,Protect The,Shark,1.Complexity kmpleksitin.复杂(性),错综2.Ecosystem ekusistm n.生态系统3.Apex eipeks n.顶,顶点4.Predator predt n.食肉动物;掠夺者5.Jaws d:s n.大白鲨6.Reef ri:f n.礁,礁脉;沙洲;暗礁7.Viable vaibl a.(胎儿)能养活的;(卵等)能发育的8.inhabited inhbitid a.有居民的,If you dont know much about sharks and the oceans,you might want to call them the Jaws of Death or special foods.But if you are familiar with the complexity of the biological balance in the ecosystem of the oceans,you will know that those are indeed the Jaws of Life.,Sharks have inhabited the oceans for over 400 Million years.They are about 150 million years older than the early dinosaurs.The modern sharks have not changed much in the last 60 million years.Being the apex predators in the ocean,they are maintaining the biological balance in that very complex ecosystem.The bigger sharks keep the numbers of other predator fish and smaller sharks at a viable level.,生态平衡,顶级捕食者,They keep water-birds and seals at viable numbers too,who otherwise would eat too many little fish which again are food for the fish that we people need.Without sharks the ecosystem will break down,not only will the reefs die the whole ocean will die as well.,珊瑚礁,If we humans continue to destroy this controlling factor in the ocean,we will eventually create the largest ecological disaster in the history of mankind,Thank you!,Maybe sharks is like this picture.,Do you like shark fin?,Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods,such as shark fin soup.在亚洲,成千上万的鲨鱼被捕杀,做成了鱼翅汤之类的特色菜肴,