第三讲 劳动力与失业Labor Force and Unemployment,一、劳动力Labor Force(Manpower,Workforce),1.劳动力的概念Labor Force of Definition存在于活的人体之中 Existing in living human body;人生产某种使用价值或提供某种劳务时所运用的能力Power or competence to be used to produce application value or provide some service;是体力与脑力的总和Sum of physical and intelligent power。,一、劳动力Labor Force(Manpower,Workforce),2.劳动力的再生产 Reproduction体力与脑力的恢复Recovering of physical and intelligent power;补充与增加Supplement and addition体质的增强与劳动技能的提高Strengthening body and improving work skill,Labor force,The labor force is all the nonmilitary people who are officially employed or unemployed.In 2005,the worldwide labor force was over 3 billion people.所有非军人的就业与失业者Normally,the labor force of a country(or other geographic entity)consists of everyone of working age(typically above a certain age(around 14 to 16)and below retirement(around 65)who are participating workers,that is people actively employed or seeking employment.劳动适龄者People not counted include students,retired people,stay-at-home parents,people in prisons or similar institutions,people employed in jobs or professions with unreported income,as well as discouraged workers who cannot find work.不包括者,Labor force,In the United States,the labor force is defined as people 16 years old or older who are employed or looking for work.Child labor laws in the United States forbid employing people under 18 in hazardous jobs.在美国,劳动适龄者需16岁以上In the United States,the unemployment rate is estimated by a household survey called the Current Population Survey,conducted monthly by the Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.美国的家庭调查 The unemployment rate is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed persons by the size of the workforce.失业率An unemployed person is defined as a person not employed but actively seeking work.失业者,Labor force participation rate,The size of the workforce is defined as those employed plus those unemployed.劳动力规模Participation rate is the ratio between the labor force and the overall size of their cohort(national population of the same age range).劳动力参与率In the West during the later half of the 20th century,the labor force participation rate increased significantly,largely due to the increasing number of women entering the workplace.西方国家劳动力参与率提升,Labor force participation rate,The labor force participation rate is a key component in long-term economic growth,almost as important as productivity.劳动力参与率的重要性If a large amount of new workers enter the labor force but only a small fraction become employed,then the increase in the number of unemployed workers can outpace the growth in employment.新增劳动力可导致失业增加,劳动力资源Labor Force Resource在劳动年龄范围内有劳动能力的人口Population having working ability within working age range男1660周岁,女1655周岁 Male 16-60 years old,Female 16-55 years old in China,讨论Discussion,1.要不要同年龄退休?Retire at the same age for male and Female?2.要不要提前退休?Retire in advance or not?3.很快会推迟至63岁退休。Retire at age of 63 in near future.4.要不要女士在家,男士拿双倍工资?Lady stays at home,man is double repaid?,3.劳动力资源的质量Quality of Labor Force Resource体质与智能两方面physical&intelligent aspects优生优育eugenic(well born and well fostered)营养nutrition教育education科技能力scientific and technical competence,4.劳动力市场Labor Market市场key element of market政府对劳动力市场的调控Regulation and control of labor market from government-法定工作时间legal working time(5天制5-day system;8小时工作制8-hour working time;35小时工作制35-houre working time;4天工作3天休息?4-day working time and 3-day rest?),法定节假日legal holidays-最低工资标准lowest salary level-城镇失业率控制线unemployment rate control bottom line-工资增长指导线 salary increasing guide line,4.劳动力市场Labor Market基本社会保险(养老金、失业金、医疗、公积金)Basic social insurances(pension,unemployment fund,medical fund,accumulation fund)劳动安全保护work safety and protection市场制度的三要素3 key elements of labor market:-最低劳动标准lowest working limit(最低工资标准与最长劳动时间标准lowest salary and longest working time)¥1450 monthly¥12.5 hourly in Shanghai since April,2012.-最低社会保障basic social protection(保险insurance、救济relief、福利welfare、优抚preferential treatment compensation and comfort)-工会组织union(权利与义务right and obligation),二、就业与失业Employment&Unemployment,Employment(就业或雇佣),Employment is a contract between two parties,one being the employer and the other being the employee.雇员与雇主双方签就业合同An employee may be defined as:“A person in the service of another under any contract of hire,express or implied,oral or written,where the employer has the power or right to control and direct the employee in the material details of how the work is to be performed.“据合同要求,雇员受雇主指令行事,Employment(就业或雇佣),Self-employment自我雇佣 When an individual entirely owns the business for which he or she labours,this is known as self-employment.Volunteerism志愿工作Workers who are not paid wages,such as volunteers,are generally not considered as being employed.,Employment(就业或雇佣),Indenturing and slavery强迫奴工 Those who work under obligation for the purpose of fulfilling a debt,such as an indentured servant,or as property of the person or entity they work for,such as a slave,do not receive pay for their services and are not considered employed.以还债为目的的强迫劳动不属于雇佣范畴,Employment in USA,In the United States,the standard employment relationship is considered to be at-will(随意)meaning that the employer and employee are both free to terminate the employment at any time and for any cause,or for no cause at all.However,if a termination of employment by the employer is deemed unjust by the employee,there can be legal recourse(追索权)to challenge such a termination.Unjust termination may include termination due to discrimination(歧视)because of an individuals race,national origin,sex or gender,pregnancy,age,physical or mental disability,religion,or military status.Despite whatever agreement an employer makes with an employee for the employees wages,an employee is entitled to certain minimum wages set by the federal government.,失业Unemployment什么是失业?What 为什么会有失业?Why 如何解决失业问题?How,失业主体所具备的三个条件3 conditions:(1)有劳动能力working ability;(2)愿意就业willing to work;(3)没有工作having no job,Unemployment,失业As defined by the International Labour Organization,it occurs when people are without jobs and they have actively looked for work within the past four weeks.失业率The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labour force.,Measurement of Unemployment,讨论Discussion about unemployment社会发展的头号敌人first enemy for social development对社会进步有促进作用(蓄水池)Just like a tank,useful to promote social progress,United States mean duration of unemployment 1948-2010,Unemployment rates from 1993-2009 for France,European Union,United States,G7,and OECD.,Source:OECD.,Unemployment Types,Economists distinguish between various overlapping types of and theories of unemployment,including cyclical or Keynesian unemployment周期失业,frictional unemployment临时失业,structural unemployment结构失业 and classical(real-wage)unemployment古典失业.Some additional types of unemployment that are occasionally mentioned are seasonal unemployment(季节失业),and hidden unemployment(隐形失业).,Unemployment Types,Classical or real-wage unemployment It occurs when real wages for a job are set above the market-clearing level(市场出清水平),causing the number of job-seekers to exceed the number of vacancies.Ineconomics,market clearingrefers to eithera simplifying assumption made by thenew classical schoolthatmarketsalwaysgo to where the quantity supplied equals the quantity demanded;orthe process of getting there via price adjustment.,Unemployment Types,Keynes,John Maynard(1883-1946)a Britisheconomistwhose ideas greatly influenced economic thinking in the 20th century.Keynes believed that governments should use public money to control the level of employment,for example by spending money onpublic works(=buildings,roads etc built by the government)in order to provide more jobs in periods of high unemployment.John Maynard Keynes,约翰梅纳德凯恩斯,一般称作凯恩斯(或译为凯因斯),英国经济学家。凯恩斯最卓越的成就是他在宏观经济学上的贡献。一反自18世纪亚当斯密以来尊重市场机制、反对人为干预的经济学思想,凯恩斯主张政府应积极扮演经济舵手的角色,透过财政与货币政策来对抗景气衰退乃至于经济萧条。,Unemployment Types,Voluntary unemployment 自愿失业is attributed to the individuals decisions.Whereas involuntary unemployment非自愿失业 exists because of the socio-economic environment(including the market structure,government intervention,and the level of aggregate demand)in which individuals operate.On the other hand,cyclical unemployment,structural unemployment,and classical unemployment are largely involuntary in nature.,Unemployment Types,However,the existence of structural unemployment may reflect choices made by the unemployed in the past,while classical(natural)unemployment may result from the legislative and economic choices made by labour unions or political parties.结构失业反映经济与法律政策的选择Hidden,or covered,unemployment is the unemployment of potential workers that is not reflected in official unemployment statistics,due to the way the statistics are collected.潜在失业者未被官方统计Long-term unemployment is normally defined,for instance in European Union statistics,as unemployment lasting for longer than one year.It is an important indicator of social exclusion.长期失业是社会边缘化情况的重要指标,讨论Discussion经济高速增长大学生为何难找工作Why difficult for graduates from universities or colleges while economy increases rapidly?我国接受过高等教育者的定位是普通劳动者Persons educated in higher education are regarded as common laborer now.,