单击此处编辑主标题,单击此处编辑副标题,绿底建筑主题宽屏模板,绿底建筑主题宽屏模板,样例文本A,这是GemmiC系列PPT模板中的一款,它是一款高质量、高清晰、高人气的PPT模板,它精致简洁,自然醒目,雅致得体,干净无作者logo水印,图表丰富,不可多得哦。欢迎关注GemmiC新浪微博,更多精美漂亮的PPT模板正在不断更新和丰富中。也欢迎收藏GemmiC超人气高质量PPT模板豆单,样例文本B,人们认为加热日冕的能量来自光球下方对流带的湍流,并且提出两个加热日冕的主要机制56。第一个是波加热,来自于声音、重力或磁流体坡在对流带产生湍流56,这些波向上旅行并且在日冕中消散,将它们的能量以热的形式储存在包围在四周的气体内114。另一种是磁化热,在光球的运动中磁能不断的被建立,并且经由磁重联的形式释放能量,规模较大的是耀斑还有无数规模较小但相似的事件毫微耀斑(Nanoflares)115。目前,还不清楚波是否有效的加热机制,但除了阿耳芬波之外,已经发现其它的波在抵达日冕前都已经被驱散或折射116。另一方面,阿耳芬波在日冕中不容易消散,因此目前的研究已经聚焦和转移到耀斑的加热机制56。编辑 年轻太阳黯淡问题主条目:年轻太阳黯淡佯谬理论模型认为太阳在38至25亿年前的代古代时期时,亮度只有现在的75%。这样微弱的恒星不足以使地球表面的水维持液态,因此生命应该还没有发展出来。然而,在地质上的纪录表明当时的地球在其历史上有相当稳定的温度,并且年轻的地球和现在一样的温暖。科学家们的共识是年轻的地球大气包含的温室气体(像是二氧化碳、甲烷和/或氨)的量比现在要多,而被困住的热量足以弥补抵达地球太阳能的不足117。,样例文本B,人们认为加热日冕的能量来自光球下方对流带的湍流,并且提出两个加热日冕的主要机制56。第一个是波加热,来自于声音、重力或磁流体坡在对流带产生湍流56,这些波向上旅行并且在日冕中消散,将它们的能量以热的形式储存在包围在四周的气体内114。另一种是磁化热,在光球的运动中磁能不断的被建立,并且经由磁重联的形式释放能量,规模较大的是耀斑还有无数规模较小但相似的事件毫微耀斑(Nanoflares)115。目前,还不清楚波是否有效的加热机制,但除了阿耳芬波之外,已经发现其它的波在抵达日冕前都已经被驱散或折射116。另一方面,阿耳芬波在日冕中不容易消散,因此目前的研究已经聚焦和转移到耀斑的加热机制56。编辑 年轻太阳黯淡问题主条目:年轻太阳黯淡佯谬理论模型认为太阳在38至25亿年前的代古代时期时,亮度只有现在的75%。这样微弱的恒星不足以使地球表面的水维持液态,因此生命应该还没有发展出来。然而,在地质上的纪录表明当时的地球在其历史上有相当稳定的温度,并且年轻的地球和现在一样的温暖。科学家们的共识是年轻的地球大气包含的温室气体(像是二氧化碳、甲烷和/或氨)的量比现在要多,而被困住的热量足以弥补抵达地球太阳能的不足117。,样例文本C,During a solar eclipse,special(indirect)observations can also be achieved with the unaided eye only.Normally the spots of light which fall through the small openings between the leaves of a tree have a circular shape.These are images of the Sun.During a partial eclipse,the light spots will show the partial shape of the Sun,as seen on the picture.Another famous phenomenon is shadow bands(also known as flying shadows),which are similar to shadows on the bottom of a swimming pool.They only occur just prior to and after totality,and are very difficult to observe.Many professional eclipse chasers have never been able to witness them.54During a partial eclipse,a related effect that can be seen is anisotropy in the shadows of objects.Particularly if the partial eclipse is nearly total,the unobscured part of the sun acts as an approximate line source of light.This means that objects cast shadows which have a very narrow penumbra in one direction,but a broad penumbra in the perpendicular direction.,样例文本C,The original photograph of the 1919 eclipse which was claimed to confirm Einsteins theory of general relativity.The observation of a total solar eclipse of May 29,1919 helped to confirm Einsteins theory of general relativity.By comparing the apparent distance between two stars,with and without the Sun between them,Arthur Eddington stated that the theoretical predictions about gravitational lenses were confirmed,though it now appears the data was ambiguous at the time.The observation with the Sun between the stars was only possible during totality,since the stars are then visible.55edit Gravity anomaliesThere is a long history of observations of gravity-related phenomena during solar eclipses,especially around totality.In 1954 and again in 1959,Maurice Allais reported observations of strange and unexplained movement during solar eclipses.56 This phenomenon is now called the Allais Effect.Similarly,Saxl and Allen in 1970 observed sudden change in motion of a torsion pendulum,and this phenomenon is called the Saxl effect.57A recent published observation during the 1997 solar eclipse by Wang et al.suggested a possible gravitational shielding effect,58 though there is some serious debate.Later in 2002,Yang and Wang published detailed data analysis which suggested that the phenomenon still remains unexplained.59 More studies are being planned by NASA and ESA over the next decade.,内 容 概 览,项 目 列 表,项目A,项目B,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,项 目 列 表,项目A,项目B,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,项目内容XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,循 环 图,B,C,D,A,外因3,外因1,外因4,外因2,状 态 图,内容 C,内容 B,内容 A,状 态 图,内容 C,内容 B,内容 A,项 目 图,A,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,B,YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,C,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,B,C,A,概 念 图,项 目 图,项目1,项目2,项目3,影 响 分 析 图,文字内容,影响3,影响2,影响1,图 表,AAAA,BBBB,转化,A,B,C,对 比 图 表,AAA,BBB,内容,内容,图 表,内容,标题,AAA,BBB,CCC,因 素 图,因 素 图,蜂 窝 图 表,小标题,小标题,蜂 窝 图 表,小标题.,小标题,顺 序 图,A,B,C,G,H,I,D,E,F,顺 序 图,A,B,C,G,H,I,D,E,F,总 结 列 表,内容 1,内容 2,内容 3,内容 4,内容 5,标题,总 结,YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY,XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX,AAAA,BBBB,ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ,CCCC,Thank You,