伦理相对主义Ethical Relativism,什么是伦理相对主义?What is ethical relativism?伦理相对主义的两种形式:Two forms of ethical relativism.支持伦理相对主义的理由:Reasons supporting ethical relativism.这些理由令人信服吗?Are these reasons convincing?更多的考虑:Further considerations.道德实在论Moral realism道德多元论Moral pluralism,案例,人类学家和社会学家的发现不同的文化中,道德观存在多样性。Anthropologists and sociologists have collected information on the diverse mores of different cultures例如,行贿?Bribery is morally acceptable or condemnable?,什么是伦理相对主义What is ethical relativism?,所谓伦理相对主义,就是主张,不同的人或不同的社会,有不同的道德价值或信条,因此价值完全是主观的。“每个人的价值判断都同样是对的”。Ethical relativism is the view that ethical values and beliefs are relative to various individuals or societies that hold them.In saying they are“relative”to individuals or societies,we mean that they are a function of,or dependent on,what those individuals or societies do,in fact,believe.根据伦理相对主义理论,没有客观的对或错。而与之相反的客观主义(也叫做非相对主义),则主张有客观对错。According to ethical relativism,there is no objective right and wrong.The opposite point of view,that there is an objective right and wrong,is often called objectivism,or sometimes nonrelativism.,讨论如下道德相对主义的观点:,“价值内化在历史进程中,随历史变化而变化”“价值与事实二分法:事实无懈可击,而价值是主观的”“每种文化,每个社会都有自己的价值和道德规范”“人的生命并非最高的道德价值”“价值不是客观实在物,因为其不可见”“大多数人决定是非曲直”“在现代社会,道德是私事”“甚至传统的美德也是相对的,可能被用来作恶”,道德只是个人的主观意见吗?Morality is matter of subjective opinion?,伦理相对主义的两种形式Two forms of ethical relativism.,个体伦理相对主义Personal or individual ethical relativism.社会或文化的伦理相对主义Social or cultural ethical relativism,支持伦理相对主义的理由Reasons supporting ethical relativism.,道德观的多样性The diversity of moral views.道德的不确定性Moral uncertainty.境遇的不同Situational differences,这些理由令人信服吗?Are these reasons convincing?,道德观的多样性(The diversity of moral views.)争论的广度和深度如何?How widespread and deep is the disagreement?2、基本道德问题上的争论说明了什么?What would disagreement about basic moral matters prove?,Basic moral agreement;factual disagreement;different moral conclusionWe ought not to harm;co2 emissions harm;we ought to reduce emissionsWe ought not to harm;co2emissions do not harm;we need not reduce emissions,Are these reasons convincing?,道德的不确定性 Moral uncertainty.相对主义 Relativism:怀疑主义Skepticism:is the view that it is difficult,if not impossible,to know something.,Are these reasons convincing?,境遇的不同 Situational differences客观主义 Objectivism:绝对主义 Absolutism:may be described as the view that moral rules or principles have no exceptions and are context-independent.,Objective value;situational differences;different moral conclusionsHealth diabetic.insulin injections are goodHealth non diabetic insulin injections are not goodJustice works hard deserves reward.Justice does not work hard does not deserve reward.Absolute value;situational differences;same moral conclusionsStealing is always wrong.person is starving.Do not steal.Stealing is always wrong.Person is not starving.Do not steal.,更多的讨论Further considerations,对社会文化相对主义者而言,认同那种社会文化是一个问题 One problem for the cultural relativist who holds that moral values are simply a reflection of societys views is to identify the society.2、对个体相对主义者而言,道德观如何与个体的经验想一致是个问题 One problem that the individual relativist faces is whether that view accords with personal experience.3、对两种相对主义而言,如何辩护相对主义比客观主义更宽容?A problem for both types of relativist lies in the implied belief that relativism is a more tolerant position than objectivism.,道德实在论Moral realism,如果存在超出个体或各种社会文化之上的客观的道德,那么这种道德是怎么样的?If there is an objective morality beyond the morality of cultures or individuals,then what is it like?道德实在论认为存在独立于人的认知的道德实在,是客观普遍的道德真理。Realism is the view that there exists a reality independent of those who know it.,反实在论者并不断然否认道德真理的存在。但是,如果承认道德真理的存在,那么是否也就承认存在着普遍客观的道德原则了呢?反实在论则坚决反对这样的普遍原则,认为伦理学不应当是寻求这样的普遍原则,而应当关心生活在每个具体环境中的人的活动,努力去从这些不同的环境中以及人的复杂个性中去理解人的活动和道德规范。这种反实在论伦理学的代表就是当代英国最著名的伦理学家维廉姆斯(Bernard Williams)。他倡导的所谓“反理论”运动的宗旨就是反对以建构抽象的普遍原则为目的的道德理论。,道德多元主义Moral pluralism,如果存在客观的对错,那么善是“一”还是“多”?Another problem nonrelativists or objectivists face is whether the good is one or many.,道德的绝对性和相对性道德的主观性和客观性,