Reading Strategy,Duan Lifu,Reading Strategy,Duan Lifu,Contents,1.Background Information,2.Four Reading Models,3.Three Kinds of Reading Strategies,4.Reading Process,Pritchard(1990)defines a strategy as a deliberate action that readers take voluntarily to develop an understanding of what they read.Kellerman(1983)defines a strategy as a“well organized approach to a problem”.Olshavsky(1977)claims that a strategy is a purposeful means of comprehending the authors message.,1.1 What is reading strategy?,1.2 The importance of using strategy,If a reader knows how,when and where to use an appropriate strategy,this would help him to improve reading comprehension.Strategies aid readers to process the text actively,to monitor their comprehension and to connect what they are reading to their own knowledge and to other parts of the text.,2.Four Reading Models,The reading model has gone through three stages.Bottom-up reading modelTop-down reading model.Interactive reading model(interaction of bottom-up reading model and top-down reading model).The schema theory,2.1 The bottom-up processing,Bottom-up model means that the reader constructs the text from smallest unit(letter to words to phrases to sentence,etc)and that the process of constructing the text from those small units becomes so automatic that readers are not aware of how if operates.(Eskey,1988),This can happen if our world knowledge is inadequate,or if the writers point of view is very different from our own.In that case,we must scrutinize the vocabulary and syntax to make sure we have grasped the plain sense correctly.Thus bottom-up processing can be used as a corrective to“tunnel vision(seeing things only from our own limited point of view)”.,2.2 The top-down processing,The top-down model is that readers bring a great deal of knowledge,expectations,assumptions and questions to the text and,give a basic understanding of the vocabulary;they continue to read as long as the text confirms their expectations.(Goodman,1967),We make conscious use of it when we try to see the overall purpose of the text,or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writers argument,in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step(based on the schema we have acquired).We might compare this approach to an eagles eye.,2.3 The interaction of bottom-up and top-down processing,The former neglects the fact that reading is an active comprehensive process,while the later neglects the fast and exact recognition of the lower level information such as letters,vocabulary,grammar forms.Reader may shift from one focus to another,adopting a top-down approach to predict the probable meaning,then moving from the bottom-up approach to check whether that is really what the writer says.It is known as interactive reading.,2.4 The schema theory,Schema theory is one of the most important theories in the study of reading comprehension.According to schema theory,all knowledge is packaged into units.These units are schemata.Schema theory also holds the view that comprehending a text is an interactive process between the readers background knowledge and the text.Efficient reading requires the ability to relate the textual material to ones own knowledge.The readers schemata assist him to make assumptions about the meaning of the incoming text.Meanwhile,the reader makes confirmations,rejections and mediations with more information coming out from the text.,3.Three kinds of reading strategies,Direct Strategies,Memory,memory,Cognitive,compensation,Indirect Strategies,Metacognitive,Affective,Affective,Social,4.1 Before-reading Strategies,(1)Deciding the reading purpose Generally speaking,there are mainly three reading purposes:For pleasure:ignore the most significant learning process thinking.For information:the content is of the utmost importance while difficult language points are deliberately avoidedFor language:more likely to obstructed by trifle achievement.,(2)Selecting reading material Readers should select suitable materials so that they do not have rely on dictionary excessively.If the readers use dictionary too frequently,the reading consistency will be broken up.Generally speaking,if the new words account for less than 5%of the total,the understanding will not be compromised.(3)Make reading plansYou should work out a detailed plan before reading.It includes the time they spend reading every day and the choice of proper materials for intensive and extensive reading.Besides they should consider about reading strategies and then predicting reading results.,4.2 During reading strategies,During reading strategies refer to the techniques and methods applied by readers during the reading process,which play an irreplaceable role in reading.(1)PredictionPredicting from the title and topic sentencePredicting with background knowledgePredicting from single wordsPredicting from prior plot,(2)Skimming:it refers to reading quickly to grasp the main idea or the theme of the passage.Readers can quickly identify the genre and the most important information with the help of strategies,such as highlighting main sentences,emphasizing key words and phrases,and skipping over minor information and details.(3)Scanning:it is a strategy which reader apply to locate some specific information quickly.Scanning requires readers to find answers with question in their mind.,(4)Key word reading:it only focuses on the central part of sentences and some closely-related adjectives and adverbs.It is usually use to grasp main ideas and details of a passage.The reading speed can tremendously improved in this way,but the accuracy of understanding is also reduced,ranging from 50%to 70%.(5)Sense group readingReading by sense group means that readers read the whole passage according to the constituted meaning phrases.Reading by sense groups not only improves reading speed and efficiency,but also deepens the understanding of reading material.,(6)Making notes:During reading process,readers should write down some important information to enhance the understanding of the whole passage and details.Good reading notes should be short,exact,selective and systematic,clarify the writing purpose and the way information is organized.(7)Understanding the main content:in reading,readers not only passively receive new knowledge,but also think deeply and critically.It includes:Summarizing the main ideaIndentifying referencesDistinguishing generalizations from specifics Inferring,(8)Guessing word meaning Guessing by definitionGuessing by synonym and antonym(同义词、反义词)Guessing by exampleGuessing by restatementGuessing by cause and effectGuessing by explanationGuessing by common sense and experienceGuessing by logical reasoningGuessing by affix,4.3 After reading strategies,After reading strategies are techniques applied by readers after the reading process to make conclusion.Readers need to discover their mistakes and correct them.They also need to evaluate themselves properly to develop their advantages.Improving reading speedPacing yourselfSelf-evaluatingGetting rid of the bad habits,Work cited,1.张东昌,潘巍巍.Empirical Researches on Reading Strategies in English(2010).对外经济贸易大学出版社2.王笃勤.英语阅读教学(2011).外语教育与研究出版社3.佟敏强(2009).大学英语阅读教学理论与实践.外语教育出版公司.4.周绵绵,余笑,叶长彬(2011).英语学习策略.科学出版社.,