初中英语命题与分析,高树超,第三部分:试题命题要求,第一部分:新课程英语中考命题特点,第二部分:考试题分析,英语命题科学、合理,能够体现新课程的评价理念,命题技术提高。,一、新课程英语中考命题特点,(一)初中学业考试命题依据,上位:课程标准课程标准是国家教育质量在特定教育阶段应达到的具体指标,具有法定的性质。课程标准是国家管理和评价课程的基础,是教材编写、教学、评估和考试命题的依据。课程标准是制定学业考试说明的基本依据,以课程标准为依据,中位:考试说明考试说明是一种考试规范,是按照考试性质和要求,对课程标准的细化和解释。省教育厅文件规定:考试说明是全省各地学业考试命题的依据,各市不得自行编写考试说明。,下位:教材 教材是制定考试标准的重要参考,也是命题的重要参考。教材是课程标准最主要的载体,是学生学习的文本。通过教材,更加准确地把握课程标准各项要求。通过教材,对考试条目的考试层次进行准确定位。通过教材,为的命题提供基本参照,特别是难度、题型等。,学业考试与原来中考不同点:1、考试性质不同。原来中考为选拨性考试,学业考试是具有水平性质的终结性考试。2、主要功能转变。原来中考主要目的是为高中招生服务;学业考试主要是为初中生学业评价服务。从侧重选拔与甄别转向学业成就与潜能评定。3、命题依据不同。原来中考主要教学大纲和教材命题,学业考试将依据课程标准命题,绝不能偏向任何一个版本的教材。4、试题风格和题型将逐步发生改变。学业考试将逐步向新课程的理念靠拢。,1、根据英语课程标准确定考查内容与标准,不拘泥于教材。2、着重考查学生的综合语言运用能力。3、考虑学生实际生活和身心发展水平。4、注意选用真实、地道的语言素材,根据语言实际使用情形命题。5、注重试题的信度和效度,避免繁、偏、旧的试题。6、根据试题的考查目的和考查重点,科学合理地制定评分标准。,(二)命题原则,(三)试题具体特征,1、试题的选材体裁多样、题材丰富,具有较好的思想性和教育性。这些特点在阅读理解、完形填空和书面表达等试题上体现得更为突出。2、试题的技术质量普遍提高,尤其是单项选择题,大多注重了语境化设计,基本上改变了过去在脱离语境的情况下考查对知识点机械记忆的倾向。,3、试题配置基本合理,考查内容全面,试题的效度较高。除了考查语言知识以外,强调对语言技能的考查,尝试对文化意识和跨文化交际能力的考查。,4、试题题型简约化。,有利于减轻学生应试负担。,有利于提高学生语言技能。,听力、单项填空、完形填空、阅读理解、单词拼写、书面表达。,二、中考试题分析,2009年中考英语试卷解读与分析,一、知识覆盖面广,话题涉及范围大,重视语境,体现语言的交际性。全卷考查了标准中五级要求的19个语法项目中的18个,涉及标准要求的24个话题中的22个学生普遍熟悉的话题,听力部分分别取材于学生生活中非常熟悉的11个情景,谈及天气、旅游、职业、购物等15个话题,单项选择与完型填空重视语境,题干设计严谨,把语言知识的考查巧妙地融于真实的语境中,既考查了语言形式,又考查了语言意义,做到了语言准确性和得体性的统一,体现了语言的交际性。如第25小题:-Do you like You and Me?-Yes,it _ very sweet.It is really a nice song.A.tastes B.sounds C.looks D.smells正确答案为sounds.此题提供的语境真实,信息完整,既考查了系动词的含义,又考查真实语境中运用英语的能力。,二、关注语言综合运用能力的考查,适合不同水平的考生,体现层次性。试卷分别考查学生的听、说、读、写能力,跨文化交际能力,重视基础,强调理解和运用。试卷中分别设计考查对知识的记忆、识别、领会、理解、转换、运用、分析和重组、运用语言做事的多维度能力层次,由易到难,有一定的层次和区分度。如:完型填空中分别有根据字、词、句和上、下文联系等多层面上理解并选择正确答案的试题设置;阅读理解设题从细节、归纳、推断、猜词、主旨等多维度考查考生的阅读能力;书面表达提供了图表、中英文等不同形式的提示,表达的内容有一定的开放性,使不同水平的考生都能获得相应的分数。,三、所选文章贴近实际生活、贴近社会,突出英语学科的教育价值。试卷中6个篇章设计的话题贴近生活,引导考生关注生活、关注社会、关注身边发生的事,巧妙地融入了情感教育和价值观教育。如:完型填空取材于社区业主会议的一篇发言稿,关于邻里之间或社区生活中养狗和高空抛物带来的问题和危害,要求人们摒弃不良的生活习惯,树立良好的社会公德,为社区美好环境、安全和谐尽职尽责。阅读A篇是一篇电影介绍,内容是关于两个孪生姐妹为让分开多年的父母重新结合,使家人重新团聚而努力的故事;B篇讲述了一个“奉献比索取更快乐”的哲理故事,给学生许多启迪,具有积极的教育意义等等。词汇运用话题关注社会热点甲型H1N1流感,倡导良好的生活和卫生习惯,引导考生关注健康,关爱生命。,四、重视考查考生的学习策略,对初中英语教学发挥积极的导向作用。学习策略是提高语言学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。因此在考查语言知识与技能的同时,整份试卷的各个题型有意识渗透了对学生学习策略的考查,如:听力题中的第一节借助图片表达听到的信息;第三节中听录音记录关键信息选择正确答案;单项选择、完型填空和阅读理解三大题中80%以上的试题需要考生在理解上下文的基础上,通过推理、分析、归纳才能选择正确答案;书面表达中要求考生根据图表信息,进行分析和处理并用英语作书面表达;卷尾提供的小词典还引导学生利用可利用的资源帮助答题,所有这些设计对初中英语教学有着积极的导向作用。,标准指出:基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标是培养学生的综合语言运用能力。综合语言运用能力的形成是建立在学生语言技能、语言知识、情感态度、学习策略和文化意识等素养整体发展的基础上;语言知识和语言技能是综合语言运用的基础,文化意识是得体运用语言的保证,情感态度是影响学生学习和发展的重要因素,学习策略是提高学习效率、发展自主学习能力的保证。2009年温州市初中毕业生学业考试英语试卷的设计体现了标准的要求,突出英语学科的特点,符合新课程的发展性评价理念。,1.话题贴近学生生活,关注社会热点,富有时代气息。,2.试题重视语言基础,突出语境理解,把握试卷难度。,2008年中考试题分析,3.试题突出人文主题,重视安全教育,关注学生成长。,4.试题选材角度新颖,关注学习策略,重视情感、态度、价值观。,中考题型分析,(一)听力部分,语境中通过听获取信息、理解信息、整合信息,内容贴近生活,语速适中,语音地道,学生感觉容易。,(二)单项选择 10年,(二)单项选择 11年,(三)完型填空,(四)阅读理解,(五)词汇运用,(六)任务型阅读,(七)书面表达,容易下笔,题材新颖,简单容易,浅层次居多,深层次少,答案明确,唯一性强,近几年中考试题的变化单项选择题 创设语言情境,使得对于词汇、语法、常用语、文化意识等方面的知识及其应用的考查都是融合在一定的语境中进行的。,中考近几年单项选择题选项设计的变化,考查代词,Whos that boy over there?Do you know_ name?A.she B.her C.he D.his(2004),17.This isnt_ pen.Ive left mine at home.A.me B.my C.I D myself(2005),17.Tom,is this your dictionary?No,its not.Its Davids.A.yours B.mine C.his D.hers(2007),17.I am Cindy Brown.You can call _ Cindy.A.us B.him C.her D me(2008),从考查语法形式到考查语义,18.I cant find my scarf.Theres one here.It might be _.A.hers B.his C.mine D.yours(2009),考查形容词比较等级,29.Jake always makes us laugh,he is much than his brother.A.fun B.funny C.funnier D.funniest(2007),22.We are proud of the great changes in Wenzhou.Were sure Wenzhou will be ever _tomorrow.A.good B.better C.best D.the best(2005),Who is your favourite basketball player in China?Yao Ming,of course.No one plays.A.better B.best C.good D.well(2004),28.-Im getting_.The jeans are too small for me.-Im afraid you have to take more exercise every day.A.thinner B.heavier C.taller D.shorter(2008),24.Have you read the popular book Harry Porter?-Yes,its great.No other book is _ than that one.A.thinner B.heavier C.taller D.shorter(2009),答案与题干搭配合乎语法,16.Its twelve oclock.Its time _.A.for lunch B.for supper C.to class D.to school(2003),22.Could you give me a hand,please?Sure.What would you like me?A.doing B.does C do D.to do(2004),26.This sweater feels soft.What is it of?Wool,I think.A.make B.makes C.making D.made(2005),26.Jim,get up.Its time to _.Its Sunday.We have no classes on Sunday.A.go to school B.go to work C.go home D.go to bed(2008),20 How was your holiday last weekend?Good.I to the mountains with my parents.A.go B.went C.am going D.will go(2007),22.I really want to have a,I feel so tired after such a long walk.A.talk B.rest C.swim D.look(2007),30.-How was your report,tony?Not bad.But I need to do better in _.A.math B.English C.science D.Chinese(2008),Report card Math A English A+science C History A-Chinese A,30.Which is the safe time for us to eat the chocolate biscuit?A.September 25th,2010 B.July 25th,2010C.September 25th,2009 D.July 25th,2009,Chocolate Biscuit Shelf Life:12 monthsBest Before:25/8/2009,观察判断分析能力题,常见的语法题:,1.My brother enjoys _ books.He,A.read B.reads C.reading D.to read,2.He was thirsty.He asked his sister _ him something to drink.A.brings B.to bring C.bringing D.bring,3._ late again!,A.Arent B.Dont be C.Dont D.Be not,(三)完形填空,1.融合了阅读理解和词汇知识的语言运用型试题。2.考查考生对语言的综合运用能力。3.题型复杂,涉及面广语法、句法、惯用 法、常识知识、逻辑推断等。4.不单纯考查语法。,特点:,Tony loved basketball.One afternoon on his way to a basketball game,he was walking and dreaming about playing college 31 the next year.Suddenly a car hit him and he was thrown three 32 into the air.,09,31.A.tennis B.basketball C.soccer D.baseball32.A.meters B.minutes C.kilos D.hours,身残志坚的轮椅篮球运动员Tony,Soon _43_ came to my house and the man was caught.By that time,my parents had come home.We told them the whole story.My parents were _44_ that we were not hurt.They told me that I should stop my brother from _45_ the door to the strangers.I learnt a lesson on safety.,()43 A.my friends B.the police C.the neighbors D.my parents,()44.A.glad B.angry C.sad D.sorry,()45.A.cleaning B.closing C.locking D.opening,08,名词 5 5 3动词 2 3 6形容词 2 2 2 副词 2 1 0连词 3 2 2代词 1 2 2,2007 2008 2009,含动词短语1,含动名词 1,(四)阅读理解,1.难度逐年降低,浅层次题目增加,深层次题目减少。,2.篇章幅度更趋合理,且图文并茂。,(六)词汇,2006.,61June 62dogs 63Once 64already 65beds/bed 66dirty 67buy 68homework 69busy 70longer,2007.,61.hot 62.near 63.July 64.me 65.bananas 66.Red 67.betternicer 68.pen 69.music 70.now,2008,61.ten 62.now 63.snows 64.football 65.dogs 66.white 67.run 68.fish 69.speak 70.Best,61.sick/ill 62.five 63.room/rooms 64.clean 65.many 66.bus 67.pigs 68.drink/have 69.air 70.worry,2009,(七)书面表达,假设你是Frank,你的新邻居(theGreens,如下图)的生活方式对你及你的家人造成了一定的影响。请你给他们写一封80个单词左右的信,描述自己及家人目前的生活情况告诉他们你的想法。委婉地给他们提一些建议。信的格式及开头已经给出。参考短语:playtheguitar弹吉他,注意:本题不能出现真实姓名、学校等有关信息,2007(本题有2小题,76小题5分.77小题15分,共20分)76.平时家长为我们做的事情虽然琐碎但却不容易。你曾关注过他们为你做的事吗?请完成下面这段对家长说的话,并表达你的感激之惰。你可以参考以下提示(Tips)中的信息。,77.家长不在家,你能照顾好自己吗?班会课上,同学们就这个话题纷纷展开讨论。Lin Xua:I can take care of myself.I know how to cook noodles.I can Chen Li:Im afraid I cant look after myself.1 will watch TV and forget to do Zhou Wei:Im not sure.Maybe 1 will just have sandwiches or fruit for meals 请你也就以上话题写一篇80词左右的短文,内容可以涉及一日三餐、家务劳动、学习娱乐等。,Dear,You take care of me and help me a lot.When I have problems.How you are!I just want to say,“”,TipsListen to me,talk with mekind gread,七、书面表达(本题有2小题,76小题5分,77小题l5分,共20分)76林小亮班级最近出现了一些现象,如:有同学在教室里听音乐、上体育课不穿运动鞋、放学后很迟离校、上课吃东西等,为此班委制订了新班规。请完成下面的新班规,你可以 参考以下的提示词。(提示词:listen to music,stay at school,wear sports shoes),RULESDont_in the classroom.You have to_for PE class.Dont_ after 4:50 p.m.,2008,77假如你是林小亮,你喜欢在课间听音乐,喜欢放学后在校打篮球。新班规实施后,你喜爱的活动受到了限制,很烦恼。你打算给班长李明写一封信,告诉他:1你的兴趣爱好(你可以写一种或两种兴趣爱好);2你的烦恼;3你对新班规的建议。注意:1词数:80一100,收信人和写信人的姓名已给出,不计入词数;2信中不能出现真实的学校、班级和姓名。参考词汇 be worried,play basketball,relax,have no time to,should be allowed toDear Li Ming,76下面是一份关于中学生空闲时间活动的调查表。读图,完成下列句子。Most students _in their free time.45%of the students _and 41%of them _.Only a few students help their parents _So we can see that _77.电视占据了青少年过多的空闲时间,影响着他们的健康成长。对此,有人倡议开展“关闭电视一周(TVTurnoff Week)”的活动。于是,同学们在英语课堂上以此活动展开讨论,请你以“My TVTurnoff Week”为题写一篇发言稿。要点提示:1 你看电视的现状(如节目,时间);2 关掉电视后的活动安排及理由(可参考上题图表)。注意事项:词数80100左右;文中不能出现真实的学校,班级和姓名。可参考词汇:TV program,sports show,spend,interesting,helpful,necessary,2009 20分=5+15,(1)从重形式转向重视语言运用,【例】()Tom,is this your dictionary?No,its not _.Its Davids.yoursB.mineC.hisD.hers,A.I B.myC.meD.mine,3.符合语言测试与评估的总趋势,【例】()In my work as an education officer I 41 people improve their lives,and thats really important to me.I also play 42 because I love the game.I enjoy being part of a team and I get a lot of 43 from using the football skills.41.A.hearB.helpC.seeD.watch42.A.basketballB.volleyball C.footballD.tennis43.A.troubleB.difficultyC.pleasureD.surprise,(2)从语法和词汇到组句成章(3)从语法能力到语言能力(4)从语言能力到交际能力(5)从交际能力到语用能力(跨文化交际能力),(6)从语言技能测试转向综合语言运用能力测试,4、构建共同基础控制试题难度,6.合理选取题材贴近学生实际,【例】假设你是Future Middle School的李雷,想通过21st Century交一位英国朋友。请结合自己的实际情况向编辑简单介绍一下自己。Im a Grade Nine student at Future Middle School,Yiwu,China.Im a _ boy.Im good at _ and swimming,and _ is my favorite subject at school.I want to have an English friend because _.,三、考试命题要求,1.反馈和激励。是让学生考得好(难度值)。,不是甄别和选拔。不是要为难学生。,不是打击学生学习积极性。,2.选材要新颖,要有思想性。,1.听力图片的选用,清晰明了,线条流畅,忌用彩色图片,忌用自己喜爱的明星等图片。,2.话题材料,与学生密切联系-本册教材内容占一定比例,语言内容要控制难度-不得出现生词,如果生词是必需的,要在试题上注明,语言材料不能太长,无关信息不能太多,时间考查-要整点或半小时,不要让学生算时间做数学题,(一)听力,3.听力中小对话不宜太多-以一问一答最为合适A:Do you like science,Jenny?B:Yes,science is my favorite subject.,Jennys favorite subject is _.A.science B.math C.English,Does Jenny like science?_,A.Yes,she does.B.No,she doesnt.C.Yes,she is.,题干和答案设计不能出现考查语法的问题形式,4.试题设计,5.选项设计不宜太长,应该简短扼要,第二节:听小对话,回答问题。(每小题2分)6.Which city will Judy probably visit?A.Sydney.B.New York.C.Beijing.7.How is the weather tonight?A.Cloudy.B.Rainy.C.Snowy.8.Which subject does Lily like best?A.Science.B.Chinese.C.English.9.Who will get the gift?A.Ann.B.Anns mother.C.Anns father.10.How often does the boy go to his hometown?A.Twice a month.B.Twice a year.C.Once a year.,What did he do last weekend?,A.He played tennis with his friend.B.He visited his friends.C.He played the guitar.,减缩为:A.Played tennis with his friend B.Visited his friends.C.Played the guitar.,三个选项长度要差不多,有的长,有的短。,1。考试听力题涵盖面要广,不能是某个单元的听力题。,2.难度要把握,文章不能太长,生词量不超2个,并需要在试卷上注明。,(二)单项选择,1 语境中考查词汇、语法、常用语、文化意识等,2.题干与答案搭配合乎语法.(但个别情况除外,如介词、感叹句),19-They _ aboutSuperVoiceGirl.Letsjointhem-Goodidea,AtalkBaretalkingChavetalked Dtalked,19.Would you like something to drink,Tara?Yes,Id like some.A.sandwiches B.hot dogs C.water D.bread,2007 温州市,-How often does she exercise?-Twice a week.,-_ does she exercise?-Twice a week.,How long B.How often C.Why D.When,-How often does she exercise?-_.,Twice a week B.For an hourC.On the playground D.With my friend,1.-How often does she exercise?-Twice a week.,-How often _ she exercise?-Twice a week.,does B.do C.doing D.did,同步课时特训,不适当的选项设置,2.She told the students _ late for class.,A.be B.not be C.not to be D.to not be,3.What does he want _?A nurse.,A.be B.to be C.do D.does,4.My friend is the boy _ glasses.,A.with B.on C.wears D.in,A.for B.on C.with D.wear,5.Look!The children _ happily in the pool.,swimming B.is swimming C.are swiming D.are swimming,4.-Where did he go last weekend?-He _ to Shanghai.,A.go B.goes C.going D.went,A.will go B.goes C.is going D.went,3.设计考查观察分析判断能力题,(2006)20Whatwillthegirlsaytotheboyinthepicture?AHello!BYes?CWhen7DNo,(2007)30.This picture probably means“”.Hello!B.Come here.C.We won!D.Be quiet.,REPORT CARD Math A English A+Science C History A-Chinese A,(2008)30.How was your report,Tony?Not bad,but I need to do better in _.A.math B.English C.science D.Chinese,4.单项选择考查要全面,词汇、语法、常用语、文化意识等方面均要涉及。,7个动词 4个介词现象,5.一题留一空,32.-_ did you tell him about the news?-By _ an e-mail.How;sending B.How;send C.How;sent D.What;sending,26.-When _ your mother _ you that blue dress,Mary?-Sorry,I really cant remember.A.does;buy B.has;bought C.had;bought D.did;buy,三、完形填空,1.题材新颖,贴近学生生活,具有思想性和教育性。,2.首句和结尾句不留空,一句中一般只留一处空。3.考查兼顾各词类、句法。要求词性一致。,4.避免试题出现多个答案。5.素材难度及话题不偏离学生实际。,6.素材以叙事性材料为宜。,On Saturdays and Sundays,the largest open park in New York is 44 to cars,and the roads may be used by bikes only,but the group still says this is not enough and goes on fighting 45 bike roads.,44.A.closed B.open C.opening D.closing45.A.get B.to get C.ask D.to ask,After becoming a part of the Suns,Tony improved quickly.Basketball Was like 41 for him.Tony was much better than before.When Tony became sad or 42,Sunny was there to help him.The day 43 Tony left the center,he had dinner with Sunny.He asked Sunny 44 he could be so happy,even with his broken legs.,温州 2007,41.A.fruit B.medicine C.food D.water42.A.glad B.excited C.angry D.relaxed43.A.until B.before C.at D.on44.A.when B.what C.where D.how,Sam lives on a farm.He sees many animals on the farm.He sees cows and pigs.He also sees horses.The horse is his favorite animal.He likes to ride the horses.He also likes the cows.The cows give milk and Sam likes to drink milk.,Sam lives on a farm.He sees many animals on the farm.He sees cows and pigs.He _1_ sees horses._2_ is his favorite animal.He likes _3_ the horses.He also likes the cows.The cows give milk and Sam likes to drink milk.,A.too B.also C.like D.want A.Horse B.The horses C.The horse D.Horses3.A.ride B.to ride C.rides D.is ride,Sam lives on a farm.He sees many _1_ on the farm.He sees cows and pigs.He also sees horses.The horse is his favorite animal.He _ 2 _ to ride the horse.He also likes the cows.The cows give 3 and Sam likes to drink milk.,A.animals B.books C.buses D.banks A.dislikes B.has C.forgets D.likes3.A.milk B.beef C.egg D.salad,(四)阅读理解题,材料特点 考查要点,短文主题得当;短文语言地道;语言难度适度;文章长短适宜;文章条理清晰、结构紧凑。,了解主旨要义;理解文中具体信息;根据上下文推测词义;作出简单判断和推理;了解文章的基本结构;理解作者的观点和态度。,细节理解 计算推理 推理判断(分析)猜测词义(句意)主旨大意(概况、归纳),If it rains heavily,boys will stay at school and have lessons.School will be over at 3:30 p.m.as usual.So boys should bring books for all 5 lessons.We hope you will be able to come and enjoy the Sports Day.,细节理解题,53.From the passage we know_.A.boys leave school at 3:30 p.m.every day B.boys wont have any lessons that dayC.boys will go to Kings Park by bus D.only boys fathers are welcome to the Sports Day,例:,词义(句意)猜测,51.The underlined word“sorrow”means.A.something sad B.something happy C.something exciting D.something interesting,53Whatsthemeaningoftheword“civilized”inthispassage?A文明的 B喧闹的 C野蛮的 D讨厌的,主旨大意,60.What might be the best title for the passage?A.Early to Bed,Early to Rise B.Students Life at School C.Students Dont Sleep Enough D.How to Get Enough Sleep,注意,1.要先易后难,控制难题的数量和生词数量。,2.答案选项设计要长度大致相等。,65.Which of the following is the best title(标题)of this passage?A.An Empty Medicine Bottle.B.The Missing Tablets.C.The Son,The Trouble Maker.D.Careless Parents.,63.Before a transfusion,it is important to make sure that_.A.the blood is cold B.the blood has been stored long enough C.the blood is from people who have accidents D.the type of blood to be used is the same as the patients,例:,例:,3.适当增加图文题。,51.According to the passage,a vegetarian usually will not eat.,4.减少 Which is(NOT)true/False型题目。,60.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Vision-pho