1,特性分级Classification of Characteristics,分级的定义Definition of Classes 下列特性分级是根据产品关键程度:QSP1.04图1A进行特性分级.在该定义中的缺陷项目是指偏离QSP1.04图1B中规定的尺寸规范.The following characteristic class are based upon the Product Criticality Classification,Figure 1A,QSP1.04,Classification of Characteristics.The term defective in these definitions refers to excursions from specification of a magnitude defined in Figure 1B,QSP1.04.,2,特性分级Classification of Characteristics,关键-关键特性如果有缺陷 将可能引起操作人员、使用者或旁人的人 身伤害。符号图 肯定会引起操作运行故障。Drawing 肯定会引起性能下降超过20%或不能满足Symbol 法规要求。Critical-Those characteristics which if defective Will possibly cause injure to an operator,user or bystander.Will certainly cause an operating failure Will certainly cause a performance loss in excess of 20%or failure to meet regulatory requirements of EPA,CARB,ABS,UL,FM,etc.,3,特性分级Classification of Characteristics,重要-重要特性如果有缺陷 有很高的可能性会引起运行故障。有很高的可能性会引起性能下降超过20%或不满足法规要求。肯定或很可能引起超额的修理费用包括停机、劳务、备件等。肯定或很可能会由于机器失效引起产品完全报废,明显减少 工具的使用寿命或产生过多的废品。Major-Those characteristics which if defective Will with high probability.Cause an operating failure.Will with high probability.Cause a performance loss in excess of 20%or failure to meet regulatory requirements of EPS,CARB,ABS,UL,FM,etc.Will certainly or with high probability,cause excessive total cost of repair including downtime.labor.Replacement part.etc.Will certainly or with high probability,cause a disruption of production by causing a machine malfunction,significantly reduced tool life or excessive scrape.,4,特性分级Classification of Characteristics,一般-一般特性不包含在QSP1.04的产品关键程度分级中,但如 果有缺陷根据经验和判断表明:无符号 将肯定会降低产品外观质量,给客户提供劣质品。将肯定会引起额外的工艺调整、清理、返修等。肯定会在产品确认和成品控制时产生困难。Minor-Those characteristics not included in Product Criticality Classification of QSP1.04.But which judgment and experience indicate if defective.Will certainly detract from the appearance of the product indicating inferior value to the customer.Will certainly result in extra process adjustments,cleaning,salvage etc.Will certainly cause difficulty in identification and control of the end product.,5,特性分级Classification of Characteristics,关键控制特性 不管特性级别如何,在生产可接受的零件或 产品时,关键控制特性是很重要的,关键控 制特性在于特殊的预防控制。Key Control Characteristic Characteristics which are most important in producing an acceptable part or product.Regardless of classification.Focus on special prevention oriented controls.,6,PPAP 检查单PPAP Check List,零件号和更改级别 Part No.&Revision在图纸上给尺寸编号 Giving numbers to all dimension on drawings在尺寸检查表中注明未注尺寸公差值 Confirm tolerance of dimensions which no tolerance on drawing 专用工装、模具清单 Special tooling and mould list量检具清单 Gauge listFMEA纠正措施的跟踪 Follow up the corrective actions of FMEA工程更改必须经DCEC产品部门批准 Engineering changes must be approved by DCEC PE department,7,PPAP 检查单PPAP Check List,尺寸、材料、性能测试项目必须经DCEC预先审核 Dimension/material/performance items should be approved by DCEC过程能力和统计过程数据Process capability and statistical package分供方清单Parts list for subcontractors过程能力小于1.33,进行工序质量改进,并有书面改进措施计划 Cpk is less than 1.33,improve process and documented in a corrective action plan测试的不合格项目须经DCEC审批 Nonconformance items should be approved by DCECPPAP提交前供方质量代表要确认审批 Supplier representative should confirm to PPAP information and approve on the PPAP warrant sheet,