中药血清药理学,BY 肖梨20162902019,CONTENTS,Part 1,概述,中药血清药理学是指将中药或中药复方经口给动物灌服,一定时间后,采集动物血液、分离血清,以含药血清代替中药粗提物作为药物源加入离体反应系统中,从而研究其药理作用的一种半体内实验方法。,1987 年由日本学者田代真一首次提出。中药血清药理学的出现在很大程度上克服了中药复方及粗提物在体外研究时的不便,具有可控性好,重复性高,可以减少各种干扰因素的影响,使得中药复方药理作用机制的深入研究成为可能。,Part 2,优点,Part 3,研究方法,动物的选择,动物的给药量药效学试验体系中含药血清浓度比,即体积比。,量效关系,时效关系,给药时间、取血时间,血清的处理和保存,灭活与冰冻处理、其他处理,含药血清加入量和设立对照的研究,Part 4,应用,Objective:To investigate the feasibility of serum pharmacology in evaluating the antitumor effect of Chinese medicine(CM)of Fuzheng Guben,the effects of Fuzheng Yiliu Decoction(扶正抑瘤方,FYD),a typical prescription of Fuzheng Guben,on proliferation and apoptosis of hepatoma cells in vitro were observed by two methods with serum pharmacology and traditional pharmacology,respectively.,Methods:HepG2 cells were treated with FYDcontaining serum or crude FYD extract in vitro.The proliferation rate was determined by methyl thiazolyl tetrazolium(MTT)assay.Cell cycle and apoptosis rate was performed by flfl ow cytometry.And the levels of interleukin-2(IL-2)and tumor necrosis factor(TNF-)in FYD-containing serum were detected by radioimmunoassay,Results:FYD-containing serum remarkably inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis of hepatoma cells at least by promoting the production of IL-2 and TNF-in vivo.On the contrary,crude FYD extract promoted the proliferation and did not induce cell apoptosis.The results by serum pharmacology were accordant with those of our previous animal and clinical trials which indicates that serum pharmacology is a reasonable and feasible method for the evaluation of the antitumor effect of herbs of Fuzheng Guben.,Part 5,综合评价,大部分情况下中药是口服给药,在经胃肠道和肝脏代谢后,中药可能早已转化成其他代谢物,所以最后进入血液循环的并非完全是原药成分。,难以把握最恰当的采血时间。理论上应选择在药物浓度的最高峰期取血,但由于中药成分众多,中药复方更是复杂多变,不同成分给药后达峰值的时间各不相同,因此选择最佳的采血时间具有很大的难度。,血清中含有许多活性物质,即使实验中设立空白血清对照组,也难以彻底排除空白血清中某些复杂成分对整个实验的干扰。,THANKS,