国际财务报准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,会计的国际化,经济全球化和会计准则的国际趋同,世界经济的发展早已打破国界,资本的国际化,跨国兼并和跨国上市,投资融资日趋复杂,金融工具层出不穷。会计作为一种通用的商业语言,也处于一个动态的、不断发展的过程中,走向了会计准则的国际趋同。,国际财务报准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASC,成立于1973年1994年与IOSCO签订协议:制定一套核心会计准则1998年完成核心会计准则2001年改组,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASC基金会,它是一个非盈利的法律实体,2001年2月在美国Delaware州登记成立。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,基金受托人,基金会受托人由22名具有不同地域及功能背景的个人组成。为了保持地区间的平衡,首任成员有6名来自北美、6名来自欧洲、6名来自亚太地区、4名来自其他地区。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,任命IASB、IFRIC和SAC。IASB 国际会计准则理事会 IFRIC 国际财务报告解释委员会 SAC 准则咨询委员会对IASB的效率进行监控筹集资金审批IASB的预算修改章程,基金受托人(Trustees),国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASB由14人组成,包括12名专职成员和2名兼职成员,14名成员有7人负责联络英、美、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰、德、法、日等国家准则制定机构。2001年4月改组后的理事会制定的准则称为国际财务报告准则(IFRS)。,IASB,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,从2001年12月起更名为IFRIC,IFRIC由12名有表决权的成员和1名不具表决权的主席组成,还有2名官方观察员(欧洲委员会和IOSCO),准则解释委员会(SIC),国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,准则咨询委员会(SAC)2005年10月改组后的成员为40名,其中非洲2名,亚太地区9名,欧洲14名,拉丁美洲3名,中东1名,北美4名,国际组织代表7名,分别来自巴塞尔银行业监管委员会、国际保险监管协会、国际会计师联合会、国际货币基金组织、证券委员会国际组织、联合国贸易和发展委员会以及世界银行。此外,还有3名观察员,分别来自欧洲委员会、日本金融服务机构和美国证券交易委员会。,准则咨询委员会(SAC),国际会计准则制定机构组织结构图,任命 报告 建议,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASC基金会章程的目标,IASC基金会章程(2002年7月)的目标:本着公众的利益,制定一套高质量、易可理解且可实施的全球会计准则,这套准则要求财务报表和其他财务报告中的信息高质量、透明和可比,有助于世界各种资本市场的参与者和其他使用者进行经济决策;促使这些准则的使用和严格运用;促使国家会计准则与国际会计准则和国际财务报告准则高质量解决方法的趋同。,Convergence of accounting standards,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际会计准则理事会与美国SEC和FASB,1996年4月美国SEC就发布了一份“公告”表明:IAS只要满足以下三条,则其与IOSCO合作制定的准则,是可以接受的。(一)它必须包括一套核心准则(Core Standards),构成会计的全面基础;(二)准则必须是高质量的,使投资者能够在公司间和时间跨度上进行比较;(三)准则必须进行严格解释和运用,否则就不能达到可比性和透明度。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际会计准则理事会与美国SEC和FASB,FASB在20世纪90年代就参加IASB非正式会议,然后成立G4+1(即美、英、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰,IASC作为观察员),其中FASB是积极参与者。FASB与IASB在2002年10月签订了Norwalk协议书,其中提出了趋同规划。美国财务会计准则委员会(FASB)主席认为,在2010年双方准则之间的主要差异将趋消失。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际会计准则理事会与美国SEC和FASB,双方成立联合议事日程委员会(Joint Agenda Committee),目的是协调讨论同一议题的日程表,每年集会两次。但是,双方的合作并不是完美的,FASB是在特定国家法律框架下工作的,IASB就不是这样,虽然双方都讲“传统的”GAAP,但方法上的差异是由长期历史形成,不容易消除的。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际会计准则理事会与美国的SEC和FASB,FASB有颁布详细准则的传统和明确的审计指南,这就容易达到控制和消除不确定性。安然事件后,由于规范准则的滥用,就更多地着重于解释目标的准则以及如何达到目标。但是,SEC观察到以原则为导向的准则,在单独运用原则时就减少了可比性,在美国诉讼环境中,许多公司和审计师不愿进入在不确定的条件下进行职业判断的领域,Use of IFRSs Is Widespread!,Used by more than 15,000 listed companies Another 12,000 planned by 2011 Used by SEC foreign registrants without reconciliation to US GAAPWill probably be used by US companies in a few years Both SEC registrants and private,Use of IFRSs Is Widespread!,FASB,SEC,AICPA,Big-4,and major multinationals all strongly favor use of IFRSs What will become of the national standard setters?,Why Global Standards?,Enhanced worldwide comparability for investorsEnhanced quality of reportingSome national GAAPs are weak or outdatedPossibly a lower cost of capital for companies adopting IFRSs,Why Global Standards?,Reduced reporting costs For instance,multinational with subs applying many GAAPsNo need to develop and maintain national standardsFor audit firms and companies:Easier movement of auditors and accountants across borders,Use of IFRSs by Listed Entities,Europe(EU+EEA+Switzerland):All listed(about 8,000 companies)In consolidated financial statementsEU:One modification(of IAS 39)Consequently,audit report refers to IFRSs as adopted by the EUEndorsement(EFRAG)mechanism results in time lags,Asia-Pacific:Nearly word-for-word convergence:Australia,New Zealand,Hong KongModifications,time lags,some not adopted:Singapore,Thailand,Malaysia,Philippines,ChinaOwn standards:Japan(convergence program),Taiwan 2011 planned:India,Korea,Use of IFRSs by Listed Entities,North America:Canada:planned 2011;USA:Permitted for foreign SEC registrants since March 2008;SEC studying domestic registrants,Use of IFRSs by Listed Entities,Latin America/Caribbean:IFRSs required:Brazil(2010 all listed and banks),Chile(2009-2011 phased in),and over a dozen smaller jurisdictions Middle East and Africa:IFRSs required:Many countries,Chinese Accounting Standards,Accounting standards:Must be authoritatively supported;Otherwise,no binding effect;Two ways to gain authoritative support;Authoritativeness from Governmental administration;Ministry of Finance acting as standards setter in ChinaWidely represented to gain authoritativeness;This is the case of FASB,Chinese Accounting Standards,Accounting standards in China;Accounting system 1993Accounting Law,2000;Regulations for Business Financial Reporting,State Council,2000;Unified Accounting Systems,Ministry of Finance,2001;New Accounting Standards,2007 for listed corporations,2008 for large stated owned corporation,Chinese Accounting Standards,CSRC and its role in regulating public companies accounting practice;Two sets of regulations;Information disclosure on forms and contents;Rules for information disclosure;Actually affect public companies accounting practice;The change of rules on Non-recurring gains and losses;,Accounting Standards Evolution in China,After 1949,we killed all the market;Everything is under central planning;We planned everything,including those unplannable;No corporate finance;No decision making oriented management accounting;Costing not cost controlling;No auditing;No accounting standards too.,Accounting Standards Evolution in China,Capital markets were founded in Shanghai and Shenzhen in early 1990s;Public companies will be responsible for common investors;Accounting standards are necessary again;1992,Business Enterprises Accounting Standards are issued;1997,the first operational accounting standards was issued;,Completely revised since 2001;The issuance of Unified Accounting System;Abandon fair value accounting;Readopt actual cost;Put restrictiveness on earnings;From earning to capital surplus;Internationalization;From 2007 all listed corporations in China must use new CAS which is convergence with IFRS;,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASB与中国会计准则委员会,2005年11月,中国会计准则委员会和国际会计准则理事会的代表在北京聚会,讨论关于中国会计准则(CASs)向国际财务报告准则(IFRSs)的趋同问题。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASB与中国会计准则委员会,IASB代表表示:中国在走向趋同IFRSs的工作已取得巨大进步,向IFRSs趋同是需要时间的,至于如何趋同由中方决定。双方共同认为:未来应以特定方式相互帮助,由于中方的特定情况和环境,就有特殊的经验,其中包括:关联方交易和披露、公允价值计量、资产减值的转回、在同一控制(Common Control)下实体的合并等。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASB与中国会计准则委员会,会计准则的国际趋同虽是大势所趋,潮流所向,但尚有很多困难需要克服。特别是由外部的独立专家组所制定的准则,一个独立国家的管理当局要采纳它往往是难以容忍的。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,IASB与中国会计准则委员会,我国在会计准则的趋同中,由于我国政治、经济、法律、社会与文化的背景的特殊性,应当采取积极慎重的态度,先试点,取得经验,再逐步推广。,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,附:国际会计准则与中国会计准则 对照表,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,CAS与IFRS/IAS的趋同,(一)公允价值。新准则对金融工具、投资性房地产、非同一控制下的企业合并、股份支付、债务重组和非货币性交易等方面,都采用了公允价值。根据我国的具体客观环境,新会计准则对公允价值的应用是比较谨慎的。(二)金融工具。金融工具概念与IFRS完全一致,对金融资产和金融负债与IFRS作了同样的分类。金融资产分为“以公允价值计量且其变动计入当期损益的金融资产;持有至到期的投资;贷款和应收账款;可供出售金融资产”等四类,并对每一类金融资产的计量方法作了具体规定。(三)股份支付。这是借鉴IFRS的“以股份为基础的支付”准则,股份支付分为以权益结算的股份支付和以现金结算的股份支付两类,均以公允价值计量。,CAS与IFRS/IAS的趋同,(四)投资性房地产。投资必房地产指为了赚取租金或资本增值,或两者兼有而持有的房地产,并对其计量作出了选择性规定。(五)对非货币性资产交换中换入资产的计量以及债务重组收益的确认,作了较大的修正。对非货币性资产交换具有商业实质,且换入资产的公允价值能够可靠地计量的,则按换出公允价值计量;债务重组中因债权人让步而导致债务人豁免或者减少偿还负债,原来转入资本公积的做法,改为将债务重组收益计入当期损益,对以实物抵债的,以公允价值计量。(六)资产减值。针对利用减值准备计提和转回操纵利润的问题,新的“资产减值”准则中明确规定:“资产减值损失一经确认,在以后期间不得转回”。,CAS与IFRS/IAS的趋同,(七)“同一控制”概念的理解。在企业合并中,对同一控制下企业合并采用权益结合法,这是因为在我国的企业合并大多涉及同一控制下的国有企业合并,按权益结合法可以抑制企业对利润的操纵。(八)在“关联方披露”准则中规定:“仅仅同受国家控制而不存在其他关联方关系的企业,不构成关联方”。这和IASB对关联方披露的要求不同。新准则的规定显然是考虑了中国存在大量国有企业的实际情况而作出的规定。(九)所得税不再允许采用应付税款法,必须采用资产负债表债务法,引入了计税基础的概念,强调暂时性差异.,MOF issues official Interpretation of CASs#2,The PRC Ministry of Finance has issued its second official interpretation of the new Chinese Accounting Standards.It deals with such as the following:Companies issuing both A and H shares should adopt same accounting policies and accounting estimates except for the two substantial differences identified in HK-PRC joint declarations on accounting standards signed in December 2007,Challenge for China,clients who adopted IFRS for the first timedid not fully contemplate the amount of financial information,most of which had not been collected in the past that is needed.”This increase in information requirements need to be met with increases in training and knowledge of the new systems by those drawing up financial statements.,Developing such expertise is neither an easy nor a particularly rapid procedure.It requires huge upheavals not just from accountants but everyone in the financial market from bankers to investors,and also a firms non-financial workers such as human resources and management.,Cultural revolution Jan 11th 2007|HONG KONGFrom The Economist print editionNew accounting rules have replaced the Little Red Book as Chinas guide to self-improvement.Can the state handle the truth?,Challenge for the world:Accounting provisions of US financial institutions bailout bill,The Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 that is being considered by the United States Congress(the so-called financial institutions bailout bill)has as its objective:,To provide authority for the Federal Government to purchase and insure certain types of troubled assets for the purposes of providing stability to and preventing disruption in the economy and financial system and protecting taxpayers,and for other purposes.Two sections relate to fair value measurement accounting issues:,Sec.132.Authority to suspend mark-to-market accounting.,The Securities and Exchange Commission shall have the authority under the securities laws 12 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934(15 U.S.C.78c(a)(47)to suspend,by rule,regulation,or order,the application of Statement Number 157 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board for any issuer(as such term is defined in section 3(a)(8)of such Act)or with respect to any class or category of transaction if the Commission determines that is necessary or appropriate in the public interest and is consistent with the protection of investors.,Sec.133.Study on mark-to-market accounting.The Securities and Exchange Commission,in consultation with the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Secretary of the Treasury,shall conduct a study on mark-to-market accounting standards as provided in Statement Number 157 of the Financial Accounting Standards Board,as such standards are applicable to financial institutions,including depository institutions.Such a study shall consider at a minimum,(1)the effects of such accounting standards on a financial institutions balance sheet;(2)the impacts of such accounting on bank failures in 2008;(3)the impact of such standards on the quality of financial information available to investors;(4)the process used by the Financial Accounting Standards Board in developing accounting standards;(5)the advisability and feasibility of modifications to such standards;and(6)alternative accounting standards to those provided in such Statement Number 157.The SEC must submit the report to Congress within 90 days after enactment of the bill.,The IASB has announced the current status of its response to the credit crisis and the next steps it expects to take.In its announcement,the IASB indicated that it is closely monitoring developments in the United States and other jurisdictions to avoid unnecessary inconsistencies in accounting treatments under IFRSs and US generally accepted accounting principles(GAAP).The IASBs next steps will be in the following areas:,Ensure consistency of fair value measurement guidance between IFRSs and US GAAP Consider the possible impact of the US Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and other similar programmes internationally on the valuation of assets and liabilities,Immediately consider the ability to reclassify financial instruments.US GAAP permits entities,in rare circumstances,to reclassify financial instruments that are in the form of securities from their trading portfolio(measured at fair value with changes through the income statement)to held to maturity.(measured at amortised cost and subject to testing for impairment).,Also US GAAP permits some loans that are not securities to be transferred from Held for Sale(measured at lower of cost or market with changes through the income statement)to Held for Investment(measured at amortised cost and subject to testing for impairment).IAS 39 does not currently permit such transfers.The IASB intends to assess(at its October 2008 Board meeting)any inconsistencies in how IAS 39 and US GAAP practice address the issue of reclassifications and decide whether to eliminate any differences.,CFAs in Europe vote against suspension of fair value standards,In an overnight poll of CFA Institute members based in the European Union(EU),79%of the 597 respondents do not support the suspension of fair value measurements for financial instruments under IFRSs.85%also think that a suspension of fair value standards would further decrease confidence in the European banking system.,AICPA CAQ has concerns about accounting sections of bailout bill,On 30 September 2008,the Center for Audit Quality(CAQ)of the American Institute of CPAs(AICPA)sent a Letter to All Members of Congress stating that proposals advocating suspension of mark-to-market(or fair value)accounting are not in the best interest of investors or the capital markets and should be rejected.,国际财务报告准则的发展 会计准则的国际趋同,谢谢大家!,