Sports Medicine Journal,Zheng Songbo,Sports medicine specializes in preventing,diagnosing and treating injuries related to participating in sports and/or exercise,specifically the rotation or deformation of joints or muscles caused by engaging in such physical activities.,ISSN:8750-7587eISSN:1522-1601 The American Physiological Society publishes Journal of Applied Physiology.,The Journal of Applied Physiology publishes original papers that deal with diverse areas of research in applied physiology,especially those papers emphasizing adaptive and integrative mechanisms.Adaptive physiology includes 1)inherent adaptations such as those related to development,aging,and pathophysiological conditions and 2)adaptations to the external environment such as those occurring with exercise,microgravity,hypoxia,hypo-and hyperbaria,and hypo-and hyperthermic conditions.Integrative physiology includes 1)horizontal integration across organ systems and 2)vertical integration from molecule to cell to organ.In all areas of applied physiology,the use of cutting-edge techniques including molecular and cellular biology is strongly encouraged.,Journal of Exercise Physiology-online,ISSN 1097-9751All articles and content are OPEN ACCESS(free,full text,from day of publication).Address:American Society of Exercise Physiologistsc/o The College of St.Scholastica 1200 Kenwood Avenue Duluth,MN 55811 Phone:218 723 6297 Fax:218 723 6472,The Journal of Exercise Physiologyonline,published by the American Society of Exercise Physiologists,is a professional peer reviewed Internet-based journal devoted to original research in exercise physiology.JEPonline is the first electronic peer reviewed exercise physiology journal in the history of the profession.It is founded for the purpose of disseminating exercise physiology research and,thus to serve specifically the professional needs of the exercise physiologist.The Editors welcome both empirical and theoretical articles.Copyright 1997-2009 American Society of Exercise Physiologists All Rights Reserved.,Launch date 1966ISSN BJSM 0306-3674ISSN BJSM Online 1473-048012 times a year plus supplementsBritish Journal of Sports Medicine is the official journal of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Medicine and has been published since 1974British Journal of Sports Medicine BMA House Tavistock Square London,UK WC1H 9JREmail:Tel:+44(0)20 7874 6331 Fax+44(0)20 7383 6668,British Journal of Sports Medicine(BJSM)is an international peer review journal covering the latest advances in clinical practice and research.Topics include all aspects of sport and exercise medicine such as the prevention and management of sports injury,exercise physiology,sports psychology,physiotherapy and the epidemiology of exercise and health.BJSM aims to highlight clinically-relevant original research,editorials and commentary that will be of interest to the field of sport and exercise medicine.The journal is aimed at physicians,physiotherapists,exercise scientists and those involved in public policy.,Sports Medicine,Editor-in-Chief:Jeremy ShanahanISSN:0112-1642 Online ISSN:1179-2035 Frequency:12 issues a yearImpact Factor:3.018,About the Journal Sports Medicine-Practical reviews of current research and current practice in sports medicine and exercise physiology Sports Medicine bridges the gap between science and practice in the promotion of exercise and health and the scientific assessment,study and understanding of sports performance.Regular features include:sports injury prevention and treatment;exercise for health;drugs in sport and recommendations for training and nutrition.,Sports Medicine focuses on definitive and comprehensive review articles that interpret and evaluate the current literature to provide the rationale for and application of research findings in areas such as:Sports medicine and sports science(including performance research)The medical syndromes associated with sport and exercise The practical role that clinical medicine plays in sport,through injury prevention and treatment The medical use of exercise for rehabilitation and health Application of physiological and biomechanical principles to specific sports,Sports Medicine,Sports Medicine,American College of Sports MedicineAdvancing health through science,education and medicineMuch more than a slogan,the American College of Sports Medicine puts into practice its strategic efforts to advancing the health of all.As the largest sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world,ACSM has more than 20,000 International,National,and Regional Chapter members.Working in a wide range of medical specialties,allied health professions,and scientific disciplines,our members are committed to the diagnosis,treatment,and prevention of sports-related injuries and the advancement of the science of exercise.Our members diversity and expertise makes ACSM the largest,most respected sports medicine and exercise science organization in the world.From astronauts and athletes to people with chronic diseases or physical challenges,ACSM continues to look for and find better methods to allow individuals to live longer and more productive lives.Healthy people make a healthier society.ACSMs Mission Statement reflects this goal:The American College of Sports Medicine promotes and integrates scientific research,education,and practical applications of sports medicine and exercise science to maintain and enhance physical performance,fitness,health,and quality of life.,ACSMs Health&Fitness Journal,Published by Lippincott Williams and Wilkins.ISSN:1091-5397.This exciting journal responds to the information needs of fitness instructors,personal trainers,exercise leaders,program managers,and other front line health and fitness professionals.The mission of the journal is to promote and distribute accurate,unbiased,and authoritative information on health and fitness.With a complete and compelling format,the journal covers all aspects of exercise science and nutrition research,with components of ACSM certification workshops,current topics of interest to the fitness industry,and continuing education credit opportunities.,http:/,Sports Medicine,Source:Adis InternationalISSN:01121642EISSN:11792035,The worlds premier sports medicine review journal offers readers practical reviews of current research and current practice in sports medicine and exercise physiology.,For over 20 years Sports Medicine has been the primary reference source relied upon by the worlds leading medical academic institutions and libraries.Sports Medicine offers invited practical reviews of exercise science and clinically oriented reviews on the etiology,epidemiology,management,treatment and prevention of sports injuries as well as access to the latest articles by the worlds leading experts in sports medicine and exercise science.Designed as a superb reference source for physicians,sports medicine specialists,physiotherapists,exercise physiologists,team doctors and trainers,regular features of Sports Medicine include:sports injury prevention and treatment;exercise for health;and drugs in sport and recommendations for training and nutrition.,Print ISSN:0363-5465 Online ISSN:1552-3365 BY The American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine,American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine(AOSSM),a world leader in sports medicine education,research,communication,and fellowship.Founded in 1972,AOSSM is a national organization of Orthopaedic surgeons dedicated to sports medicine.Who are our members?They are physicians helping weekend warriors cope with the effects of doctors ensuring health and safety at all levels of sport.researchers working to help athletes prevent and manage injury.,Research in Sports Medicine,Formerly Sports Medicine,Training and RehabilitationPublished By:Taylor&FrancisVolume Number:17Frequency:4 issues per yearPrint ISSN:1543-8627Online ISSN:1543-8635 Publication office:Taylor&Francis,Inc.,325 Chestnut Street,Suite 800,Philadelphia,PA 19106,Research in Sports Medicine is a broad journal that aims to bridge the gap between all professionals in the fields of sports medicine.The journal serves an international audience and is of interest to professionals worldwide.The journal covers major aspects of sports medicine and sports science-prevention,management,and rehabilitation of sports,exercise and physical activity related injuries,and occupational problems.The journal publishes original research utilizing a wide range of techniques and approaches,reviews,commentaries and short communications.Peer Review Policy:All research articles in this journal haveundergone rigorous peer review,based on initial editor screening and refereeing by two anonymous referees.,The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(JSSM),The Journal of Sports Science and Medicine(JSSM)is a non-profit making scientific electronic journal,publishing research and review articles,together with case studies,in the fields of sports medicine and the exercise sciences.JSSM is published quarterly in March,June,September and December.JSSM also publishes editorials,a letter to the editor section,abstracts from international and national congresses,panel meetings,conferences and symposia,and can function as an open discussion forum on significant issues of current interest.The journal content could be presented not only in print(pdf format)but also through the use of video,audio and interactive software since it is published in an electronic format.Authors,therefore,are encouraged to submit their article or communication in the most appropriate medium to best convey their findings to members of JSSM.,Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine,Editor-in-Chief:Willem Meeuwisse,MD,PhDISSN:1050-642XOnline ISSN:1536-3724Frequency:6 issues/year,Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine is an international refereed journal published for clinicians with a primary interest in sports medicine practice.The journal publishes original research and reviews covering diagnostics,therapeutics,and rehabilitation in healthy and physically challenged individuals of all ages and levels of sport and exercise participation.,ACSMs Health&Fitness Journal,an official publication from the American College of Sports Medicine(ACSM),is written to fulfill the information needs of fitness instructors,personal trainers,exercise leaders,program managers,and other front-line health and fitness professionals.Its mission is to promote and distribute accurate,unbiased,and authoritative information on health and fitness.The journal covers all aspects of exercise science and nutrition research,with components of ACSM certification workshops,current topics of interest to the fitness industry,and continuing education credit opportunities.,Sports Injuries,The Open Sports Medicine Journal,ISSN:1874-3870,Aims&ScopeThe Open Sports Medicine Journal is an Open Access online journal,which publishes research articles,reviews,and letters in all areas of clinical practice and research in sports medicine.The Open Sports Medicine Journal,a peer-reviewed journal,aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the field.The emphasis will be on publishing quality papers rapidly and freely available to researchers worldwide.,Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport,The Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport(JSAMS),published by Sports Medicine Australia,is a major international peer reviewed research publication on sport science and medicine,sports injury prevention and physical activity promotion,currently ranked 17 out of 71 journals in the field.The Journal provides high quality,original research papers to keep members and subscribers informed of developments in sports science and medicine.Produced for SMA six times a year by Elsevier Australia,it reflects SMAs commitment to encouraging world-class research within the industry,and its commitment to the continuing education of its members.The Editorial Office of the Journal at SMA can be contacted via or call+61 2 6241 9344 or mail to:PO Box 78,Mitchell ACT 2911,Australia.,Sport Sciences,Journal Title Impact FactorJOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY 2.1222MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS ANDEXERCISE 2.026EXERCISE IMMUNOLOGY REVIEW 1.900AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE 1.407SPORTS MEDICINE 1.397JOURNAL OF SPORT&EXERCISE PSYCHOLOGY 1.377INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION 1.317ARCHIVES OF PHYSICAL MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION 1.0789INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE 1.053JOURNAL OF MOTOR BEHAVIOR 1.046EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY AND OCCUPATIONAL PHYSIOLOGY 1.045,Journal Impact Factors,Journal Impact Factor is from Journal Citation Report(JCR),a product of Thomson ISI(Institute for Scientific Information).JCR provides quantitative tools for evaluating journals.The impact factor is one of these;it is a measure of the frequency with which the average article in a journal has been cited in a given period of time.The impact factor for a journal is calculated based on a three-year period,and can be considered to be the average number of times published papers are cited up to two years after publication.For example,the impact factor 2009 for a journal would be calculated as follows:A=the number of times articles published in 2008-9 were cited in indexed journals during 2010B=the number of articles,reviews,proceedings or notes published in 2008-9impact factor 2010=A/B(note that the impact factor 2009 will be actually published in 2010,because it could not be calculated until all of the 2010 publications had been received.Impact factor 2010 will be published in 2011),在国外的期刊评价中,尤以美国科学信息研究所ISI 开发的SCI,SSCI,A&HCI和JCB对来源期刊的选择和评价受到了国内外的广泛关注和认可。JCR目前是世界上评估期刊唯一的一个综合性工具,因为只有它收集了全世界各个专业的期刊的引用数据,JCR光盘版有许多很好的界面,显示了期刊之间引用和被引用的关系。可以告诉人们,那些是最有影响力的期刊,那些是最常用的期刊,那些是最热门的期刊。目前国内没有体育类刊物被上述数据库收集。,