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    中国文化和商务礼仪,Chinese Culture and Business Etiquette,1.Course description,1.Attendance:Minimum attendance is 70%.We have totally 8 classes,you must attend our class at least 6 times.2.Group presentation(at least15minutes)3-4person one group,choose one topic(it can be one what we have learned in class or others)you are interested in.Send me your culture report after the presentation.Presentation Date is:the last two times3.2 study diaries for each person,the diary is about the topic we talked in class(at least one page).deadline:,2.Topics,Introduction of ChinaConfucius and Confucianism ThoughtChinese Festival and Food CultureChinese Calligraphy and PaintingChinese View of MarriageKey Words of China(Smog,Second child,Da Ma,Square Dance),Introduction of China,Did you learn Chinese before?Do you know how to speak“hello”in Chinese?Have you ever been China before?Will you go to China in the future?How do you get the information of China?What is your impression of China?Talk with your partner and try to write down some key words about your impression of China.,Introduction of China,Whats your impression of China?Long history Huge population Delicious Chinese foodChinese cultureNoisyBeautiful landscape,Overview of China,Introduction of China,Formal Name:Peoples Republic of China(1949)(Zhonghua Renmin Gonghe Guo)中华人民共和国National Flag:,Overview of China,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaLong history,4000;259;408;4;400 vs 15;,Overview of ChinaLong history,4000;The recorded history of China began in the 15th century BC when the Shang Dynasty started to use oracle bones.,Overview of ChinaLong history,oracle bonesPeople write characters or marks on animial bones or turtle shells.,Overview of ChinaLong history,4000;259;408;4;400 vs 15;,Overview of ChinaLong history,259;There are 25 political powers in the history,but most of them existed just a few years.9 main dynasties:Qin Dynasty;Han;Jin;Sui;Tang;Song;Yuan;Ming;Qing;,Overview of ChinaLong history,9 main dynasties:Qin Dynasty:221 BC 207 BC 14yearsHan Dynasty:206 BC 220 400yearsJin Dynasty:265 420Sui Dynasty:581 618Tang Dynasty:618 907Song Dynasty:900 1279Yuan Dynasty:1206 1368Ming Dynasty:1368 1644Qing Dynasty:1616 1911,Overview of ChinaLong history,4000;259;400 vs 14;408 vs 4;,Overview of ChinaLong history,4000;259;400 vs 14;408 vs 4;,Overview of ChinaLong history,408 vs 4;There are totally 408 emperors in Chinese history.4 empresses,the most widely known one is Wu Zetian.,Overview of ChinaLong history,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaLand area,Land area9.6 million square kilometers makes China the third largest country in the word.the change of the territory:,Overview of ChinaLand area,中国领土变迁历史0.0.0.oZqPi3RbZTk#imgrc=9hjTsRyQSUhxcM%3A,Overview of ChinaLand area,Overview of ChinaLand area,23 provinces;5 autonomous regionsmunicipalities directly under the central government:Beijing,Tianjin,Shanghai and Chongqing.special administrative regions:Hong Kong,Macau,Overview of ChinaLand area,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaLand area,Overview of ChinaHuge population,Huge populationWhat is the population of China?1400,000,000 1.4billion,Overview of ChinaHuge population,Huge population,three babyboomers since the new country founded,19491958,19621972,19811991,Overview of ChinaHuge population,Huge population-population distribution,Overview of ChinaHuge population,Huge population-population distribution56 nationaity:Han-nationality and 55 minority nationality,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaLanguage,LanguageOffical language:Chinese(Hn Y)汉语,Overview of ChinaLanguage,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaChinese character,Chinese character(Hn Z)汉字Chinese characters are logograms used in the writing of Chinese and some other Asian languages.Chinese characters number in the tens of thousands,though just 2500 characters we often used.,Overview of ChinaChinese character,Why“hanzi”,”hanyu”,”hanzu”they all have“han”?What is“han”mean?,Overview of ChinaChinese character,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaReligion,ReligionBuddhism;Christanity;Islam;Catholicism;TaoismBuddhism has the widest influence in China,and it has the most followers in China.,Overview of ChinaReligion,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaPolitical party,Political partyThe Communist Party of China(CPC)is the founding and ruling political party of China.Chinese President:Xi Jinping,Overview of ChinaPolitical party,Long historyLand areaHuge populationLanguageChinese characterReligionPolitical partyTurning points in the history,Overview of ChinaTurning points in the history,Turning points in the history,Overview of ChinaTurning points in the history,


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