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    Review,I_ _ go outside _ my mum _ clear nights and look _ the sky.Sometimes we saw stars s_ brightly a_ the sky.Studying the stars was great f_ for me.Once I learnt a little _ them,I soon wanted to f_ out more and more.Now it is my c_.I h_ a TV programme and use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a l_ way.And it has l_ for over 50 years!I think anybody can a_ their dreams.You just have to e_ what you do!,use to,with,on,at,hooting,cross,un,about,ind,areer,ost,ively,asted,chieve,njoy,T/FThe writer got a book about stars at the age of eight.He used to go outside with his dad to look at the sky.In different seasons,we saw the same group of stars.Studying stars is the writers career now.The writer thinks everybody can turn their hobby into their career.,T,F,F,T,T,mum,different groups,+2,1.What is Patrick Moores hobby?A.His hobby is studying the planets.B.His hobby is studying the satellites.C.His hobby is studying the stars.D.His hobby is studying the Moon.2.When did he become interested in stars?A.At the age of nine.B.At the age of eight.C.At the age of ten.D.At the age of seven.,C,B,+2,3.What did he think of the night sky?A.It looked like a million diamonds.B.It looked like black velvet.C.It looked like white velvet.D.We dont know.4.What is the name of his programme?A.The Planet at Night.B.The Star at Night.C.The Moon at Night.D.The Sky at Night.,B,D,+2,5.How long has his programme lasted?A.For more than 50 years.B.For less than 45 years.C.For less than 50 years.D.For more than 45 years.6.What advice did he give to us?A.Anybody can achieve their dreams.B.You just have to enjoy what you do.C.Anybody cant achieve their dreams.D.Both A and B.,A,D,+2,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。1.A good _(begin)makes a good end.2.The stars shine _(bright)at night.3.She looks young,but _(actual)shes 50.4.Our English teacher always teaches us in a _(live)way and all of us are interested in her classes.5.Mr Wu has a good _(know)of history.,beginning,brightly,actually,lively,knowledge,根据中文意思完成句子,1、在将来,我想成为一名医生。I want to be a doctor _ _ _.2、我曾经去河边游泳。I _ _ swim in the river.3、他经常在周末外出。He always _ _ at weekends.4、越来越多的人来这个公园游览。_ _ _ people come to visit the park.5、那些星星看起来像闪闪发光的钻石。Those stars _ _ shining diamonds.,in the future,used to,goes outside,More and more,look like,6.The woman _ _ your mother.那个女人看起来像你妈妈。,looks like,1.I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights.,used to do 过去做某事比较:be used to doing,_ night _ clear nights,at,on,表示泛指晚上时与介词at搭配;表示特指某一天的晚上或前面有修饰词要用介词on,1.我过去常常在午夜的时候听收音机。I _ _ _ _ the radio at midnight.,2.我的父母过去常常到全国各地旅游。My parents _ _ _ all over the country.,used,to,listen,to,used to travel,1.他过去常常早起,但现在总是起得很晚。He _ _ _ up early,but now he gets up late.2.他习惯早起。_.,used to get,He is used to getting up early.,报纸第2版1.My parents dont allow me to go out _night.2.The first lesson begins at 8 oclock _ the morning.3.He went to catch a train on that _ rainy night.4.When do you often go home _ the evening?5.I often go to see my grandparents _ Saturday afternoons.,at,in,on,in,on,across(介词),与go/walk等动词连用,表示“穿过,越过,横穿”的意思。表示从物体表面经过。Go across the road,you will find the post office on your left.横过这条公路,你会发现邮局就在你的左边。through(介词),常与go/walk等动词连用,表示“穿越,横穿”等意思。表示从物体内部穿过。如穿过森林、隧洞等。We are walking through the forest.我们正沿着森林走。,用through或across填空。1.Before going _ the road,you should look left first and then right.2.They drove _ the street quickly,but the police caught them at last.3.The tiger is jumping _ the burning ring.4.Shall we walk _ the forest?,across,across,through,through,评价 P137,1.Miss Wang usually comes into classroom _ her books in hands.2.We look _ the blackboard and listen _ our teacher carefully.His new glasses make him look _ an owl.Walk _ the forest,and you will find a lake.,with,at,to,like,through,()3.John _ with a fork and a knife,but now he _ with chopsticks(筷子)after living in Beijing for several years.A.used to eat,is used to eatB.used to eating,is used to eatC.used to eat,is used to eatingD.was used to eating,used to eat,C,It looked like black velvet with a million diamonds on it.,look like 看起来像,The cloud looks like an elephant.,with 有,I want to have a house with a big garden.,这朵云看起来像一只大象。,我想拥有一间有着一个大花园的房子。,Studying the stars was great fun for me.注意:动词的ing形式做主语时,谓语要用单数(1)_ more books in our free time _ good for us.空闲时间多读点书对我们有好处。(2)_ _ music _ a good way to relax ourselves.听音乐是一种放松我们自己的好办法。报纸2版,Reading,is,Listening to,is,Once I learnt a little about them,I soon wanted to find out more and more,once 一次;曾经;一旦.就,I have read the book once.Once he liked playing chess.Once you succeed,you will get some congratulations.,Once I learnt a little about them,I soon wanted to find out.,find out 找出;查明;弄清楚,find,findout,lookfor都与“找”有关,但侧重点不同。lookfor 意为“寻找”,强调找的动作find 意为“找到、发现、感到”,强调找的结果findout 指经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事、某物查出来、搞清楚,Once I learnt a little about them,I soon wanted to find out.,find out 找出;查明;弄清楚,完成下列英语句子,每空一词。1.最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。I _ _ _underthebedfinally.2.我爸爸正到处找他的护照。Myfather_ _ _hispassporteverywhere.3.我们必须查明真相。Wemust_ _ the truth.,found that book,is looking for,find out,more and more 越来越多,越来越 1.比较级+and+比较级(单音节词)2.more and more+原级(多音节)报纸2版10.taller and taller11.more and more useful12.heavier and heavier13.harder and harder,I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night.,a TV programme called.一个叫.的电视节目,我有一个叫Tim 的朋友。,I have a friend _(call)Tim.报纸2版,called,将下列汉语翻译成英语。一栋被叫做“花园”的大楼a building called Garden2.一个被称为“神医”(magic doctor)的男人a man called Magic Doctor根据中文意思完成句子。3.格林先生,有个叫做王强的人要见你。Mr Green,_ _ _ Wang Qiang wants to see you.,a man called,host(v.)主持(n.)主持人,主人,东道主He Jiong is a host of Happy Camp in HNTV.何炅是湖南电视台快乐大本营的一名主持人。Jack will host the programme tonight.杰克将要主持今晚的节目。根据汉语意思,完成句子。(1)李明长大想做一名主持人。Li Ming wants to be _ _ when he grows up.(2)露西明天将要主持新年晚会。Lucy _ _ the New Year Party tomorrow.,a host,will host,I use my knowledge to tell people about.in a lively way.,use sth to do sth 用某物做某事in a lively way 用一种生动的方式in a way 在某种程度上 用一种有趣的方式,in an interesting way,You can use knives _(cut)things.,to cut,I am proud of it has lasted for more than 50years.,be proud of 以.自豪/骄傲 pride(n.)more than=over 超过 反义词:less than,1.他爸爸以他为自豪。His father is proud of him.2.Their teacher is _(pride)of them.,proud,Actually,you can turn your hobby into your career too.,turn.into.把变成,turn water into ice,把水变成冰,1.将这个句子译成英文。,Turn this sentence into English.,2.如果你努力学习,你就能把知识变成金钱。,If you study hard,you can turn knowledge into money.,


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