青岛滨海学院精品课程,英语精品课程 孙敏副教授,2023/7/10,2,第十五章 旅游英语的翻译,第一节 旅游英语的文体特点第二节 旅游英语的翻译第三节 旅游英语应用文的翻译,2023/7/10,3,第一节 旅游英语的文体特点,Part One 理论一、涉猎面广,词汇量大,知识面广,文化层面宽 旅游是一门综合性的活动,它涉及政治、历史、地理、文学艺术甚至天文、考古等多方面的知识,旅游所涉及的知识是一个地区或一个景点的历史、典故、民间习俗、民间传说、天气以及与整个民族文化有关的方方面面的知识。旅游又是一种跨文化的交际活动,它必须与景点的地区或国家的文化息息相关,诸如民族的、历史的、经济的、政治的、教育的、宗教的、艺术的、文学的、饮食的、服饰的、生活方式及风俗习惯等。因此旅游英语词汇量极大,从而要求导游或翻译扩大阅读面不断充实自己。,2023/7/10,4,15.1.1 旅游英语的文体特点,(1)To make tea,porcelain pots are usually the best to use.The boiling water is poured over the leaves in the pot and the teapot is promptly covered to steep for several minutes.In this way,the fragrance remains there,and the tea tastes the beast.要沏茶,通常最好用瓷壶;把开水倒入预先方好茶叶的壶内,立即盖上壶盖,浸泡几分钟。这样,茶香不失。茶味最佳。(2)Rail transport is readily available all over Great Britain but expensive:prices outpace most of those in the continental countries and Eurail is not valid.大不列颠的铁路运输四通八达,单价格昂贵,价格提升快于大陆的大多数国家。大陆铁路不能直达英国。,2023/7/10,5,15.1.1 旅游英语的文体特点,(3)Perhaps no city is as fabulous as Venice built on pilings,this labyrinth(迷宫)poises(悬着)over a lagoon(泻湖).也许没有一个城市会像建在木桩上的威尼斯这样奇妙,这是一座悬在泻湖上的迷宫。(4)The deep-green mountain forests of the northeast coast in USA are drenched with more than 250 centimeters of rain each year.At the other extreme,the deserts of the southeast receive less than 13 centimeters annually.美国东北沿海一带苍郁的深山密林,每年获得雨量超过250厘米,而东南部的沙漠则年降雨量不及13厘米。(5)When the time is reached for her departure for the grooms family,the bride in red clothes and green shoes and with a piece of red cloth covering her head is carried by her brothers into her sedan.吉辰已到,新人该去婆家了,新娘穿上红衣绿鞋,蒙着红盖头,由兄弟抬上花轿。,实践,2023/7/10,6,15.1.1 旅游英语的文体特点,二、措辞讲究,生动形象,引人入胜旅游资料未来达到某种宣传效果,常常在措辞上颇下功夫,尤其是中文资料,作者总是千方百计地用又没的文字,细腻的描写,运用风趣的歇乏,给人以美的享受,激起浓厚的游兴。1描写细腻,文字优美(1)Look into the distance and you will have a nice view of the White Swan Pond in the Pearl River and boats up and down the river with the bright moon and twinkling stars in the sky.夜晚,凭栏远望珠江上的白鹅潭,皓月当空,繁星闪闪,舟楫如梭,鹅潭美景,一览无余。(2)A slow surf is breaking on the reefs and islands,sending up fountains of spray,and the frost-touched grass on the heath is bronze in the sun.缓缓的海浪拍击着礁石、岛屿、溅起万道水花飞沫,荒地上经霜的小草在阳光下呈现出青铜色。,实践,2023/7/10,7,15.1.1 旅游英语的文体特点,(3)Bells chime,flocks of pigeons crisscross the sky,violins play,couples embrace in the sunsetthe visitor takes it all in from a congenial(适意的)caf.夕阳西下,钟声悠扬,飞鸽满天,提琴鸣奏,情人相拥游客坐在舒适惬意的咖啡馆里,尽可把此情此景俱收眼底。(4)There are green mountains,verdant forest,gurgling streams and springs,chirping birds and fragrant flowers around the ancient monastery.古寺周围山峦叠翠,古林苍郁,泉溪淙淙,鸟语花香。2幽默风趣,活泼有效,实践,2023/7/10,8,15.1.1 旅游英语的文体特点,三风格活泼幽默(1)The cheapest way to reach Britain from continental Europe is to swim across the English Channel;this requires extraordinary stamina and has been tackled by only a handful of budget travelers.从欧洲大陆来大不列颠旅行,最省钱的方式当属泅渡英吉利海峡,但这需要超人的耐力,迄今仅有几个“老抠”办到过。(2)The atmosphere of Piccadilly Circus is distinctly cosmopolitan,and one hears around one a great variety of languages.It has been said that if you listen carefully,you may even hear English.(伦敦的中心)皮卡迪利广场上一切都具有鲜明的世界性。置身其中,可以听到许多语言,据说仔细听,还能听到英语呢!,实践,2023/7/10,9,四富有哲理,发人深省(1)The first words a Navaho child hears are the prayer:May walk in beauty and when his journey through life ends,the words of the Night Chant are:In beauty it is finished.This beauty lives on for us to see,to remember,to think about.那瓦霍人的孩子出生后听到的第一句祈祷是:“愿他踏上美丽人生旅程。”而在他的人生旅程结束时,晚歌又唱道:“生命在美丽的人生旅程中结束。”这种美讲流传下去,留给人们观赏,留给人们回忆,留给人们思考。(2)Century after century,winds blow yellow sand around the pyramids.Rulers have come and gone.Everything seems to change except the pyramids.They remain a 5000-year-old puzzle.五千年来,狂风劲扫,黄沙漫卷,多少朝代兴盛衰微,文治武功过眼烟云。唯独这风尘满面的金字塔依然屹立,赫赫威仪,仍为千古不解之谜。,实践,2023/7/10,10,五活泼热情,富有感染力旅游英语往往热情活泼,朗朗上口,融旅游于宣传于一体,或强调旅游公司的优质服务,或突出旅游自愿的独一无二,因而不乏褒扬之词。如:(1)This is your chance to live the movies on 420 incredible acres of breath-taking rides and spectacular showsright besides the biggest stars of the time!惊心动魄的游乐项目,多姿多彩的节目表演,在这420英亩的巨型游乐场上,您将拥有一个难以置信的机会;生活在电影里就在各时代大明星的身旁!(2)The United States is yoursfull of variety,full of welcome.It is so big and moves at such a fast pace that it can pass you by if you do not reach out for it.美国是你的多姿多彩、热情好客。它国土辽阔,若不奋力去抓,可能会从你身边溜走。,实践,2023/7/10,11,第二节 旅游英语的翻译,旅游英语翻译要求:一要忠实于原文,但不是词句转换的“对号入座”,二要时刻以游客为中心,以让游客读懂、看懂为目的。必要时需对原文作一些技术性处理。一、文化因素的处理1“洋化”(异化)随着信息技术的进步,国际交流的日趋频繁,以及国民素质的不断提高,许多过去纯属异国文化的东西已被本国人所熟悉、所接受。在此种情况下,可采取“洋化”,以保持异域特色。如:(1)Venice is the Shakespeare of citiesunchallenged,incomparable,and beyond envy.威尼斯是城市中的莎士比亚举世称赞,无以伦比,令人诚服。,2023/7/10,12,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,实践 1实践 2实践 3实践 4实践 5实践 6实践 7,2023/7/10,13,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,Part Two Practice(翻译实践练习)请口译下列词语:1.China Civil International Tourist Corporation 中国民间国际旅游公司2.Crane International Tours Ine.松鹤国际旅行有限公司3.food and beverage division餐饮部4.health spa矿泉疗养地5.national tourist attractions国家旅游景点6.Kaili Ethnic Customs Villages凯里民族民俗村,实践,2023/7/10,14,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,7.Dragon-boat Regatta龙舟赛8.China Folk Customs Art Festival中国民俗艺术节9.Disney World迪斯尼乐园10.Everglades National Park大沼泽地国家公园11.conglomerate tour混合旅游团12.package tour包团旅游13.weekend escapist周末度假者14.summer resort避暑圣地,实践,2023/7/10,15,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,二下列各句译成汉语:1.The train now standing at platform 7 is the 8:20 to Birmingham,calling at Coventry.停在第七站台的火车使8:20 开往伯明翰的,中途经停考文垂。2.For the journey to New York you will require the following documents:到纽约去旅行需要下列证件:Passport-A valid passport is essential for all visitors to America.护照所有到美国去的旅客都必须持有有效护照。Visa-A visa is also necessary for visitors to the United States but not Canada if a British passport is held.签证前往美国的旅客必须签证。Health certificate.健康证明,实践,2023/7/10,16,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,3.The beach is broad,sandy,and umbrella-gaudy;the old medieval mariners quarters have been upstaged by spacious avenues,and sailboats and water skiers outnumber fishing craft offshore.这里的海滩宽阔多沙,阳光绚丽;古老的中世纪税收宿营地现在已变成宽敞的大街,离海岸不远的海面上,帆船和划水者远远多于渔船。4.Noted for its cloud shadows,Lushan stands lofty and firm in rugged solemnity,and the tourists are free to climb its heights,admire the splendor of its water falls,and enjoy its thousand charms.庐山巍峨庄严,以云影著称。旅游者可尽情攀高,观赏其瀑布之壮观,欣赏其姿态之娇美。,实践,2023/7/10,17,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,5.Standing on the top of the middle peak of Jingshan Hills and looking far into the South,one can see many ancient buildings which look extraordinarily magnificent in the sunshine.That is the famous Palace Museum.站在景山的中峰,举目向南眺望,人们可以看到一片巍峨的古代建筑,在阳光照耀下金壁辉煌,这就是极负盛名的故宫博物院。6.Tradition has it that carved Mani stones are infused with intelligence and take it as their sacred duty to bless religious followers.据说精心雕刻之后的玛尼石被灌注了灵性与活力,从此便承担起神圣庄严的职责,为虔诚的信仰者祈祷祝福。,实践,2023/7/10,18,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,7.In places like Devon,where roads can be extremely narrow and winding when you hire a car you need to opt for something small and economical so you can get from A to B without breaking out in a sweat!在德文郡这样的地方,道路会特别狭窄,特别曲折,当你租车的时候,你得选择小型得,经济的,这样你从甲地到乙地时,就不会搞出/弄得一身汗。8.Where to now?Ill tell you:The oasis,the best Mexican food at that altitude in the cityand the most spectacular sunset.现在去哪儿?我来告诉你去哪儿:绿洲餐馆,那里有全城最好的墨西哥食品和最壮观得日落景观。,实践,2023/7/10,19,15.1.2 实践旅游英语,9.Falling water is a study in oppositesmotion and stability,change and permanence,power and ephemeralitythat make the human condition a paradox of welcome adventure and anxious uncertainty.落泉别墅体现了动与静、变幻与永恒、强劲与易逝的对立,使人生处于矛盾之中,兴致勃勃的进取与忧虑不安。10.By 2034,tourists will be in space,astronauts will inhabit an outpost on or near Mars and robots will probe for planets around nearby Mars.到2034年,旅游者将进入太空,宇航员将居住在火星上的或火星附近的前哨站上,机器人将在附近的火星周围寻觅行星。,实践,2023/7/10,20,Part Two Practice(翻译实践练习),一请口译下列词组:二把下列各句译成汉语:,2023/7/10,21,一请口译下列词组:,1.Shangri-La Hotel,Beijing 北京香格里拉大酒店2.the standard twin-bedroom 标准套房3.deluxe suite 豪华套间4.check-out time 退房时间5.open-date ticket 不定期客票6.advance purchase excursion预付游览机票7.local express 普快车8.palace car 豪华列车9.VIP Suite 贵宾室10.free baggage allowance 免费行李定量11.check in formalities 办理登机手续12.customs declaration form 海关申请表13.economy class 经济舱/普通舱14.artificial attraction 工艺畅销品15.special holiday package 假日特价,2023/7/10,22,二把下列各句译成汉语:,1.The nighttime silence of Wuzhen is broken as soon as the sky turns light in the east.天刚蒙蒙亮,寂静的乌镇便热闹起来。2.On the stone walls along the bank grow rattan,telling old stories of the ancient town.沿岸人家的石壁上爬满了绿油油的古藤,记述着古镇悠远的历史和岁月的沧桑。3.A glass-bottom boat allows the tourists to explore one of the worlds deepest fresh water springs.乘坐一条玻璃船底的游艇,游人可以饱览世界上最深的一个淡水泉的景色。4.Atlanta has a moderate climate and rustic charm,being the most heavily forested of the major cities.亚特兰大有适宜的气候,迷人的田园风光,在主要城市中,它的绿化是最好的。,2023/7/10,23,5.In single file,the passengers rose from their seats in the compartment,walking quietly through a“tunnel”into a great hall.乘客站起身,鱼贯而行,静静地通过“隧道”走进一个大厅。6.As the Big Ben is ringing the hour,a long queue of visitors from all over the world moves slowly forward into the House of Parliament.大本钟当当报时,来自世界各地的游人排着长队缓慢地走进议会大厦。7.The Card Room seems to speak of a thousand games of whist and bridge,and Gold Room is the ideal place for a pre-dinner sherry.纸牌室似乎讲述着惠斯特牌与桥牌的上千种玩法,而金厅正是饮用餐前雪梨酒的最佳去处。,2023/7/10,24,8.Of all the wonders left on earth and formed through movement of nature and living matters,Niagara Falls are one of the most profoundly affecting and magnificent.在生物和大自然的运动留给地球的种种奇迹中,尼亚加拉瀑布最为惊心动魄,最为雄奇壮观。9.Myakka Park provides guided boat or tram tours of the unique ecology of this 2800-acre wildlife preserve.迈阿卡公园内有一个占地2800英亩的野生动物保护区,游人可以在导游的陪同下乘船或承电车观看该区的独特生态环境。10.In February and March,when the North is still cold,orchids of Qingcheng compete to outshine one another in beauty.每年二三月间,北方还是春寒料峭,青城的兰花已经争奇斗艳。,2023/7/10,25,(2)Rome was not built in a day.Rome cannot be seen in a day,a week,or even a year.Rome is an enormously colorful and alluring mixture of the oldThe Rome of ancient times,the Middle Ages,the Renaissanceand the new.罗马不是一天建成的。也不可能用一天、一星期甚至是一年的时间看遍。罗马绚丽多彩,引人入胜,它是古罗马、中世纪罗马、文艺复兴时期罗马与新兴罗马的综合体现。2增减东西地域不同,历史不同,文化背景不同。因此,翻译过程中需对某些轻描淡写的费解词语做注释性说明。如:(1)On a languid(懒洋洋的)afternoon,wash down grilled(烤过的)swordfish just unloaded in the port,with a liter of the local white on the sun-washed patios(露天处)of seashore restaurants.在一个懒洋洋的下午,你可以去海边餐馆,坐在充满阳光的户外就餐处,买上一升本地白葡萄酒,品尝刚从码头卸下的烤剑鱼。,2023/7/10,26,(2)If you choose against the gondola because of the high price,remember that Venice boats the only public transportation system that actually adds to the joy of the city.如果由于租金太高,你不愿意租刚多拉船(一种平底凤尾小船),那么请记住,这种船不但是威尼斯唯一的公共交通工具,而且是威尼斯的骄傲,确实给城市增添快乐。(3)The United States was founded chiefly by WASPs who originally came from across the Atlantic Ocean.美国主要是来自大西洋彼岸的盎格鲁撒克逊白人新教徒简称WASPs建立的。3改写为了更好地向游客传达文化信息,常常以游客熟悉或易于接受的方式翻译。如:(1)Venice is the Queen of the Adriatic Sea.威尼斯是亚得里亚海之王。,2023/7/10,27,(2)As one of the Four Tigers in Asia,Hong Kong is also known as the Oriental Pearl and the Shopping Paradise.作为亚洲四小龙之一的香港,同样被誉为“东方之珠”和“购物天堂”。(3)Singapore,the smallest nation in Asia,occupies a 225 square mile expanse of swamping,tropical islandsan area about the size of Trenton,New Jersey.(特伦顿,新泽西州首府)亚洲最小的国家新加坡是一个热带国家,原是一片洼地,面积为225平方英里,远不如香港的一半大。二、应注意的问题1语言差异英语重形合,汉语重意合,英语重物称(Impersonal,汉语重人称(Personal);英语多被动,汉语多主动。翻译时必须充分考虑两者的不同表达习惯。如:,2023/7/10,28,(1)To these visitors who come from countries where social relationships develop more slowly during a longer period of time,the American way may seem very frightening,too personal,and even rode.在一些国家里,居民的社会关系是要长期慢慢地培养的。习惯了这种情形的游客一旦到了美国,可能觉得美国方式很可怕,太个人化,甚至粗鲁。(2)Arizona is cut diagonally(对角地)by the mighty Mogollon Rim,a towering rock rampart.巨大的莫古龙边缘一座高耸的岩石壁垒,斜穿亚利桑那州。(3)Where solitude is desired,it would be difficult to find a more perfect place than this subtropical island.如果有人愿意找一个与世隔绝的地方隐居的化,那么这个亚热带岛屿就是最为理想的。,2023/7/10,29,2思维方式差异思维方式和表达方法是相互影响的。因此,在充分考虑语言差异的同时,应研究分析思想方式的异同。如:(1)In the Palace of Goddess,the pearl curtain looks elegant and the spring water is glittering,making the palace really a charming spot.瑶池宫珠帘垂秀,池水晶莹,其出尘之情,引人迷醉。(2)Berlin,in the warmer months,is an open-air festival,its youthful population swarming through the streets on bicycles or sitting at its many ourdoor cafes.柏林的暖季是户外活动的大好时节,青年男女们或骑着自行车在街上鱼贯而行,或在随处可见的露天咖啡馆里消闲静坐。,2023/7/10,30,(3)This holiday resort provides an excellent environment for holiday seekers with hills,lakes,pines,trees and flowers all around which captivate you by its beautiful scenery,tranquility,and the fresh air.度假村四面青山环抱,湖水清澈,万松挺翠,奇花异草,空气新鲜,清净幽雅,景色宜人。此外,翻译中应尽量保持或体现原文风格。若原文优美,译文就要华丽,如下例(1);若原文幽默,译文则保持其调侃语气,如下例(2);若原文哲理性强,译文亦要庄重,发人深省,如下例(3)。(1)The sky reflected in the water turned the Seine into a lovely shade of blue which trembled in the hazy sunshine filtering through leafy branches of the trees lining the rivers edge.天空映照在水面上,给塞纳河染上了一层怡人的蓝色,朦胧的阳光透过两岸叶茂的树枝,照得河水波光粼粼。,2023/7/10,31,(2)Everything in Vienna is pleasing except the wind.Yes,and the wind comes only because it is so pleasing here.要不是风,维也纳一切都令人惬意。是呀,正因为如此令人惬意,风才愿意来凑热闹啊。(3)People cant die,along the coastexcept when the tides pretty nigh out.They cant be born,unless its pretty nigh innot properly born,till flood.Hes going out with the tide.生活在大海之滨的人都不会死海潮退尽,才是他们死的时刻;他们也都不会生,海潮涌进时,他们才真正诞生到人间。海潮消失,他就随着消失。3约定俗成问题旅游资料的翻译当沿用有关行业的习惯用语,常用语的翻译尤其如此。如:,2023/7/10,32,rapid-issue visa 快速签发的签证tourism industry 旅游业travel-related business 旅游相关行业tourist association 旅游者协会tour escort of foreign travel service 外国旅行社委派的导游(领队)tour operator 旅游经纪人multilingual guide 多语导游guest tour 特邀旅游团tour packer 地方旅游经营者seasonal holiday maker 季节性度假旅游者would-be traveler 潜在的旅游者resort complex 旅游胜地综合设施theme park 主题公园Potala Palace 布达拉宫,2023/7/10,33,The Summer Palace in Chengde 承德避暑山庄Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园Emperor Qins Terra-cotta Warriors 秦兵马俑Taj Mahal 泰姬陵St.Peters Cathedral 圣彼得大教堂Jokhang Temple 大昭寺The Bund 外滩Sydney Opera House 悉尼歌剧院Fontainebleau 枫丹白露Yosemite 优山美地公园World Heritage List 世界遗产名录三、易犯的错误1望文生义,即不求甚解或想当然。如:In Rome,onerous put an end to Gladiatorial combats in 404(possible after a monk had thrown himself into the arena in protest and was killed by the angry crowd).公元404年,奥里诺斯宣布罗马取消剑士格斗(可能由于一位和尚冲进竞技场以示抗议,后被愤怒的人群杀死)。,2023/7/10,34,“和尚”是对佛门弟子的称呼,在天主教盛行的罗马,应称“修道士”。2佶屈聱牙,即逐字照搬,使用英语式汉语。如:Down breaking over the islands,very beautiful in a soft grey light with many clouds.There is a transparency about the light here which cannot be described or painted.拂晓已降临岛上,灰色的柔光,许多云彩,景色美丽极了。这里有透明的光线,它是不能描写也是不能画出的。建议改译:曙色中的海岛美极了,晨曦柔和,彩云片片。澄澈的光影是无法描写也无法绘画的。3超额翻译,即任意添枝加叶。如:,2023/7/10,35,In the Palace of Pagoda Forest,the jade bamboo shoots stand like spears.You are sure to be deeply impressed at the very sight of it.塔林宫玉笋拥峙,琼峰嶙峋,如矗天枪槊,似七级浮屠,其苍莽之势,使人为之一振。其中,“矗天枪槊,似七级浮屠”属超额翻译。,2023/7/10,36,第三节 旅游英语应用文的翻译,一、旅游指南二、旅程安排三、通知四、旅游广告及旅游条件书,2023/7/10,37,第三节 旅游英语应用文的翻译,Part One 理论一、旅游指南旅游指南的篇章翻译,在表达时应牢记整篇的衔接和聚合,不可忽视过渡性词语的运用,力求做到首尾相贯,一气呵成,无斧凿之痕。如:Blessed with excellent transportation facilities,it takes only ten minutes by car to get to the renowned scenic spot named Splendid China from Luomazhou Post.The spot is easy of access both by CTS direct tourist coach between Hong Kong and Shenzhen and by bus or light bus through Shen-Nan Highway,Guang-Shen Highway and Beihuan Freeway.Welcome to Splendid China.“锦绣中华”是一个著名景点。前往“锦绣中华”观光,交通极为方便,从落马洲口岸乘车仅10多分钟便可到达。香港中国旅行社的直通车旅游巴士,深圳市的中巴、小巴,经深南公路、广