2023/7/7,1,姓名:陶李洋学号:2130709,2023/7/7,Hangzhou is located in the southeast coast of China,2023/7/7,Hangzhou is the capital of Zhejiang province and its political,economic and cultural center.With its famous natural beauty and cultural heritages,Hangzhou is one of Chinas most important tourist is paradise in heaven,there are Suzhou and Hangzhou on earth.,Hangzhou City,Bridge-tunnel(跨海大桥),West Lake,2023/7/7,杭州乐园(Hangzhou paradise),杭州宋城,钱江新城Qianjiang new city,2023/7/7,瑶琳仙境YaoLin wonderland,2023/7/7,钱塘江The qiantang river,萧山湘湖Xianghu lake,2023/7/7,灵隐寺Lingyin temple,岳王庙,飞来峰,2023/7/7,保俶塔Baochu pagoda,城隍阁mountain,九溪十八涧JiuXi 18 jian,2023/7/7,虎跑泉 the tiger spring,灵山,六和塔Six harmonies pagoda,2023/7/7,西泠印社,龙井村Longjing village,2023/7/7,千岛湖Thousand island lake,钱塘江大桥The qiantang river bridge,2023/7/7,Xixi wetland,2023/7/7,Scenic Spots,Lying on the west edge of Hangzhou city,West Lake is the symbol of Hangzhou as well as one of the most beautiful sights in China.West Lake has all along been praised as a sparkling pearl.,West Lake,2023/7/7,1.TheMoonReflectedinThreePools(三 潭映月),2.SpringDawnatSuCauseway 苏堤春晓,3.Viewing Fish at Flower Pond花港观鱼,4.Lotus in the Breeze at Crooked Courtyard曲院风荷),5.Mausoleum of General Yue Fei,6.Leifeng pagoda,2023/7/7,1.Lingyin Temple,2.Dream of the tiger spring,3.Melting Snow at Broken Bridge,4.Bai Causeway,5.Yellow Dragon cave dressed in green,2023/7/7,Mausoleum of General Yuefei(岳飞庙),Scenic Spots,Leifeng pagoda(雷峰塔),2023/7/7,Three Ponds Mirroring the Moon,2023/7/7,Leifeng Pagoda in the Sunset,2023/7/7,Then,let us to see the Lei feng Tower,2023/7/7,Canal in Hangzhou is listed the worlds most magnificent ancient work,which is a large number of Chinese working people and the use of natural and water experts,the great transformation of nature to create.,2023/7/7,Special Local Product,Hangzhou is well known for producing excellent silks,including satins(缎子).The best place for purchasing silk in Hangzhou is at Hangzhou Silk City,the biggest silk wholesale and retail market in China with more than 600 silk enterprises dealing in a wide variety of pure silk fabrics,garments,handicraft articles,scarves,and ties.,2023/7/7,Cultural,Tea Culture,China is the homeland of tea,hangzhou is the birthplace of tea culture.Tea has become the worlds most popular green drinks.The spiritual content of the tea culture is:enjoy the tea and the smell of tea.Besides its good quality,Longjing Tea also enjoys a famous long history,22,2023/7/7,Bai juyi,在杭州当官,2023/7/7,马云,Jack Ma,One of the top ten entrepreneurs in China,Who is he?,2023/7/7,West Lake Fish in Sweet Sour Source,Dongpo Pork,Quai Fa&lotus,Fried Shrimpswith Longjing Tea Leaves,Food,2023/7/7,Sung So fish soup,Fry Bean-curd,Ng Shan cake,Beggars Chicken,2023/7/7,Dongpo Pork,Hangzhous trademark dish.,2023/7/7,Are you hungry,2023/7/7,Thank you,