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    Topic 5 Translation Methods,By Mao Jinglin,Your site here,Contents,Literal Translation&Free TranslationForeignizing&Domesticating methodsIn-class ExerciseAssignments,Your site here,I.Literal Translation&Free Translation,1.Literal translationLiteral translation refers to an adequate representation of the original.When the original coincides or almost tallies with the Chinese language in the sequence of vocabulary,in grammatical structure and rhetorical device,literal translation is employed.Literal translation strives to reproduce both the ideological content and the style of the original works and retains as much as possible the figures of speech.,Your site here,1.Literal translation,直译就是指在转达原文意思时,使译文的表达形式和句法结构尽量同原文一致起来,能完全对等的就完全对等,不能完全对等的也要大致对等。其理想目标是做到“神”、“形”兼备,即不但表达原文内容,而且保持原文形式上的特点,如比喻、形象、民族特色等。,Your site here,Examples of literal translation:,to fish in troubled waterto add fuel to the fire a gentlemans agreement Blood is thicker than waterThe heel of Archilles纸老虎,混水摸鱼 火上加油 君子协定血浓于水阿基里斯的脚踵Paper tiger,Your site here,Examples of literal translation:,I read this letter with both surprise and excitement,surprise because he is still around,excitement because he didnt ever forget me.译文:我读到他的信时既惊又喜,惊的是他还健在,喜的是他一直没有忘记我。,Your site here,2.Free Translation,Free translation is also called liberal translation,which does not adhere strictly to the form or word order of the original.When there exist differences between English and Chinese in sequence of vocabulary,in grammatical structure and artistic devices,free translation is employed.To put it plainly,free translation is most frequently adopted when it is really impossible for the translator to do literal translation.,Your site here,2.Free Translation,意译,即打破原文的语言形式,用译文的习惯表达形式把原文的意蕴再现出来。但形式的转换或再创造必须服从于原文信息的传达。如果偏离了原文的内容与风格而随意发挥,如果捕风捉影地进行编撰或杜撰,那就成了胡译、乱译。,Your site here,Examples of free translation:,皮包公司:拍马屁:塞翁失马倾国倾城,a bogus company;flatter;polish the apple;A loss may turn out to be a gain.to be exceedingly beautiful,Your site here,Examples of free translation:,mad doctor black sheep a wet blanketnightman,精神病医生害群之马 扫兴的人或事掏粪工,Your site here,Examples of free translation:,Do you see any green in my eye?译文:你以为我是幼稚可欺的吗?Victory/success has a hundred fathers and defeat/failure is an orphan.译1:胜利/成功有上百个父亲,失败却是个孤儿。译2:胜利/成功众人争功,失败无人引咎。,Your site here,直译、意译哪种更好?,宝钗独自行来,顺路进了怡红院不想步入院中,鸦雀无闻。The courtyard was silent as she entered it.Not a birds chirp was to be heard.(David Hawkes)To her surprise,his courtyard was utterly quite.(Yang Hsienyi&Gladys Yang),Your site here,直译、意译哪种更好?,He had about as much chance of getting a job as of being chosen major of Chicago.他找到工作的机会和当选芝加哥市长的机会几乎差不多。他找到工作的机会简直微乎其微。,Your site here,结论:,如果相同的形式能表达和原文相同的内容,可以直译;wash ones hands“洗手”如果相同的形式不能表达和原文相同的内容,一般意译;头悬梁,椎刺股,读书死,死读书,Your site here,直译还是意译?,攻其不备 锱铢比较 毛遂自荐 四面楚歌井底之蛙 调虎离山 罄竹难书 声东击西刻骨铭心 削足适履 犬马之劳 初出茅庐 易如反掌 口蜜腹剑 史无前例,Your site here,to strike sb.when he is unpreparedto haggle over every pennyto volunteer ones serviceto be besieged on all sidesto be like a frog at the bottom of a wellto lure the tiger from the mountain(of crimes)too numerous to mentionto shout in the east and strike in the westto be engraved on ones heart and bonesto cut the feet to fit the shoesto serve like a dog or a horseat the beginning of ones careeras easy as turning over ones handto be honey-mouthed and dagger-heartedto be without precedent in history,Your site here,3.Combination of LT and FT,对于直译和意义的区分,不宜搞绝对化。任何一个语篇的翻译,都会有一定比例的直译和意译,没有哪一篇文本采用完全意义的直译或完全意义的意译。,Your site here,Your site here,foreignizing&domesticating method,1995年,劳伦斯韦努蒂(Lawrence Venuti)在译者的隐形(The Translators Invisibility)一书中提出。1.Domestication归化法是“采取民族中心主义的态度,使外语文本符合译入语的文化价值观,把作者带入译入语文化。”如果原文的语言形象、新鲜,但无法照实译出,可以采取归化译法;归化目的:力求译文通顺易懂,能为译语读者所接受。,Your site here,foreignizing&domesticating method,2.Foreignization异化法是“对这些文化价值观的一种民族偏离主义的压力,接受外语文本的语言及文化差异,把读者带入外国情景,体验外国人的阅读感受”。,Your site here,归化?异化?,It rains like cats and dogs.译1:雨下得像猫和狗。译2:大雨倾盆而下。Unless youve an ace up your sleeve,we are dished.译1:除非你有锦囊妙计,否则我们是输定了。译2:除非你袖中藏有王牌,to kill two birds with one stone:一石二鸟/一箭双雕/一举两得,Your site here,【注意】,归化译时,注意恰如其分地运用汉语成语,但有几种成语不宜使用:1)反映中华民族特殊习俗的,如“拂袖而去”、“腰缠万贯”等;2)带有汉字特征的,“八字没一撇”、“目不识丁”等;3)含有中国地名的,“稳若泰山”、“夜郎自大”等;4)含有中国人名的,“叶公好龙”、“江郎才尽”等。归化应为异化的辅助,但归化同样要做到适度,“有理有利有节”。,Your site here,3.Foreignization and domestication should be relatively complemented,翻译中“归化”和“异化”不仅不矛盾,而且互为补充。应用翻译的目的论理论,对翻译中涉及的各种因素作综合的分析,译者既可“归化”也可采用“异化”。至于在译文中必须保留哪些源语文化,怎样保留,哪些源语文化的因素又必须作出调整以适应目的语文化,都可在对作者意图、翻译目的、文本类型和读者对象等因素分析的基础上作出选择。对译者来说,重要的是在翻译过程中要有深刻的文化意识,即意识到两种文化的异同。,Your site here,3.Foreignization and domestication should be relatively complemented,强势文化弱势文化从19世纪70年代到20世纪70年代,我国的文学翻译除“五四”后十余年异化译法一度占上风外,大部分时间还是以归化译法为主调。20世纪最后20年,中国翻译界受西方翻译理论的启发,对异化、归化进行了重新思考,异化译法开始受到重视。随着两种文化接触的日益频繁,以源语文化为归宿的原则将越来越有可能广泛地被运用,最终可能会占上风。不管怎么发展,“归化”和“异化”将永远同时并存,缺一就不成其为翻译。,Your site here,3.Foreignization and domestication should be relatively complemented,可能时尽量异化,必要时尽量归化。归化主要表现在“纯语言层面”上,在“文化层面”上则应力求最大限度的异化。,Your site here,In-class exercise,Justice has long arms.Atomic clocks keep time to better than 0.01 second a year.He wanted to run,but that would be the worst thing he could do.I want a worker,not a clock watcher.Dont you understand?Witch-hunts and spymanias swept the country.Caution and conformity became epidemic.水手们将糯米饭团和肉类放置于船帮上就餐,不用碗筷。,Your site here,Key:,法网恢恢,疏而不漏。原子钟走时准,每年误差小于0.01 秒。他真想拔腿就跑,但对他来说,最糟糕的事莫过于此了。我要的不是整天看时钟,想着下班的人。以莫须有的罪名进行迫害和密查狂席卷了美国。谨小慎微,惟命是从像传染病般地在人们中迅速地传播。政治迫害和特务跟踪的狂热横扫全国,以至人人自危,个个顺从。,Your site here,Key:,The oarsmen and drummers on the boats eat meat and glutinous rice balls with their fingers.,Your site here,Assignments:,Feeling good and looking good.Ever notice that some of the most appealing women are not necessarily great beauties?It isnt their figures or faces that attract but their positive outlook on life and sense of self.感觉好,人就美。你注意到没有,最具魅力的女性不一定都得是国色天香?她们迷人之处在于其积极的人生观和自我意识,而非身段与容貌。,


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