,E-MOTION,PMAC多轴运动控制卡(中级培训),LINEAR 插补方式,对PMAC 用户直线插补是最通用的方式.直线插补轨迹包括加减速时间和运动时间.,需要学习:什么是直线插补模式的轨迹如何改变轨迹的特征如何实现多个运动的速度混合,Linear 模式的轨迹小Acceleration 时间,Linear 模式的轨迹(continued)小Acceleration 时间,Linear 模式的轨迹(continued)加速时间等于运动时间,Linear 模式的轨迹(continued)加速时间等于运动时间,Linear 模式的轨迹大(速度限制)加速时间,Linear 模式的轨迹大(速度限制)加速时间,加速参数,TA编程加速时间(单位:msec);整数TS编程S-曲线时间(单位:msec);整数,加速参数(continued),例 3:一个复杂的运动,This example introduces incremental and time-specification of moves,looping logic,using variables,scaling of axes,and simple arithmetic.Note that logical and mathematical operations do not delay moves.,;*Set-up and Definitions*坐标系1,指向运动程序2,运行,例 3:一个复杂的运动,直线插补测验,曲线的水平和垂直轴的含义?什么是 TS,TA,TM and F?TM 和 F 的关系是什么?以100msTA时间和20ms的TS时间,TM为500ms的时间外成一个运动,总的运动时间是多少?如果程序表达 TS100 TA100 TM100,完成3个混合运动的总时间是多少?,PMAC 运动速度混合,PMAC 在如下情况下速度无法混合:两个运动指令中间有 DWELL指令2 个向后跳转指令(GOTO,ENDW)速度混合功能无效设定(Ix92=1),DWELL Vs.DELAY,DWELL总使用固定的时基(I10)暂停时间不包括减速过程直到DWELL结束才执行下面运动的计算(add I11 time),DWELL Vs.DELAY(continued),DELAY使用可变的时基(%value)暂停时间包括减速过程最小暂停时间是当前 TA时间下面运动时间开始于DELAY指令,例4:速度混合有效的例程,This example shows how to program a blended move on the PMAC and the function of Ix92.First the program specifies how to do the move,then commands the move.,*Set-up and Definitions*DEL GAT;Erase any defined gather buffer GATHER,CS.1,point to Beginning of Program 1,Run,例4:速度混合有效的例程,例5:速度混合无效的例程,This example shows how to program moves on the PMAC and the function of Ix92.First the program specifies how to do the move,then commands the move.,*Set-up and Definitions*DEL GAT;Erase any defined gather buffer GATHER,CS.1,point to Beginning of Program 1,Run,例5:速度混合无效的例程,速度混合测验,使用 速度指令(F)在增量方式(INC),指令 X1000 和指令 X100 X400 X500如果 Ix92=0,TA TM or(TAP/F),和 2TSTA有何区别?,矢量速率,PMAC 可以自动计算运动时间(TM)使电机运行与希望的速度速率下.,需要学习:速率指令的表达 PMAC如何计算速率,这用于多个电机在一个坐标系下控制一个刀具,来自动分配各自的速度,矢量速度轴,INCFRAX(X,Y)X3 Y4 F10,INCFRAX(X,Y)X3 Y4 Z12 F10,矢量速度轴(续),INCFRAX(X,Y,Z)X3 Y4 Z12 F10,INCFRAX(X,Y)C10 F10,速度时间单位,Ix90速度时间单位(单位:msec),例:#1-2000XIx90=1000,速率测验,如果坐标系1 的 I190=60000,那么速率时间单位是什么?如果X 和 Y 是速率轴,如果指令 X100 Y200,各自速度如何分配?如果你编程指令 F5 定义速度为 5 inches/sec,如何设定 Ix90和轴的定义?,Exercise 1:Indexing a Motor,Problem:,You have been asked to use PMAC in an indexing application,PMAC must index motor#1,which drives a leadscrew,a distance of 10 cm,pause at this location for 4 seconds then return to its original location.Each of the moves must take place in 2 seconds.The program will be started by an ASCII command string sent to PMAC from a Programmable Logic Controller over the RS232 port.,Hardware:,2000 counts per revolution encoder5:1 gear reduction1cm/rev pitch leadscrewSET Ix92=0 to enable blending,Exercise 2:Indexing a Motor,Problem:,As is the case with all applications,the requirements have been changed.The following must be added to the basic requirements of exercise 1.,The desired motion profile has been changed.The system must now move from its zero location to 10 cm,pause for 4 seconds and then move to 20 cm in 2 more seconds and pause for 1 second.It then must return to 0 cm in 1.5 seconds.The system has now become a multi-axis project.Not one but four identical leadscrews must simultaneously execute this profile.,Exercise 2:Indexing a Motor(continued),To minimize wear and tear on the mechanical components,instantaneous changes in acceleration(jerk)must be eliminated.This machine will be sold to a European company which will write some new programs for it.They only want to program in centimeters so your programs must also use centimeters.A feedrate override switch has also been added to the system.Your programmed pauses must now change as the feedrate override changes.This means that a 1.5 second pause will last 3 seconds at 50%feedrate override.Use M197-X:$0806,0,24,s for feedrate override control.,Exercise 3:Conditional Branching,Problem:,The European Company is having a lot of success with your machine and your boss now has some extra R&D money.He wants you to write another application based on the same platform.2 input switches have been connected to PMACs machine inputs 1 and 2.He wants these switches to control the motion of the stages as follows.,If machine input 1 is on,the stages should move from 0 cm to 10 cm at a speed of 1 cm/sec,pause for 1 second then return to 0 cm at the same speed and pause for 100 milliseconds until looking for the next input.,Exercise 3:Conditional Branching(continued),If machine input 2 is on,the stages should move from 0 cm to-10 cm at a speed of 2 cm/sec,pause for 1 second then return to 0 cm at the same speed and pause for 100 milliseconds until looking for the next input.If both machine inputs 1 and 2 are on,or if neither are on,the stages should not move from 0 cm and should pause for 100 milliseconds until looking for the next input.,圆弧插补,什么变量控制圆弧插补如何使用圆弧插补如何定义插补平面,PMAC 允许 X,Y,和 Z 轴在一个坐标系下执行圆弧插补指令。TS 可控制起始和结束的加减速时间.圆弧插补的混合速度由指令(F)或时间 TM来定义.,需要学习:,圆弧插补,圆弧插补的通常定义:1)运动分段时间Typical value:I13=102)插补平面定义NORMAL vector data 3)终点坐标定义方式ABSINC(4)圆心矢量的定义方式ABS(R)(if vector mode definition is used)INC(R)(5)圆弧方向定义CIRCLE 1CIRCLE 2(6)圆弧指令XData YData IData JDataXData YData RData例:I13=10;Move Segmentation TimeNORMAL K-1;XY planeINC;Incremental End Point definitionINC(R);Incremental Center Vector definitionCIRCLE 1;Clockwise circleX20 Y0 I10 J0;Arc move,Start(0,0),Center(10,0),End(20,0),圆弧插补例程,;Setup and definitionsMotion Program Textopen prog4 clearnormal K-1rapid x1 y4f5linear y13circle1 x2 y14 i1 j0linear x3circle1 x4 y13 i0 j-1linear y7circle2 x7 y4 i3 j0linear x13circle1 x14 y3 i0 j-1linear y2circle1 x13 y1 i-1 j0linear x4circle1 x1 y4 i0 j4dwell100rapid x0 y0close,提前运算(前瞻功能)PRECALCULATION,前瞻功能做了些什么?怎样停止前瞻功能?如何使用同步变量?,在 blend 和 spline 运动中,运动程序必须将当前运动后几步的运动指令提前进行运算.根据不同的运动模式,在程序运行中将进行0,1,或2段运动指令的前瞻计算.,我们将要学习:,PRECALCULATION,All program calculations and assignments,except for synchronous M-variable assignments,between the movein progress and the move being calculated are performed one line at a time during the look-ahead.This may be a problem with M-variables,particularly outputs,as the action will take place sooner than expected.Example:LINEAR;linear move modeX10;move X-axis to 10 X20;move X-axis to 20 M1=1;turn on output#1X50;move X-axis to 50,The output M1 will be turned on at the beginning of the X10move due to PMACs precalculation of the program,PMAC Motion Program Precalculation,PMAC Motion Program Precalculation,PMAC Motion Program Precalculation,同步 M-变量,Synchronous M-Variables assignments are a solution to the synchronization problems caused by move precalculation.When a Synchronous M-variable assignment is encountered,it is not executed immediately;but put on a stack for execution atthe start of the next move in the program.Output actions are thussynchronized with the motion actionExample:LINEAR;linear move modeX10;move X-axis to 10 X20;move X-axis to 20 M1=1;turn on output#1X50;move X-axis to 50,The statement M1=1 is encountered at the beginning of the move to X10,but the action is not performed until the start of blending into the move X50,MACROS,Macros allow you to assign a specific name to a PMAC variable or command for programming purposes.For example,you can define the word PUMP_PRESSURE to the variable P10.This allows you to use meaningful names in your programs which simplifies programming and memory management.Macros are a feature of the Executive Program and are not a PMAC feature.When a file with Macros is downloaded to PMAC,the executive program substitutes the appropriate PMAC commands or variables in place of the Macros.PMAC only sees the PMAC commands and variables.,PMAC 计算优先级,1.Single character I/O 单字符I/O Serial,PC-bus,STD-bus;200ns/char2.Commutation Update换相更新率 E29-E33 set(9KHz default);3usec/axis3.Servo Update伺服更新率 E3-E6 set freq(2.25KHz default);30usec/axis4.Real Time Interrupt实时中断 I8 设定频率;循环于:A.运动程序的计算 每次新运动的开始;1 or 2 步提前 B.PLC0 当不执行运动程序 C.PLCC0 D.Dual Ported RAM双端口RAM Servo data buffers伺服数据存储器,5.VME mailbox处理器 事件驱动6.后台任务 Done in time left over;rotates between:A.Communication line processing Event driven B.PLC1-31 one at a time C.PLCC one scan through all PLCCs D.General Housekeeping E.Dual Ported RAM Data Buffers,PMAC 计算优先级,PMAC 看门狗计时器,WatchdogTimer Satisfied,Frequency 25Hz,DC Voltage 4.75,Turn Off Card,Yes,No,No,Yes,PMAC algorithm to assure Watchdog gets 25 Hz signaland check for a minimum of 4.75V to the memory chips.,PMAC 看门狗计时器(续.),Real Time Interrupt,Read W.D Register,Is Register 0,Decrement W.D.Timer Register,Background Tasksare not occurringoften enough,there-fore stop updatingtimer,PMAC algorithm to assure Watchdog gets 25 Hz signal.This ensures both background and foreground tasks are done reasonably often.,通讯控制 I-变量,I1:串口模式=0,2:Host CS hand shake used=1,3:Host CS hand shake disabled=2,3:Multiple card daisy chain enabledI3:握手字符控制=1:sent to acknowledge valid command=2,3:sent to acknowledge valid command=1,3:precedes data response lineI4:通讯完整性模式=0,2:Checksum disabled=1,3:Checksum enabled=0,1:Serial errors reported immediately=2,3:Serial errors reported at end of lineI6:错误报告模式=0,2:Returns character=1,3:Reports error number,Communications Control I-Variables,I9:Data Reporting Form=1,3:Long form data reporting=2,3:Hexadecimal address I-variable reportingI58:DPRAM ASCII Communications=0:Disables DPRAM communication=1:Enables DPRAM communicationI56:DPRAM ASCII Communications Interrupt Enable=0:Disables communications interrupt=1:Enables communications interrupt,PMAC Dual-Ported RAM 内存图,PCOMM Dual Ported RAM特性支持功能,DPRFeatures,Control Panel,Servo TimeFixed Buffer,BackgroundFixed Buffer,VariableBackground,ASCII I/O,Binary Rotary Buffer,PMAC 通讯软件,Description,ACC-9P,PCOMM,Yes,ACC-9PN,PCOMM-32,ACC-9PT,PTALK OCX,ACC-9W,PMAC Executivefor Windows,No,ACC-9WN,Name,16-bit,PMAC Executive forWindows 95,98,or NT,ACC-33W,ACC-9DA,PMAC Executivefor DOS,ACC-33WN,PMAC NCfor Windows,PMAC NC forWindows 95,98,or NT,32-bit,Yes,No,No,No,No,No,No,No,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,Yes,新的PMAC 软件,PMAC Panel-VIs for LABViewPMAC 连通性-OPC Server for different field busse ControlNet,DH+,DeviceNet,Ethernet,