NBA is the abbreviation of National Basketball Association,The league was founded in New York City,United States on June 6,1946,In 2004,with the team named Charlotte Bobcats joined in NBA,the total team number has reached to 30,球队队标,Teams,The 30 teams of NBA are divided into two alliances-East and West alliance,Each has 15 teams.,West alliance,East alliance,Match Arrangement,Final Games,NBA介绍,National Basketball Association(NBA full name)is the first big professional Basketball tournament,represents the highest level of world Basketball,which produced a Michael Jordan,magic Johnson,kobe Bryant,lebron James,yao Ming,such as world star.The association altogether has 30 teams,belong to two league in the eastern conference and the western conference,While each union each consists of three division composition,each conference five teams.30 teams of 29 branch is located in native American,another team from Toronto,Canada.,NBA(全称National Basketball Association)是美国第一大职业篮球赛事,代表了世界篮球的最高水平,其中产生了迈克尔乔丹、魔术师约翰逊、科比布莱恩特、姚明、勒布朗詹姆斯等世界巨星。该协会一共拥有30支球队,分属两个联盟东部联盟和西部联盟;而每个联盟各由三个赛区组成,每个赛区有五支球队。30支球队当中有29支位于美国本土,另外一支来自加拿大的多伦多。,全明星赛,The NBA all-star(All Star couple)began in 1951,March 2,held once a year.The competition is by audiences and coach choose 2010 Dallas all-star symbolCite the 24 professional basketball player(the eastern conference,the western conference every 12,of which 5 starters by fans voted to seven players on the bench by elected the all-star team coach choose),form east and west army troops against.NBA all-star game players take turns playing,in order to fully displays the elected every player to win the game,request is not big.Therefore,the event since inception,attracted world the large crowd watching.By 2010,and held 59th all-star game,its Middle East troops win 35 times.,NBA全明星(All Star Weekend)赛始于1951年3月2日,每年举行一次。该项比赛是由观众和教练选 2010达拉斯全明星赛标志举出的24名职业篮球运动员(东部联盟、西部联盟各12名,其中5名先发球员由球迷投票决定,7名替补由当选该全明星队主教练选出),组成东部队和西部队进行对抗。NBA全明星赛比赛时双方球员轮流上场,以充分展现当选的每个球员的球技,对胜负要求不大。因此,该项赛事开办以来,吸引了世界广大的球迷观赏。至2010年,共举办了59届全明星赛,其中东部队取胜35次。,历史之最,The most:ring ring the most:as coach Jackson has won 11 times since NBA championship(bulls six times,the lakers five times,more than Arnold auerbach,enjoy the record).As a player he won 2 titles,so beyond Russells 11 titles,with 13 championship become the history of the NBA championship ring the most.Most players:in 1957-1969 13 seasons,bill Russell,led the Boston celtics won 11 times NBA championship and he can thus be 11 MEDALS NBA championship ring,is the history of the NBA NBA championship rings to the most productive player.,冠军戒指之最:戒指最多的人:杰克逊作为教练至今已经获得11次NBA总冠军(公牛六次,湖人五次,超过阿诺德奥尔巴赫,独享此项纪录)。作为球员他赢得2次总冠军,因此超越拉塞尔的11个总冠军,以13个总冠军成为NBA历史上总冠军戒指最多的人。最多的球员:在1957年1969年的13个赛季里,比尔拉赛尔带领波士顿凯尔特人队获得11次NBA总冠军,他也因此获得11枚NBA冠军戒指,是NBA历史上获得NBA冠军戒指最多的球员。,历史之最,Overtime most:in 1951,on November 3,rochester royals,after six overtime,final with 75 than 73 victory over indiana team.3-point streak:single-game scoring record by personal 3-pointer the lakers kobe Bryant:array supersonic full-court hit 12 three points create NBA record.NBA season-high three points to a maximum of the Orlando magic king team games cast in 23 3-pointers.A single season in personal three-point shooting is highest is the bulls guard Steve.Cole,for 52.4%.He won in 1996 and 1997 NBA helped the crown and runners-up.,加时赛之最:1951年11月3日,罗切斯特皇家队,经过6个加时赛,最终以75比73战胜了印第安纳队。三分球纪录:单场比赛个人3分球纪录由湖人队的科比:阵超音速全场命中12个三分创造NBA记录。NBA单场三分最多由魔术队对国王队的比赛中,投进23个三分球。单个赛季中个人3分球命中率最高的是公牛队的后卫史蒂夫.科尔,为52.4。他获得1996年和1997年NBA远投赛的冠、亚军。,Figure highest and most short person:the history of the NBA players before the highest figure is the Washington bullets teams Manuel DE napatan(the Sudanese)and former wizards center auspicious lech Miao allison(Romania cadastral),is to 2.31 in 1990 meters,the most short stature is active players frattini muggsy bogues,only 1.60 meters.The history of the NBA scoring one game of the most:1983 on December 13,the Detroit pistons 186:184 victory over Denver nuggets team,gen NBA scoring the most single game.The history of the NBA championship teams:most times NBA60 years history,won the most times team is the Boston celtics have been 17 times champion.Secondly,for the lakers won 16 times champion.,身材最高和最矮者:NBA历史上身材最高的球员是前华盛顿子弹队的曼纽特博尔(苏丹籍)和前奇才队中锋吉莱赫缪里森(罗马尼亚籍),均为2.31米,身材最矮的则为现役球员蒂尼博格斯,仅有1.60米。NBA历史上单场比赛得分之最:1983年12月13日,底特律活塞队186:184战胜了丹佛金块队,创NBA单场比赛得分最。NBA历史上夺冠次数最多球队:NBA60年历史上,夺冠次数最多的球队是波士顿凯尔特人队,共获17次冠军。其次为湖人队,获16次冠军。,NBA player contract amount to record:Kevin garnett in NBA history to sign contract the highest amount of players.In 1996,he and the wolves to next seven years value 121 million dollar contract.The highest paid player in NBA:NBA player of the highest-paid is Michael Jordan.1996 annual,his salary is only$4 million,but his advertising revenue have 40 million dollars.According to Forbes magazine published the athletes of the world rankings,Jordan to the income 5260 million row in the NBA title.,NBA球员合同金额最高纪录:凯文加内特成为NBA历史上签约合同金额最高的球员。1996年,他与森林狼队下了7年价值1.21亿美元的合同。NBA收入最高的球员:NBA收入最高的球员是迈克尔乔丹。1996 年度,他的年薪虽只有400万美元,但他的广告等收入却有4000多万美元。据美国福布斯杂志公布的全世界运动员的收入排行榜,乔丹以 5260万美元排在NBA榜首。,NBA相关词汇,dunk:(强力)灌篮 bank shot:擦板球 double pump:拉杆式投篮fadeaway shot:后仰式跳投 hook shot:钩射投篮 jump shot:跳投 layup:带球上篮 perimeter shot:中距离投篮 set shot:立定投篮 threepoint shot:三分球,assist:助功 block shot:阻攻,盖火锅儿 defensive rebound:防守篮板球 field goal percentage:投球命中率 field goal:投球命中 free throw percentage:罚球命中率 free throw:罚球offensive rebound:进攻篮板球 rebound:篮板球 scoring:得分 steal:抄截 threepoint shot percentage:三分球命中率 turnover:失误,NBA相关词汇,(throw a)baseball pass:(快攻时)长传(shoot)an air ball:(投)篮外空心球,“面包“behindtheback dribble:背后(换手)运球 carrying the ball:“翻球”crossleg dribble:胯下运球 dribble:运球 driving to the hoop:带球上篮 fourpoint play:投进3分球后因被犯规再罚进一分 hacking:打手犯规,holding:拉手犯规 make the basket:投篮得分 make the hoop:投篮得分 monster dunk:狂猛灌篮 nothing but the net:空心球(入篮)palming:“翻球”reverse dunk:倒灌篮 reverse layup:反手走篮 shoot behind the arc:投三分球 score a basket:投篮得分 swish:空心球(入篮)tap in:托球入篮 threepoint play:投进2分球后因被犯规再罚进一分,迈克尔乔丹(Michael Jordan,1963年2月17日):美国NBA著名篮球运动员,被称为“空中飞人”。他在篮球职业生涯中创造了刷屏般无可枚举的纪录,是公认的全世界最棒的篮球运动员,也是NBA历史上第一位拥有“世纪运动员”称号的巨星。他将NBA推广至全球每个角落,成为好莱坞以外又一无可阻挡的美国文化,他为联盟带来的收入至少在100亿以上,也把耐克公司从一家小公司变成闻名世界的超级巨头。2010年3月19日,已经退役的迈克尔乔丹成功收购NBA夏洛特山猫队,成为山猫队的老板。,明星介绍,Michael Jordan(Michael jordans,1963,February 17-):NBA American famous basketball player,be called frequent flyers.He in the basketball career created brush screen as no enumeration record,is recognized as the worlds best basketball player in NBA history,but also the first have century athletes title stars.He will be the NBA is to promote global each corner,become a Hollywood outside another no block of American culture,he brought income for alliance at least 100 million above,also the Nike from a small company become world-famous super giant.2010 March 19,the retired Michael Jordan successfully acquired NBA charlotte bobcats,become the bobcats boss.,姚明,1980年9月12日生于上海,是中国篮球的标志和骄傲,现役中国国家篮球队队员,曾效力于上海大鲨鱼篮球俱乐部,现效力NBA的休斯顿火箭队。2009年,姚明全资拥有的上海泰戈鲨客投资管理有限公司与上海东方篮球俱乐部的股东就俱乐部股权转让事项达成一致,并正式签署俱乐部股权转让的“框架协议”,姚明成为上海东方篮球俱乐部老板。2010年5月4日再次入选国家队集训名单。,Yao Ming,September 12,1980,was born in Shanghai,is the Chinese basketball signs and pride,according to the Chinese national basketball team and has played in Shanghai sharks basketball club,presently the Houston rockets played in the NBA.2009,yao is a wholly owned Shanghai tangle shark guest investment management Co.,LTD.And Shanghai Oriental basketball club shareholders club equity transfer matters agreed,and formally signed club equity transfer frame agreement,yao become Shanghai Oriental basketball club boss.2010 May 4 again cap training list.,勒布朗詹姆斯(1984年12月30日),美国职业篮球运动员,司职小前锋,效力于NBA迈阿密热火队。2003年NBA选秀大会上,18岁的詹姆斯以选秀状元的身份被克里弗兰骑士队选中,在之后的7个赛季里一直效力于骑士队,并且打破了联盟一系列最年轻的纪录。2010年,身为自由球员的詹姆斯选择加盟迈阿密热火队,与同届好友德文韦德、克里斯波什并肩战斗。,Lebron James(December 1984 30-),the professional basketball player,the secretary small forward,played in the NBA Miami heat.2003 NBA draft on congress,18-year-old James to draft the Cleveland cavaliers identity is being selected,after seven seasons have been playing for the cavaliers,and broke the record for the most young league series.By 2010,as a free agent James choose to join the Miami heat,with annual buddy German dwyane wade,Chris bosh stand together,NBA,Thank you,