英语学术论文的撰写与投稿 以SSCI期刊文章发表路径为例,吴小馨 教授/博士 广西大学外国语学院 2014年6月13日 昆明,文科科研成果的去处?,发表或埋没(Publish or perish)发表研究成果是科研过程中不可或缺的重要环节 科研成果:如果没有发表,就等于不曾存在;教师/科研人员:没有论著发表,职业生涯将难 以为继 发表文章的压力(评职称、争取经费、职业发 展,等等原因),中文核心期刊,北京大学图书馆:2014中文核心期刊要目总览(第六版)(共1980种)南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心:CSSCI(2014-2015)来源期刊拟收录目录(共533种)中国科学院国家科学图书馆中国科学引文数据库来源期刊列表(2013-2014)(共1143种),北京大学图书馆2014中文核心期刊要目总览(第六版),H3/H9外国语 1.外语教学与研究;2.外国语;3.外语界;4.现代外语;5.外语与外语教学;6.外语学刊;7.外语教学;8.解放军外国语学院学报;9.外语研究;10.外语电化教学;11.中国外语;10.外国语文;13.外语教学理论与实践;14.山东外语教学,南京大学 CSSCI(2014-2015)来源期刊,中文核心期刊,北京大学图书馆:2014中文核心期刊要目总览(第六版)(共1980种)南京大学中国社会科学研究评价中心:CSSCI(2014-2015)来源期刊拟收录目录(共533种)中国科学院国家科学图书馆中国科学引文数据库来源期刊列表(2013-2014)(共1143种),Chinese Social Sciences Citation Index(CSSCI)中文社会科学引文索引 Social Sciences Citation Index(SSCI)社会科学引文索引2014年SSCI收录语言学学科期刊172种,引文索引的历史,1955年Eugene Garfield博士在Science上发表了一篇文章,首先提出了将引文索引应用于科研检索,随后他创建了美国科技信息研究所(Institute of Science Information,简称ISI),并在1963年出版了科学引文索引SCI,1973年和1978年又分别出版了SSCI,AHCI。1997年,接合新兴的互联网技术,三大引文索引有了网络版,这就是著名的Web of Science。Science Citation Index 科学引文索引 Social Sciences Citation Index 社会科学引文索引 Arts&Humanities Citation Index 艺术与人文科学 索引,EI:工程索引(Engineering Index)ISTP:国际会议录索引(Index to Scientific&Technical Proceedings)ISSHP 社会科学和人文会议录索引(Index to Social Sciences&Humanities Proceedings),人类学商业沟通犯罪学和刑罚学经济学教育环境研究家庭研究地理学老年医学和老年病学卫生政策和服务计划与发展历史工业关系与劳工问题,图书馆学和信息科学语言与语言学法律政治科学心理学精神病学公共卫生社会问题社会工作社会学药物滥用城市研究妇女问题社会科学,交叉,Social Sciences Citation Index,Arts&Humanities Citation Index,哲学 语言语言学文学评论文学音乐哲学诗歌宗教戏剧,考古学建筑艺术亚洲研究古典舞蹈电影/广播/电视民俗历史,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿,敬候佳音6、稿件录用,签版权合同,校对7、文章上网(iFirst)8、正式(发表)出版(纸质),在国外SSCI期刊发文章好处多,1、无版面费2、学校奖励高,在国外SSCI期刊发文章好处多,1、无版面费2、学校奖励高3、审稿客观、公正同行评审(peer-review)3种方式:单盲评审(single-blind review)(作者姓名对审稿人公 开,但审稿人姓名对作者不公开)双盲评审(double-blind review)(作者姓名和审稿人 姓名互不公开)开放式评审(open peer-review)作者和审稿人姓名 互相公开),Comments for the Author:Reviewer#1:I enjoyed reading this article.It is a useful contribution to the field of.In suggesting acceptance with the addition of corrections and further explanation Reviewer#2:Thank you for submitting this well written and well researched article to.Overall the author(s)(hereafter referred to in the singular)should be congratulated on doing a good job of explaining to a wider audience the relevant structural and procedural circumstances of the Chinese,在国外SSCI期刊发文章好处多,1、无版面费2、学校奖励高3、审稿客观、公正4、通常有详细的反馈意见,4、通常有详细的反馈意见,(5)The prose is mainly good,but there are some patch-ups required:p.1 motivates(3/4 way down)p.1 interviews(1 line up from page bottom)p.2 paragraph 4-them should be students in line 4 of that paragraph.p.2 para.5 towards end.greater the likely and amount needs re-writingp.2 bottom line:85%of respondentsp.3 block indented quotation.Get rid of quotation marks at beginning and end,and for all other block indented quotations.They are redundant.p.3 line 6 from bottom of page.Full stop following etcp.5 line 20.pointed.The quotation from Lauder looks incorrect to me.Check it.,4、通常有详细的反馈意见,Please revisit your analysis,to attempt to lift it above a discussion of similarities and differences and major characteristics,and to avoid homogenising China,within which there is considerable diversity.Much of the text is quite descriptive,and while these are important issues worth describing,some further thinking and analysis to identify key ideas and relevant theories would improve the paper immensely.the article will be much improved by a more critically analytical engagement with the issues.,在国外SSCI期刊发文章好处多,1、无版面费2、学校奖励高3、审稿客观、公正4、通常有详细的反馈意见5、稿件修改能极大提升英文学术论文写作能力,规范论文写作,提升写作能力及规范论文写作,*give the title some thought:ie,this tale is different from what?,提升写作能力及规范论文写作,提升写作能力及规范论文写作,Common referencing styles,提升科研水平及写作能力,提升写作能力及规范论文写作,提升写作能力及规范论文写作,Reference ManagerEndNote NoteExpress Cite While You Write(CWYW)is a key feature of EndNote.You can insert citations and images(figures)into your Word documentsanytime during your writing process.CWYW automatically builds a bibliography from the citations you insert.Select appropriate output style,发SSCI期刊文章好处多,1、无版面费2、学校奖励高3、审稿客观、公正4、通常有详细的反馈意见5、稿件修改能极大提升英文学术论文写作 能力,规范论文写作6、扬长避短 英语特长 外语类中文期刊用稿率低,国外期刊相 对较高,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2013年SSCI 期刊目录2014年SSCI收录语言学期刊Focus:期刊名称、出版周期Tips:优先考虑出版周期短的期刊,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息ELT JOURRNAL http:/l文章范围 l出版周期l字数要求 l文献格式l排版要求 l投稿形式,例子:Sample(System)l下载该刊文章作样本(如摘要写法、参考文献格式等),SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究 选择恰当的研究方法及数据收集手段 定量分析法 定性分析法 实验法 观察法(问卷)调查法 访谈法 文献研究法 个案研究法,抽样方法可以分为两类:概率抽样、非概率抽样probability sampling,non-probability sampling,1概率抽样 单纯随机抽样系统抽样/概率抽样分层抽样整群抽样多阶段抽样,probability sampling Simple random samplingSystematic samplingStratified samplingCluster samplingMultistage sampling,2非概率抽样 Non-probability sampling,(1)方便抽样(2)立意抽样(3)雪球抽样(4)定额抽样,Convenience samplingPurposive or judgmental samplingSnowball samplingQuota sampling,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章 数据最好用SPSS软件进行统计分析,论文写作规范标准,1、结构合理(整体及局部)=Norm2、文献引述规范*避免剽窃、文献前后对应(如修改后删除文中 引用)、引述体系统一3、图表规范4、行文规范(层次、要素、语气、术语、脚注/尾注、附录、字号、字体、行间距等)5、英语类别统一(Br E/Am E),SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿,敬候佳音(个别期刊需 Email to editor),注册账户,网上投稿,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿6、修改(minor and/or major revision),定稿 拒稿,修改后另投,修改,定稿,Dear Prof:Your manuscript entitled The:A Case Study in China which you re-submitted to Journal of,has been reviewed and subject to minor revisions,your paper will be suitable for publication.The revision we require-and I should have noticed this before-is that we do not use numbers for headings and sub-headings(3,3.1 etc etc),could you remove these please.I look forward to receiving your revision at which point I will be able to formally accept the paper.,修改,定稿,Dear Thank you for your resubmission of your paper“.”,I would like to publish this article if you can attend to the following matters in the next month or so.1.The maximum recommended length is 6,000 words,and this article is well over 10,000 words.You will need to do some serious editing to get it down to a publishable length.2.Some more details of the sampling method.You say that 150 questionnaires were distributed at each school.Who determined which children received questionnaires to take home,and who did not?.(Random sampling),修改,定稿,Dear Prof:I regret to inform you that the reviewers have raised serious concerns,and therefore your paper cannot be accepted for publication in this journal.However since the reviewers do find some merit in the paper,I would be willing to reconsider if you wish to undertake major revisions and re-submit,addressing the referees concerns.Please note that resubmitting your manuscript does not guarantee eventual acceptance,and that your resubmission will be subject to re-review before a decision is rendered.,修改,定稿,Reviewer:1 You need to make more of your own data and bring more criticality to the discussion of your findings.Major revisionsYou need to undertake a more critical analysis of the interview data.You need to do more to contextualise your findings within existing theories and concepts You could make more of the international comparisons and the way similar issues have been represented within the international research literature.Minor revisionsThe introduction needs some explicit explanation for the title,拒稿,修改后另投,Dear.I regret to inform you that the reviewers of your manuscript have advised against publication,and I must therefore reject it.For your guidance,the reviewers comments are included below.Thank you for giving us the opportunity to consider your work.Sometimes reviewers make contradictory comments!,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿,敬候佳音6、稿件录用,签版权合同,校对,稿件录用,签版权合同,校对,Dear Our referees have now read your paper and have recommended publication in.We are pleased to accept your paper in its current form which will now be forwarded to the publisher for copy editing and typesetting.You will receive proofs for checking,and instructions for transfer of copyright in due course,书面用稿通知需另外索取,签版权合同,校对,Proofs of your article(s)listed below are now available for review through the Central Article Tracking System(CATS)website:Please approve these proofs,or return any corrections by 17 May 2013.Failure to do so may result in delay of your publication.Please use the web form(if the corrections are fewer than 50 in number)to return any corrections to me.Alternatively,send your corrections in an email to me or you can print the article and fax or post it to the address listed below.The corresponding author of the article will receive one complete copy of the issue in which the article appears.,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿,敬候佳音6、稿件录用,签版权合同,校对7、文章上网(iFirst)让人们在最快的时间内了解文章作者的最新科研成果(有时从录用到发表的周期较长)有文章唯一的 doi(Digital Object Identifier 数字对象标识符)编码,已算公开发表,可以被引用。,SSCI 文章发表步骤,1、查找/锁定SSCI期刊2、登录期刊主页查看相关信息3、选题;进行相关(实证)研究4、写文章5、网上投稿,敬候佳音6、稿件录用,签版权合同,校对7、文章上网(iFirst)8、正式(发表)出版(纸质),Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题 突出新颖性,突出新颖性,胡适:大胆假设,小心论证,Hypothesis:Language used at home affects students academic performance微博 Promotes 写作?,Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题2、选题应具有中国特色(新颖)3、(教学类)实证研究文章易发表 System Volume 40,Issue 3,Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题2、选题应具有中国特色(新颖)3、(教学类)实证研究文章易发表4、需大量阅读相关文献以便掌握地道的 话语方式5、文献综述很重要,文献综述很重要,文献综述很重要,Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题2、选题应具有中国特色(新颖)3、(教学类)实证研究文章易发表4、需大量阅读相关文献以便掌握地道的 话语方式5、文献综述很重要6、尽量获取第一手资料,尽量获取第一手资料,尽量避免(Cited from/in)利用图书馆资源查询 用Google查询 向作者索取,尽量获取第一手资料,赠人玫瑰,手留余香。The roses in her hand,the flavor in mine,Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题2、选题应具有中国特色(新颖)3、(教学类)实证研究文章易发表4、需大量阅读相关文献以便掌握地道的 话语方式5、文献综述很重要6、尽量获取第一手资料7、审稿人建议的参考文献最好引用,审稿人建议的参考文献最好引用,建议的参考文献极有可能是审稿人的大作,Tips,1、选题紧扣热点问题2、选题应具有中国特色(新颖)3、(教学类)实证研究文章易发表4、需大量阅读相关文献以便掌握地道的 话语方式5、文献综述很重要6、尽量获取第一手资料7、审稿人建议的参考文献最好引用8、走在趋势前面,Questions?,Thank you for your attention!,