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    人称代词,一、人称代词的分类二、主格人称代词和宾格人称代词1、主格人称代词的用法 主格人称代词在句中作主语。例如:She is my daughter.He wont come with me.作并列主语时,主格人称代词的排列顺序。注意:单数第一人称I总是要放在所有人称代词的最后位置。,表示泛指的主格代词。1)one:one作不定人称代词,意思是“任何人”,因此只能用于谈论泛指的人们,而且是必须包括说话者本人在内的。不能用来专指某个个人或某一特定的群体,也不能用来指不包括说话人在内的一群人。例如:One should always try to help people.One cant make an omelette without breaking eggs.但是不能说:One is knocking at the door.*此句中的one显然没有包括说话者本人在内,所以不能用one。而应改为:Somebody is knocking at the door.,关于one后面使用的代词,在美国英语中,一般用he,him,himself或his;而在英国英语中常用one,oneself或ones。One should be careful in talking to hisones boss.One cant succeed at this unless heone tries hard.,2)we,you,they可用来表示泛指。例如:WeYouOne should never lose heart in face of difficulties.they常意为“人们”,例如:They say=People say或It is saidThey say it is going to be a cold winter.she(her)可用于拟人化,表示country,motherland,moon,earth,ship等等。The Titanic turned just in time,narrowly missing the immense wall of ice that rose over 100 feet out of the water beside her.The ship lost most of her rigging in the storm.,2、宾格人称代词的用法 宾格人称代词(如me,yo,him,her),顾名思义,主要是在句中作宾语。1)用在动词后边作直接宾语。例如:I like her.I love you.2)用在动词后边作间接宾语。例如:He bought me a dinner that day.3)用作介词宾语。例如:I am very fond of him.,宾格代词也可用作表语。例如:Who is it?一Its me.不过,如果作表语的代词后面跟一个定语从句时,一般要用主格代词。如:It was he who helped me when I was in trouble.It was he in whom we had the greatest faith.主格代词和宾格代词可以作同位语。如:We teachers should be patient with students.Our teachers are all nice to us students.,3、宾格代词在句中作宾语的位置。表间接宾语(通常是表示人)可在直接宾语之前。如:He bought me a pen as a birthday gift.Ive lent him much money,but hes never mentioned to pay me back.此时也可将间接宾语放在句末。如:He bought a pen for me as a birthday gift.Ive lent much money to him,but hes never mentioned to pay me back.,如果直接宾语是人称代词,此时直接宾语应紧跟在动词之后。而把间接宾语放在句末,并且在间接宾语前面用介词to或for。I will give it to you.而不说:I will give you it.*一What beautiful flowers!一My boyfriend sent them to me.而不说:My boyfriend sent me them.*但这一条规则不适用于不定代词one,some,any,none,something等。I bought a pen for Rex,and I also bought Tom one.I didnt give Rex any.Ill show you something.,宾格代词在短语动词中的位置。只能说:Hand them in.Throw it away.Pick it up.不能说:hand in them*,throw away it*,pick up it*。但是,作宾语的名词可以放在短语动词当中,也可放在短语动词的末尾。Hand your papers in.Hand in your papers.Throw the trash away.Throw away the trash.,三、形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词 1、物主代词的形式和用法 物主代词其实就是人称代词的所有格形式,表示所有关系分为形容词性和名词性。形容词性物主代词用法1)形容词性物主代词必须和名词连用,不能单独使用,对名词起限定作用。Your book is over there.His sister is lovely.My ear has broken down.2)若表示强调,我们可在形容词性物主代词后边加上own。例如:I wish I had my own house.I wish I had a house of my own.,名词性物主代词用法1)与形容词性物主代词相反,名词性物主代词则只能单独使用,不能再与名词连用。因为名词性物主代词相当于形容词性物主代词+名词。我们用名词性物主代词主要是为了避免前面出现过的名词再次被重复提到。This is not my book.Mine(=My book)is in my bag.This book is mine and yours is over there.When they found the child,to their great surprise and joy,they found he was alive and well.The mother had laid her body over his and given her life for her child,proving the depths of her mother love.,2)我们也可以用“of名词性物主代词”这样的结构。例如:a friend of mine=one of my friends;a teacher of hers=one of her teachers。但不说:of myyourher*,而可以说:of myyourhisher own 四、反身代词 1、反身代词的形式与用法 反身代词形式反身代词有:myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself,ourselves,yourselves,themselves,请注意第二人称反身代词单数形式yourself和复数形式yourselves的拼写。如:She said to her friends,“Please help to these dishes.”A)you B)yourself C)yourselves D)them此外还有不定反身代词oneself。例如:One shouldnt think the most of oneself,but nothing of others.,反身代词用作宾语一般来说,若动词所表示的行为施加到施动者自己身上时,也就是说主语和宾语为同一人时,我们用反身代词作动词的宾语。God helps those who help themselves.I cut myself when cooking.We enjoyed ourselves on holiday.Take good care of yourself.,若主语和宾语不是同一人时,我们则不能用反身代词作宾语。如我们不能说:Researchers at the University of Colorado are investigating a series of indicators that could help themselves to predict earthquakes.*,反身代词起强调作用:反身代词可强调主语和宾语,此时self要重读。1)强调主语:反身代词通常是用来强调句子的主语,此时反身代词常位于主语之后。He himself went to visit the old lady.I myself took my mother to the hospital.Stress itself is not an illness,but prolonged stress can lead to sickness and absence from work.,在不引起句子歧义的情况下,我们可把反身代词置于句末。例如:He went to visit the old lady himself.I took my mother to the hospital myself.而下边这句就会有歧义:He spoke to the boss himself.或者相当于:He himself spoke to the boss.2)强调宾语:强调宾语的反身代词只能紧跟在宾语后边。例如:He saw Tom himself.比较:He himself saw Tom.I will send this gift to John himself.,介词反身代词1)by oneself:独自一人地Eg.I went there by myself.比较:I went there myself.2)of oneself:自动地,自然而然地。如:The door opened of itself.温故知新:In Brief 本讲主要介绍了人称代词的用法,重点是要能够区分人称代词的主格、宾格、所有格(即形容词性物主代词)及反身代词的用法。,Thank you!,


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