skinenter:intestineenteritis:inflammation of the intestine,字根及其組合元素實例,hematemesis:vomiting of bloodhematoma:a blood tumorhyster:uterushysterectomy:excision of the uturus,字首及其組合元素實例,ante:beforeantenatal:before birthepi:uponepidermis:outer layer of the skin hemi:halfhemiplegia:paralysis of one-half the body,字首及其組合元素實例,hyper:above,beyond,excessivehypertension:high blood pressureendo:withinendocarditis:inflammation of the endocardium peri:aroundpericarditis:inflammation of the pericardium,英文診斷疾病全名英文縮寫中文全名Adenocarcinoma Adenoca 腺癌 Atrial fibrillation Af 心房纖維顫動Alpha-fetoprotein AFP-胎兒蛋白Acute glomerulonephritis AGN 急性腎絲球腎炎Acquired immune AIDS 後天免疫缺乏症候群deficiency syndrome,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名AppendicitisAPP 闌尾炎Abdomino-perineal resectionAPR 腹會陰切除Adult respiratory distress ARDS 成人呼吸窘症候群 syndromeAcute renal failure ARF 急性腎衰竭Atrial septal defectASD 心房中膈缺損Atherosclerotic heart disease ASHD 粥樣硬化性心臟病,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫 中文全名Abdominal total hysterectomy ATH 腹式全子宮切除Aortic valve replacement AVR 主動脈瓣置換術Arterio-venous shunt A-V shunt 動靜脈分流術Acute pyelonephritis APN 急性腎盂腎炎Background diabetic BDR 背景性糖尿病視網膜病變retinopahty,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Twice a day(bis in die)b.i.d.一天二次BilateralBIL 雙側Basal metabolic rateBMR 基礎代謝率Blood pressureBP 血壓Benign prostatic BPH 良性前列腺肥大hyperplasia,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Bilateral pelvic lymphBPLND 雙側骨盆腔淋巴結摘除 nodes dissectiotnBenign paroxysssmal BPPV 良性陣發生位置性眩暈 position vertigoBilateral saplingo-BSO 雙側卵巢輸卵管切除 oophorectomyBibiary tract infectionBTI 膽道感染,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Blood urea nitrogenBUN 血中尿素氮Biopsybx 切片Carcinoma CA 癌症Continuous ambulatory CAPD 連續性攜帶式腹膜透析peritoneal dialysisComputed(axial)tomography CAT scan 電腦斷層攝影,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Common bile duct CBD 總膽管Congenital heart disease CHD 先天性心臟病Congestive heart failure CHF 充血性心臟衰竭Carcinoma in situ CIS 原位癌 Chronic obstructive pulmonary COPD 慢性阻塞性肺疾 diseaseChronic paranasal sinusitis CPS 慢性副鼻竇炎,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Cesarean section C/S 剖腹產Chest x-ray CXR 胸部X光Cerebrovascular accident CVA 腦血管意外Diabetes mellitus DM 糖尿病Ear,nose,and throat ENT 耳鼻喉End stage renal disease ESRD 末期腎疾病,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Hepatocellular carcinomaHCC 肝細胞癌Intensive care unit ICU 加護中心Insulin dependent diabetesIDDM 胰島素依賴型糖尿病 mellitusMagnetic resonance imaging MRI 核磁共振攝影 Nothing by mouth NPO 禁食(nulla per os),常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Red blood cell(corpuscle)RBC 紅血球 red blood countSystemic lupus erythematosus SLE 系統性紅斑性狼瘡Shortness of breathSOB 呼吸短促Tuberculosis TB 結核病Total hip replacementTHR 全髖關節置換術,常 見 縮 寫,英文診斷疾病全名 英文縮寫中文全名Total knee replacement TKR 全膝關節置換術Upper respiratory tract URI 上呼吸道感染 infectionUrinary tract infection UTI 沁尿道感染Ventricular septal defect VSD 心室中膈缺損White blood cell;WBC 白血球 white blood count,常 見 縮 寫,病歷範例,This 46-years-old woman was a victim of invasive ductal carcinoma of left breast with bone metastasis,she had received surgery and radiotherapy due to axillary lymph node and bone(L-spine)metastasis.This time she was admitted for set up port A placement and chemotherapy,This patient was admitted because of sudden onset of vomiting of bright red blood due to acute gastric ulcer.His hemoglobin was 7.8gm/dl,which revealed anemia due to blood loss.Areterigraphy was performed to determine the site of the bleeding,and hemostasis was achieved by transcatheter embolization,病歷範例,The patient complained of chest pain and dyspnea off and on for 3 months.The diagnosis were congestive heart failure and unstable angina,the angina was treated with nitrate,and IV Lasix was administered to manage the heart failure.Both conditions improved,and the patient was discharged to be followed on an out-patient basis.,病歷範例,This patient had received a below knee amputation six years ago for gangrene of his leg due to both diabetes and arteriosclerosis.The patient had received an above-knee amputation of the stump because of further gangrene change at this admission.,病歷範例,應用實例(以Chronic renal failure 為例),Essential of Diagnosis1.,1.Progressive azotemia over weeks or months2.Isosthenuria is common3.Hypertention in the majority4.Bilateral small kidneys on ultrasound are dianostic5.Radiologic evidence of renal osteodystrophy confirms the diagnosis,General Considerations,The symptoms of chronic renal failure(CRF)depend on the severity and rapidity of the underlying renal disorder.When CRF developslowly,most individuals remain asymptomaticuntil the renal failure is far-advanced(GFR 10-15mL/min).,Complication of chronic renal failuretheir managementHyperkalemiaAcid-base disorderC.Cardiovascular complication 1.Hypertention 2.Pericarditis 3.Congestive heart failureD.Hematologic complication 1.Anemia 2.Coagulopathy,E.Neurologic complicationF.Disorder of mineral metabolism:Renal osteodystrophyG.Metabolic and endocrine disturbancesH.Gastrointestinal tract complication,Treatment of Chronic renal failureA.Diatery management 1.Protein restriction 2.Salt and water restriction 3.Potassium restriction 4.Phosphorus restriction 5.Magnesium restrictionB.Dialysis 1.Hemodialysis 2.Peritoneal dialysisC.Kidney transplantation,一個病人實例,主訴:Dry cough off and on for about 1.5month病史:This 51years old woman is an administractive officer at our hospital.She is a non-smoker,she underwent a regular health examination in Aug last year,一個病人實例,.Chest x-ray revealed a small opacity at RLL,hence she went to our CM OPD for help,but without significant diagnosis.In recent 1.5 months,she suffered from dry cough intermittently,it was more severe in the night time,so,she is admitted for further survey,病理報告:Lung,right middle lobe,frozen section and biopsy-Adennocarcinoma,poorly differentiated,一個病人實例,住院診斷:Adenocarcinoma of lung,RML and RLL,with pleural metastasis and lymph node invasion,T4N1M0,一個病人實例,手術:Wedge resection of RML,一個病人實例,住院治療經過:After admission,chest CT revealed ill-definded nodules at RML and RLL.Pre-OP survey was performed and showed no distance metastasis.,一個病人實例,After discussion and explanation of limits,risk,and benefits of surgery and biopsy,family and patient decided to receive surgery resection,then exploratory thoracotomy with lung wedge resection was performed and pleural metastasis was noted,一個病人實例,Port-A was also insertion.After rest and pain control,patient was discharged and keep OPD follow up for further lung CA treatment.,一個病人實例,有系統、有方法、有紀律的學習是成功的保證,結 語,謝謝聆聽敬請指教,