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    英语专业四级作文(议论文)常见 命题形式,一.对立观点式二.单一观点式三.选择观点式,一.对立观点式,1 给出两个对立的事物或者一个事物对立的两个面,要求考生支持一方并说明。(1)Some people think that parents should plan their childrens leisure time carefully.Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time,which one do you agree with?,(2)Some people think that the family is the most important influence on young adults.Other people think that friends are the most important influence on young adults.Which one do you agree with?,一.对立观点式,2.给出两个对立事物或一个事物对立的两个面,要求考生说明二者为什么不同或比较他们的优缺点,并给出理由。(1)Some students participate in school activities such as clubs and sports.Other students do not take part in such activities because they spend more time on their studies.Which type of students do you prefer to be?Explain why.,(2)Some people like different friends.Others like similar friends.Compare the advantages of these two kinds of friends.Which kind of friends do you prefer?Explain why.,二.单一观点式,1.给出一个论点,此论点不包括两种事物的比较,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。(1)People should never be satisfied with what they have,they should always want something new or something different.Do you agree or disagree with the statement?,(2)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:A students main purpose in getting an education is to earn a lot of money.Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.,2.给出一个论点,主要是对两个事物进行比较的陈述,要求考生支持或反对并给出理由。(1)People should be realistic rather than romantic in order to live a better life.Do you agree or disagree with the statement?Use specific reasons to support your answer.,(2)Living in big cities has more advantages than living in small towns or countryside.Do you agree or disagree with the statement?,三.选择观点式,1.给出一些选项,要求考生选择其中一个或几个并给予说明。(1)Inventions such as eyeglasses and the sewing machine(装订机)have had an important effect on our lives.Choose another invention that you think is important.Give specific reasons for your choice.,(2)Neighbors are the people who live near us.In your opinion,what are the qualities of a good neighbor?Write a composition of about 200 words on this issue.,注意事项:,1.是否切题;2.是否引言段、正文和结论都齐全;3.是否每一个段落都有主题句;4.主题句是否都有充分的论证、论据;5.连词、代词的运用是否正确;6.句子结构是否有一定变化;7.结论是否自然、清楚;,8.用词是否准确、恰当;9.单词拼写是否有误;10.标点符号是否正确;11.平行结构的运用是否正确;12.有没有其它的明显的语法错误.,关键点,1.Para1-40词以内 Para2-2个reasons Para3-结尾千万不能提出新观点2.Topic sentence要写好,something是个比较模糊的词,不能用在主题句中。主题句写好后,最好用一段能展开,不能too narrow或 too wide.如:,I stayed at my aunts last weekend.()I enjoyed myself a lot at()后者好于前者。3.写reasons时先列一个提纲,列几个观点,用关键词或汉语。再从中选择2个重要的。把其余的可以按照逻辑关系串起来作为一点在文中其他地方写。,这2个理由之间必须要有连接词Firstly,Secondly/First,Second.且要搭配,不能Firstly与Second搭配。写第一个reason前一定要写好general sentence(即第一个reason的第一句话)。每个理由都要有general sentence.2个reason要差不多的“份量”.,4.总结时一定要用另外的方式,不能重复。5.总是用“,”和and连接句子是错误的。6.几种错误:(1)Pronoun指代不明 The man removed all the furniture from the room and cleaned it.,改:The man cleaned all the furniture/the room after removing it/all the furniture from the room/it.(2)措辞修饰语Mary said,during the meeting,John acted as a fool.“during the meeting”有歧义,应放在Mary said前。,(3)平行结构不完整 A man is judged not only by his said but also by his deeds.改:said words或 deedsdoes(4)简洁concisement.(5)Unity,与中心不统一不行。如:We had a party yesterday,and Tom was ill.(),改:We had a party yesterday,it was a great success.又如:Luxun was one of the greatest writers.不完整,无时间范围。,(6)人称代词要一致。全文代词不要一段用You,一段用We,另一段用They.(7)句型要多变化,如 as much as,more than,It is(强调句型)等等。不要句式过于简单,There be,It is 句型不要一用用到底。(8)切忌句子太长;少用感叹号,问号(不赞成口号教育)(9)少重复同一个词,如:可用travelling 代替travel.,(10)总结句可用on the whole,in a word等等。如:The last,but not the least.(最后一点,但不是最不重要的。)(11)不要出现明显的语法错误,如:Rain is also have many advantages.(去掉is),


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