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    Basic Workplace Organization车间基础管理5S Methodology5S 方法,How about your enterprise什么样的企业,垃圾到处都是,没有人捡起来,别人扔的垃圾由专人捡,每个人自觉维护环境整洁,没人乱扔垃圾,三流企业,二流企业,Goal and Rationale 目的和原理,Intuitive goodness.良好的直觉感受 Helps establish,reinforce and discipline Standard Work 有助于导入,强化和规范标准化工作Reduces Waste,Improves Safety,and Improves Quality.减少浪费,提高质量和保障安全Easier Maintenance and increases value of equipment.设备更易于维护,提高设备的使用价值Exemplifies Respect of Customers and Associates 体现了客户与员工之间的相互尊重Supports a Positive Mental Attitude 保持积极的精神状态Conveys Pride in the Workplace 让车间洋溢着自豪的情绪,Learning Objectives 学习目标,Convey the purpose for using the Lean tool of 5S to create a Visual workplace.使用精益生产工具:5S实现目视化管理的车间Provide a detailed description of the Separate,Straighten,Shine,Standardize,Sustain stages of the 5S process.解释5S(整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、素养)的真正含义Explain the relationship between the Lean tools of 5S and Standard Work.说明精益生产工具:5S和标准化工作之间的关系Describe the process for initiating a 5S event.开展5S活动的实施步骤Describe the importance and uses of Visual Management tools in the workplace.车间目视化管理工具的使用及其重要性,What is 5S?何为5S?,5S Is:A process to ensure a clean,orderly,safe and productive workplace accomplished through the creation of a self-explaining,self-regulating,and self-controlling environment that eliminates confusion and ambiguity.5S就是通过创造自明自觉、自我控制的环境来消除混乱不清的情况,从而实现一个干净、整洁、安全、高效的车间.,Benefits of 5S 5S的益处,The benefits of 5S can be measured by:5S的益处可以从以下几方面来衡量:Safety:Reduce the number of lost time accidents,workmans compensation claims and OSHA recordables.安全:减少损失工时事件指数、员工赔偿、职业安全和健康管理局的不良记录Quality:Eliminate the possibility of using previously rejected parts or the wrong tools.Eliminate contamination and assure compliance to standard procedures.质量:消除使用以前报废的零件或使用不当工具的可能性,提高清洁度,确保执行标准流程Productivity:Eliminate wasted time looking for tools.Reduce cycle time,reduce equipment downtime through regular cleaning and inspection.生产效率:消除寻找工具浪费的时间,减少生产周期,通过对设备经常的清洁、检查而减少设备的故障时间,Benefits for personality of 5S 5S对个人的益处,Comfortable work environment for you;使您的工作环境更舒适;Work more conveniently;工作更方便;Work safer工作更安全;Communicate happily with colleagues 与同事合作更愉快,What are the 5Ss?何为5S?,Separate(Seiri)整理Sort/straighten(Seiton)整顿Sweep/Shine(Seiso)清扫Standardize(Seiketsu)清洁Sustain(Shitsuke)素养,Clearly distinguishing between what is necessary and what is unnecessary.Disposing of the unnecessary.清楚地区分必需品和非必需品,将非必需品处理掉,Organizing and locating the necessary items so that they can be used and returned easily near the point of use.将必需品有条理地定位在较近的位置以便使用和归还,Cleaning and inspection of floors,equipment,furniture,etc in all areas of the workplace.清洁和检查车间所有区域的地面、设备、器具等等,Maintaining,improving,documenting and verifying the standards of the first three Ss.持续改进,将前3个S标准文件化并加以验证,Achieving the discipline or habit of properly maintaining the correct 5S procedures.形成纪律或养成习惯来完整地维护5S的正确流程,SEPARATE 整理,Identify Truly Needed Items判定必需品What is it for?这个作什么用?Why do I have it?一定要用吗?How often do I use it?多久用一次?Does someone else have the same thing?其他人是否也有?,Clearly distinguishing between what is necessary and what is unnecessary.Disposing of the unnecessary.清楚地区分需品和非必需品,将非必需品处理掉,11,Asking why enables the sorting process.整理时要问为什么 For example,when in the work area,for each“thing”ask:例如,在工作区,对每一样物品都要问:Why do we need it?为什么需要这个?Why is it used the way it is?为什么要这样使用它?If we need it,Why does it not have a home?如确实需要,为什么没有它自己固定的位置?Why are there no visual controls to manage it?为什么不能做到目视化管理?Why are there no posted standards or standard work to tell how to use it and assign responsibility for it?为什么没有标准或标准化工作来告之如何使用它而且有人对它负责?A“thing”can be material or information.所指物品包括物料或信息,SEPARATE through the 5 Whys用5个为什么来整理,SEPARATE 整理,Things Which Should be Reviewed 需要确认的物品,Cabinets 抽屉Components 部件Documentation 文件Gages 量具Machines 机器Packaging Material 包装材料Parts 零件Prints 印刷品Shelves 架子Supplies 耗品Tables 工作台Tooling 工具Towels 毛巾Trash 垃圾,Books 书籍Business Forms 表格Cabinets 抽屉Catalogs 目录Correspondence 信件Equipment 设备Magazines 杂志Paper 纸张Parts 零件Records 记录Samples 样品Shelves 架子Supplies 耗品,OFFICE AREAS 办公区,CATEGORIZE ITEMS:物品分类 RARELY USED 很少使用 OCCASIONALLY USED 偶尔使用 FREQUENTLY USED 经常使用,1SSEPARATE整理,RED TAG STRATEGY红牌策略,ATTACH TO ALL UNNECESSARY ITEMS悬挂于所有非必需品,DISCARD UNNECESSARY ITEMS扔掉不需要的物品,DIVIDE ITEMS INTO TWO CATEGORIES将物品分成必需品和非必需品,NECESSARY必需品,UNNECESSARY非必需品,SEPARATE 整理,Factory 厂区,Before Applying 1st S 整理前,After Applying 1st S整理后,SEPARATE 整理,Office 办公区,Before Applying 1st S 整理前,After Applying 1st S整理后,SEPARATE-RED TAGGING 整理-挂红牌,Red Tagging 挂红牌Red Tagging is a tracking process to provide visual identification of unneeded items.对非必需品挂红牌为了目视化的辨别和跟踪处理Red Tagging is a safe guard to the accidental removal of costly and critical items.挂红牌也是为了防止意外地把昂贵、重要的物品丢掉After all obvious items have been thrown away,remaining items are“red-tagged”to assure proper disposition.在明显的非必需品处理掉以后,剩下的物品挂上红牌以便正确处置,Sample Red Tags 红牌示例,SEPARATE-RED TAGGING 整理-挂红牌,Recommendations 建议Should be full size 尽可能大些Bright red to be very visible 亮红色异常醒目Should have pre-printed sequential tag numbers 有预先印刷的序列号,STRAIGHTEN 整顿,Organizing and locating the necessary items so that they can be used and returned easily near the point of use.将必需品重新组织、定位在较近的位置以便使用和归还,Place All Necessary Items in the Best Location and Visually Organize the Area 将必需品放在最佳位置,且该区域目视化定置管理First decide where all items should be so that the organization is easy to use and understand.首先确定物品的位置以便易于使用和理解其条理性Choose proper storage methods that minimize inventory and promote visual management.用合适的存储方法来减少存货量和提升目视化管理Visually indicate locations so items is use can be returned and missing items are easily identified.所谓目视化指出了物品应该返还的位置,缺少的物品容易被发现Make sign boards that clearly explain inventory,equipment,and other items so anyone can understand the workplace.制作标识板来说明存货量、设备、其它物品,让任何人都明了,IDENTIFICATION LINES明确生产线,DETERMINE LOCATION FOR NEEDED ITEMS:必需品定位,VISUAL LOCATIONS目视化区域,POINT OF USE STORAGE标明用量,2SSTRAIGHTEN整顿,LATHE FIXTURES车夹具,After Applying 2nd S 整顿后,Before Applying 2nd S 整顿前,STRAIGHTEN 整顿,STRAIGHTEN 整顿,Proper Locations 合适的位置Storage Methods 存储有办法Location Marking 位置标识Shadow Boards 影像板Sign Boards 标识板,STRAIGHTEN 整顿,STANDARD COLOR CODE 颜色代码标准化,Purpose 目的,Identify critical items,parts,and areas within factories with common colors which provides for a common understanding for any associate or visitor.使用普通的颜色来标识工厂内的重要物品、零件、区域,让所有员工或参观者均能理解,Aisle 过道,Reference Table 参考色标,Trash Can 垃圾桶,Scrap/Rework 报废/返工,Raw material(s)原材料,Finish Material(s)成品,Empty Containers空容器,Work in Process在制品,Hazmat危险品,Movable Fixtures可移动夹具,Kaizen Instances 2S Example 整顿实例,After 后,Before 前,Picture/Scanned Sketch,SHINE 清扫,Cleaning Floors,Equipment,and Funiture in all Areas of the Workplace 清洁车间所有区域的地面、设备、器具等等 Establish a Clean Workplace.让车间变的干净 Clean up the Area.将所有区域打扫干净 Sweep&Wash Floors 清扫&拖净地面 Clean in,under,and around Equipment and Furniture 把设备和器具里里外外清洁干净 Eliminate all Trash from Workplace 倒掉车间所有垃圾Keep in mind:How do things get dirty?-Fix the root cause of the dirt.记住:为何这样脏?要解决物品变脏的根本原因,Cleaning and inspection of floors,equipment,furniture,etc in all areas of the workplace.清洁和检查车间所有区域的地面、设备、器具等等,BUILDS PRIDE INTHE WORKPLACE让车间充满自豪,ELIMINATE DIRT去除污垢,BUILD VALUE IN EQUIPMENT提高设备价值,CLEANING AS A FORM OF INSPECTION清洁的过程就是检查的过程,3SSHINE清扫,CLEAN清洁,SWEEP清扫,Clean to InspectInspect to DetectDetect to Correct清洁以便检查检查才会发现问题发现了问题才能纠正,Kaizen Instances 清扫改善实例,After 后,Before 前,Drain was poorly positioned,allowing spills排水位置不当,可以溢出,Repositioned overflow drain spout to operate and allow proper draining into the tank重新放置溢出排水口,允许适量排水至水槽,Picture/Scanned Sketch,Picture/Scanned Sketch,STANDARDIZE 清洁,Maintain and Improve the Clean,Organized Workplace 持续改进清洁、良好规划的车间Eliminate excess storage areas and flat surfaces 去除过多的存储面积和地面Make changes to equipment that make it easy and quick to clean and eliminate dirt and leaks at their source 使设备易于更快地清洁,从源头去除污垢和漏油Use check list to establish daily cleaning and organization activities 使用检查表确定每天的清洁和组织活动Institute 5S Patrols to monitor 5S progress 设立5S巡查来监视5S的进展,Maintaining,Improving and Documenting the Standards of the First Three Ss持续改进,将前3个S标准文件化,4SSTANDARDIZE清洁,PREVENTIVE预防性的,ASSIGN“3S”RESPONSIBILITIES指派3S负责人,SORTING 整理 SIMPLIFYING 整顿 SWEEPING 清扫,5 WHYS5个为什么,CHECK ON“3S”MAINTENANCE检查“3S”保持情况,INTEGRATE“3S”DUTIES INTO REGULAR WORK DUTIES整合“3S”为有序的工作,40,Standardize Maintaining,improving,and documenting the standards of the first three Ss.清洁持续改进,将前3个S标准文件化While the first 3 Ss are activities,the 4th S is a process that facilitates the maintenance and improvement of the first three Ss.4S就是利于前面3S持续改善的过程Eliminate causes of dirt,leaks,and spills 消除污垢、泄漏、溢出的原因Create systems to keep things neat and organized 建立系统来保持物品的整洁及条理性The 4th S relies on written agreements,visual controls and standard routines established by the group.To improve,we move from detection to prevention.4S需要组织形成书面规定、目视化控制和标准程序,我们要从发现问题提升到去预防问题的发生,STANDARDIZE 清洁,5S Checklist Example 5S检查表,5S Evaluation&Scoring Criteria Sample5S 评估&打分标准,SUSTAIN 素养,Develop a Habit of Simplifying,Straightening,Scrubbing and Stabilizing Your Workplace 养成整理、整顿、清扫和清洁工作区的习惯Everyone Has to Accept 5S as a Personal Goal 每个人都要接受5S是个人的目标People Follow Examples(Good and Bad);Set a Good Example 人们总会模仿(无论好的还是坏的);树立好的榜样,Achieving the Discipline or Habit of Properly Maintaining the Correct 5S Procedures形成纪律或养成习惯来维持5S的全部正确流程,To“do”the 5th S we need to practice until we internalize what we are supposed to do and fully understand why.做第5个S,我们要不断地实践,直到将我们要做的事情深入人心,而且我们都清楚为什么要这么做 Practice reinforces correct habits.We must be strict about how things are done-even the little things.实践巩固正确的习惯,我们做事必须严格哪怕是件小事 Follow posted checklists and other visual controls established under the 4th S.执行由4S建立的检查表和其他目视化控制,MANAGERS COMMITTEDTO“5S”管理者尽职尽责,PROPER TRAINING合适的培训,“BUY-IN”FROMALL WORKERS全员参与,CORRECT PROCEDURESBECOME A HABIT纠正程序,养成习惯,5SSUSTAIN素养,实施5S的阻力,整理、整顿为什么很重要?为什么要清扫,它马上就又会脏的?整理整顿又不能生产出更多的产品?我们已经实施整理、整顿了,还要这么麻烦?我们在很多年前就已经实施5S了,不就如此吗?我们太忙了,哪有时间实施5S?,5S IMPLEMENTATION 实施5S,Separate整理Sort/Straighten整顿Sweep/Shine 清扫Standardize 清洁Sustain 素养,Visual Management is the Ultimate Goal目视化管理是最终的目标,Sort between what is necessary and what is unnecessary and dispose of the unnecessary.区分必需品和非必需品,将非必需品处理掉,Organizing the necessary items so that they can be used,returned,and identified easily.将必需品整理地有条理,以便使用、归还及易于辨认,Clean and inspect floors,equipment,and furniture in all areas of the workplace.Correct the root causes of the messes.清洁和检查车间所有区域的地面、设备、器具,纠正脏乱的根本原因,Establish processes to maintain,improve,and measure the level of the first three Ss.建立流程以持续改进和衡量前3个S的水平,Achieve the discipline or habit of properly maintaining and expanding the 5S process.形成纪律或养成习惯来完整地维护和扩展5S工作,The 5Ss and Visual Controls 5S与目视化控制,The 5Ss need and create a clear Visual Work Place.5S需要,也能够建立一个清晰的目视化工作区 A visual workplace is when anyone can walk in and visually understand the current situation.所谓目视化就是,当任何人走进车间,可以直观地了解目前状态:That is,visually understand the:work place organization,车间组织 the work process,工作流程 when there is an abnormality,and 是否出现异常 if they are ahead,behind or on schedule 计划提前,延误,或按期 We create the visual workplace with visual controls 我们使用目视化控制方法,建立目视化车间,Visual Management in Our World目视化管理无处不在,Visual controls are all around us.我们身边的目视化控制方法,All businesses have problems!问题无处不在!The good businesses keep pace with their problems and solve the root causes.良好的系统会追踪问题并解决根本原因.These successful businesses distinguish between the normal vs.abnormal and make waste obvious to all using visual management techniques.成功的系统能够区分正常和异常,使用目视化管理方法让浪费暴露无遗,Visual Management 目视化管理,Making problems visible is not enough!光发现问题是不够的If we do not take action on these problems,we will be wasting our time and all involved will lose interest and the improvement will not sustain.如果我们不去处理掉这些问题,那是在浪费时间,大家会失去兴趣,改进的成果难以维持,Visual Management 目视化管理,Benefits of Visual Management目视化管理的益处,Visual Management ties into the 5S strategy(4th“S”seiton,or standardize).目视化管理与5S之清洁策略既矛盾又统一Visual Management begins with making the factorys abnormalities and waste clear to everyone.目视化管理从暴露工厂的异常和浪费开始,让每个人都清楚We must move from having only specialists understand to an environment where everyone understands!我们必须从只有少数人理解上升到所有人都理解,Comment on the Value of the Visual Management Used Below评论如下的目视化管理,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,Examples of Visuals:目视化示例Red Tag Strategy(5S Program)挂红牌Sign-boarding 布告板Line Demarcations 生产线的划分Floors&Aisles 地面&过道Stack Height Limits 堆叠高度限制Andon Lamps 安灯/指示灯 Kanban 看板Production Management Boards 生产管理板Standard Work Charts 标准化工作图表Defective Item Displays 不良品展示,ANDON LIGHTS-Lights installed on equipment,lines or cells to indicate the status of production.指示灯-安装在设备,生产线,生产细胞显示生产状态Possible Uses:Red-means maintenance is needed immediately.Yellow-means the team running out of parts soon.Green-means the team is running parts as normal.红色-需要立即维修黄色-零件即将耗尽绿色 生产正常Teams will specify the meaning of the lights based on an areas needs.基于不同场合的需要,团队可以指定指示灯的含义,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,Machine abnormality 设备异常Indicates the machine has detected an abnormality 显示设备检测出异常Defect,overproduction,etc 缺陷,过载等This is Jidoka implementation 这是防呆措施Automatically triggered 自动触发Either on or off 即开即关,Types of Andons 安灯的类型,Material re-supply 补料Indicates that parts re-supply is needed 显示需要补料May be triggered manually by operator or automatically by sensor in parts bin 通过料箱里传感器手动或自动触发Either on or off 即开即关,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,Types of Andons 安灯的类型,Operator status 操作工的状态Indicates operators status with respect to TAKT time 显示操作工符合生产节拍时间Manually triggered 手动触发Use color codes:颜色含义Green,ok;绿色,ok;Yellow,need assistance;黄色,需要帮助;Red missed TAKT time 红色,赶不上生产节拍,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,GAGES and INDICATORS 量具和指示器Abnormal situation should be understood at a glance.No need for interpretation.Consider mounting gages so that normal conditions are in the same orientation.只要扫一眼就能发现异常,无须解释.安装量表要考虑正常状态的在同一方向,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,KEY PERFORMANCE INDICATOR BOARD 关键绩效显示看板Team board that highlights the progress of a team in meeting key goals for S,Q,D,C.These boards are used to track and highlight countermeasures.看板显示了团队关于安全、质量、交货、成本关键指标的完成情况.看板用来追踪和强调纠正预防措施,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,TEAM INVOLVEMENT BOARD 团队看板 A board that the team uses to display their ACHIEVEMENTS and describe their team through their team name,pictures,awards,etc.看板显示团队曾经取得的成就,描述团队成员的名字,照片,奖励等,TEAM INVOLVEMENT,Visual Management Tools目视化管理工具,Kaizen 改善,Kaizen Ki-zen a continuous improvement mindset.Everything that we do today can be improved.There is no such thing as a perfect process.Kaizen has no end.持续改善,我们今天的任何事情都可以改善,没有完美的流程,改善无止境,Leave titles at the door one person,one voice,no position or rank.Ten persons ideas are better than one persons.三个臭皮匠顶个诸葛亮Keep an open mind 虚心Think of how the new method will work not why it wont.多考虑新方法如何工作,而不是拒绝Dont accept excuses.不接受借口Dont let the pursuit of perfection get in the way of making things better.不要追求完美以至阻碍改善Involve associates from Kaizen area.Keep them involved throughout process.让员工参与改善的全过程Think creativity before capital.If you have to spend money on im


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