,Part A,1.Greetings2.Sing a song“Old MacDonald has a Farm”,Task1:Warm up,1.Words 2.Sentence pattern,Task 2:Lets learn,What can you hear?,Whats this?,Its a duck.,What can you hear?,Whats this?,Its a dog.,What can you hear?,Whats this?,Its a bear.,What can you hear?,Whats this?,Its a cat.,What can you hear?,Whats this?,Its a pig.,What is this?,Its a.,3.Lets practice.,Lets find out the animals.,Lets chant!,Animals are our friends.We should love all the animals.What animals do you like?,Homework:,1、假如你是农夫,你想为农场添加 哪些动物?你会扮演那些动物呢?2、与同桌合作表演chant。,谢谢观看!再见!,谢谢观看!再见!,hank you!,Goodbye,