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    高三英语语法复习09,代 词,1、人称代词的替代和转换;2、物主代词的性;3、else 的用法;4、不定代词的用法比较;5、it 的用法;,高考考点分析,人称代词和物主代词,人称代词的形式,1.It was _ who did it,but it was _ that we are talking about.A.he she B.him her C.him she D.he her解析:问题中前后两个分句都是强调句,前面的代词作 did it 的主语,而后面的代词作 talking about 的宾语2.谁在敲门。是我。Whos knocking at the door?Its me.3.5点钟我把他接回家。I picked him up at five.归纳:人称代词的主格在句子中作主语,人称代词的宾格在句子中作动词或介词的宾语,或表语。,D,1.我、你、他、应该互相帮忙。You,he and I should help each other.2.我们,你们,他们都曾经去过北京.We,you and they have ever been to Beijing.,归纳:1)单数人称代词并列作主语时,其顺序为231,既:第二人称 第三人称 第一人称 you he/she;it-I 2)复数人称代词作主语时,其顺序为123,既:第一人称 第二人称 第三人称 weyou They,1.就是我和她惹妈妈生气了。It was I and she that made mother angry.2.我和你要受到责备.You and I are to blame.归纳:若承认错误或承担责任,I放在其他人称前面表示勇于承担责任或承认错误,顺序应为:I,he and you。注:you and I是固定结构,即使是在承担过失时,词序也不变。,1.Susan,go and join your sister cleaning the yard.Why?John is sitting there doing nothing.Ahim Bhe CI DMe-我喜欢英语。我也喜欢。-I like English.-Me too.-再来点酒喝吗?我可不要了。-Have more wine?-Not me.归纳:在简短对话中,当人称代词单独使用或在not 后,多用宾语。2.May I speak to John?-This is _ speaking.A.heB.hisC.himD.himself我想和玛丽通话。我就是玛丽。-I want to speak to Mary.-This is she.归纳:在电话用语中常用主格。,D,A,1.除了我,没有人认识他.Nobody knows him except I/me.2.除了我和他,明天全部人都去听音乐会All but he and I are going to the concert tomorrow.归纳:在介词 but,except 后,有时可用主格也可用宾格。,1.他比我更努力学习.He works harder than me.He works harder than I do.2.我比她更聪明.I am more intelligent than her.I am more intelligent than she(is).e.g.She knows me as well as him.归纳:在as和than引起的从句中,用主格、宾格都可以,如跟其他词,则必须用人称代词的主格但在下列句中有区别:I like Jack as much as her.=I like both Jack and her.I like Jack as much as she.=I like Jack and she likes him,too.,几个人称代词的特殊用法。we/you(口语)常用来泛指一般人 she可以代表国家、船只、大地、月亮等。The“Titanic”was the largest,wasnt she?皓月当空,她多美呀!The moon is in the sky.How nice she is.,1.Miss Liang teaches our English and her likes us very much.2.His parents are proud of he.3.Wardian advised they to use glass containers to transport the plants.4.It will take your two hours to finish the paper and you will be tired with it.5.His job was quite good though it doesnt have a good pay.6.Althogh we are poor,our life is very happy7.-Go and fetch some chairs Jane.-I?I have done a lot of work.,us,him,them,you,she,he didnt,we are,Me,物主代词,他们的父母是工人。Their parents are workers.归纳:形容词性的物主代词只作定语修饰名词,也就是形容词性的物主代词名词;你介意我打开窗户吗?Would you mind my opening the window?归纳:在动名词前常加上形容词性的物主代词构成动名词的复合结构。,这不是我们的课室,我们的在二楼。It is not our classroom.Ours is on the second floor.她没带钢笔,因此我把我的给了她。She didnt bring her pen,so I gave her mine.归纳:名词性的物主代词(相当于形容词性的物主代词名词)可作主语、宾语、表语我的一位朋友明天来看我。A friend of mine will come to see me.归纳:名词性的物主代词与of连用作定语,a,an,this,that+名词+of+名词性物主代词。,二、物主代词1.形容词性的物主代词只作定语,也就是一定要名词 my our your his her theirEg:Their parents are workers.2.名词性的物主代词可作主语、宾语、表语和与of连用作定语。mine ours yours his hers theirsIt is not our classroom.Ours is on the second floor.She didnt bring her pen,so I gave her mine.5.A friend of _ will come to see me.,选择正确的物主代词填空:1._(Our,Ours)classroom is clean,but _(their,theirs)is much cleaner than_(our,ours).2.Look at the dog._(Its,Its)frontlegs are shorter than_(its,its)back legs.3.I have lost _(my,mine)ruler.May I borrow _(your,yours)?4.We each have a new book._(Your,Yours)is about science._(My,Mine)is about the history of_(our,ours)Party.,Our,theirs,ours,Its,its,my,yours,Yours,Mine,our,Correct the mistakes if any.,1.Our classroom is on the second floor and your is on the third.2.Here is a lovely rabbit and its hair is white.2.The police seized the thief by his hand.3.The soldier was wounded in his stomach.4.The girl became red in her face.,yours,its,the,the,the,反身代词的形式,反身代词通常作宾语、表语和同位语。,a.作宾语:有些动词需有反身代词enjoy,help,amuse娱乐,blame,dry,cut,hurt,introduce,behave,dress,keep,我们昨晚玩得很开心.We enjoyed ourselves very much last night.b.作表语;be oneself:我今天不舒服。I am not myself today.c.作同位语事情本身并不重要。The thing itself is not important.,填出正确的反身代词,1.You must be careful!Dont cut _ with the new knife.2.My sister makes her clothes _.3.The boy looked at _ in the mirror.4.The dog opened the door by _.5.We need help because we cant do the work by _.6.Have plenty of exercise every day,children,and make _ healthy and strong.7.You must believe _ or you can do nothing.8.When l opened my eyes,I found _ in the dark room.9.You are old enough to wash your face _.10.The children hid _ behind a door.,yourself,herself,himself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,yourself,myself,yourself,themselves,1.让别人听懂自己的话 make oneself understood 2.自学(英语)teach oneself(English)3.玩得很痛快 enjoy oneself 4.表达自己的思想 express oneself 5.别客气 make yourself at home 6.请随便吃(水果)help yourself(to some fruit)7.自己穿衣服 dress oneself 8.献身于 devote oneself to 9.心里想 say to oneself 10.自言自语 talk to oneself/think aloud 11.for oneself 亲自;独立地;为自己 12.of oneself 自发地 13.beside oneself 失常,发狂 14.between ourselves 只限你我之间 15.in oneself 就其本身而言 16.to oneself 独自占用或享用 17.be not oneself 身体不舒服,I can do it by myself.She bought a dress for herself.This is not a bad idea in itself.All this is between ourselves.She had a room to herself.I havent been myself for weeks.,高考真题,1.There at the door stood a girl about the same height_.A.as me B.as mine C.with me D.with mine2.Some of the stamps belong to me,while the rest are_.A.him and her B.his and hers C.his and her D.him and hers3.My grandma still treats me like a child.She cant imagine _ grown up.A.myB.mineC.myselfD.me 解析:由语境可知“她没想到我已成年了”,应当用宾格me作imagine的宾语;短语形容词grown up(成熟的,成年的)作宾补。答案是D。,4.Catherine bought a postcard of the place she was visiting,addressed _ to_ and then posted it at the nearby post office A.it;her B.it;herself C.herself;her D.herself;herself解析:由address sth.to sb.(在信件或包裹上写上收件人的姓名及地址)可知,Catherine在买来的明信片上写上她自己的姓名及地址。答案是B。5.I intended to compare notes with a friend,but unfortunately _couldnt spare me even one minute.A.theyB.oneC.who D.it 解析:句中a friend(=one of my friends)泛指我的朋友中的任何一个,代替名词my friends,且在but后的并列句中作主语用they。答案是A。,6.Some of the stamps belong to me,while the rest are _.A.him and her B.his and hers C.his and her D.him and hers 解析:在句中作表语,指“他的邮票和她的邮票”用his and her(=his stamps and her stamps)。答案是B。7.Who called me this morning when I was out A man calling _ Robert.A.himB.himself C.his D.不填 解析:考查反身代词。因为“call sb./oneself+某名”就是“叫某人/自称某名字”;句意是“一个自称罗伯特的人”,用himself。答案是B。,8.You will find as you read fiats book that you just cant keep some of these stones to _.You will want to share them with a friend.A.itself B.yourselfC.himself D.themselves 解析:主语是you,要用yourself;to oneself是习语,指某人“独自享用,不与他人共享”。答案是B。9.14)My daughter often makes a schedule to get _ reminded of what she is to do in the day.A.herself B.her C.she D.hers解析:句意是:“我女儿经常制定日程表,以便让她自自己知道这一天要干什么。”答案是A。10.Tom felt that he knew everybodys business better than they knew it_.A.themselvesB.oneselfC.itselfD.himself 解析:能与they相呼应,并作they的同位语的,用反身代词themselves。答案是A。,五句话作文,布莱克先生有一个女儿和一个儿子:玛丽和杰克。他很爱他们。他尽他所能给孩子们提供好的教育,送他们到一间好学校读书。玛丽和杰克知道父亲谋生不容易。作为回报,他们勤奋学习。上学期,玛丽参加一次作文竞赛,获得了一等奖。杰克学习也很好,获得了三好学生(the title of a three good student)的称号。他们取得的成绩使父亲很高兴。,Mr.Black has a daughter and a son:Mary and Jack and _ loves _ very much._ tries _ best to provide _ children good education and sent _ to study in a good school.Mary and Jack knew _ was not easy for _ father to earn the living so _ study hard at school in return.Mary competed in a composition competition and _ won the first prize while Jack also did a good job in _ study and _ gained the title of a three good student.What _ achieved made _ father pleased.,he,them,He,his,them,his,it,their,they,she,his,he,their,they,Good-bye!,


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