Minutes,Definition,Minute is a summarized or condensed record of what has taken place in a meeting.It is a written record to be kept for future reference.It may record review of the past activities,new decisions and polices,and provide the decision-making process.,1.Provide an authoritative source and permanent record of proceedings for future reference;2.Provide formal evidence of decisions,e.g.appointments,financial allocations,authorized actions;3.Give continuity to procedures,traditional activities;4.Provide a record of policy decisions made and the basis for them;5.Create an official record which can be used in legal proceedings;6.Provide a starting point for action to be taken in future;7.Inform members not present at the meeting and any others of the actions of the body concerned;8.Assist in planning the agendas for future meetings;9.Provide documentary evidence for audit purpose.,Functions,There are different styles of minutes,but they have the same key information.All should cover four basic things:Where and when the meeting took place;Who was there and who was not;What has been decided for the group;Who has agreed to do what.Therefore,most minutes can be divided into four parts:1.Heading 2.Body 3.Adjournment time 4.Signature of the minutes recorder,Structure,This part,which sometimes can be written even before the meeting,includes the following items:1)Meeting title(must be full title)2)The name of the group/organization holding the meeting;3)Time,date and place of the meeting;4)List of people attending5)List of absent members of the group;6)Quorum person7)The name of the presiding officer and minutes recorder(the latter also appears at the end of the minutes,with signature typed or printed name).,The heading,The body part falls clearly into three sections:Opening statement,that is,the background;Points in discussion;Conclusions,that is,resolutions or recommendation,The body,Opening statementThis part provides the background information about items to be discussed.It can show who was responsible for putting the item before the meeting,what were the reasons for the previous history of the matter.“The president noted a letter dated.from.stating that.”“The president noted the following information concerning.”Begin with approval of minutes of the lasting minutes:“Minutes of the last meeting were approved as an accurate record.”Begin with call to order:“The Chairman called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.”,Points in discussionThis section contains the reasons advanced in the decision.It will usually proceed“The following points were raised in discussion”,and will then set out,in separate paragraphs or in point form,a concise summary of the various points made before the conclusion was reached.It is normally describe that this part of the minutes should be impersonal,that is,it should not attribute views to persons.Conclusions,A minute ends with clear and precise conclusions.The chairperson will sometimes have summed up the discussion and indicated the conclusion reached.But,if they have not done so,it is the duty for the secretary to draft a set of conclusions which express fairly the sense of the meeting.,Where action is required,the conclusion places the responsibility firmly upon an individual or the organization to carry it out.If several committee members are concerned they should all be named,care should be taken to indicate who has the main responsibility.To take them stand out as clearly as possible,the conclusions are divided into their constitute parts,putting each into a separate provision,E.g.It was resolved.that Dr Wang be requested to draft a revised statement on.that the Vice-Chancellor be invited to discuss the matter at the next meeting of.The conclusions are normally set out at the end of the minute.If,however,the minute falls naturally into a number of different sections,the conclusions can be interspersed in the record of the discussion instead of being brought together at the end of the minute.In that event,each separate section should end with the relevant conclusion,inset in the text.,The last paragraph(maybe a sentence)contains the hour of adjournment:“The chairman thanks all participants for their presence and concludes the meeting at 5:30 p.m.”“There being no other business,the meeting was adjourned at 1:20 p.m.”The minutes are closed with the signature and title of the Secretary.(respectful submitted),Adjournment of meeting,Signature,Minutes of the monthly meeting of the Labor Grievances Committee The Slate and Johnson Luggage CompanyEmployees canteen,September 23,2003 Presiding:Mr.Falk,PresidentPresent:Mr.Baum Ms.Dulugatz Mr.Fenster Ms.Liu Ms.SunAbsent:Ms.Penn1.Call to order The chairman called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.2.Discussion As the first item on the agenda,the minutes of the previous meeting(August 21)was read by the Secretary Ms.Liu.Then Mr.Falk corrected a mistake made in the minutes that it was Ms.Dulugatz,not Ms.Penn to conduct a study of the employee washroom in the warehouse.The correction was approved by all present.Mr.Fenster summarized the results of a survey of office employees.He was going to write a report on this and present it to the Board of Directors.3.Any other businessThe next meeting will be held at the same time and place on October 22,2003.The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.(signature)Ms.Liu,Secretary,Format1)In the heading,every title usually appears in bold letters and capitalization2)Between the heading and body,there is at least one black line3)In the body part,you have three choices,but only one in one minute“Setup of a Discussion Group”“SETUP OF A DISCUSSION GROUP”“Setup of a discussion group”All of them need to bold letters,one thing or one persons say for one paragraph4)At least 2-4 black lines between the signature and last part,Tips for good minutes writing BrevityA minute should be selective.The points made in the minute should be recorded as briefly as possible.Self-contained Its able to be understood without reference to other documents.Decisive This is especially important for the conclusions.CorrectMinutes should be written in the past tense,for example:“The Safety Officer confirmed that he has written to member of staff concerned and has not received a reply”should be changed into“The Safety Officer confirmed that he had written to the member of staff concerned and had not received a reply”.Minutes also should be written in the third person.For example,write“It should be ensured that the appropriate staff attend the training course”instead of“We should ensure that the appropriate staff attend the training course”.,Attention1.Record what the speakers say,main points of the discussion2.Use third person and past simple3.Dont use“s”as far as possible4.The minute must be finished in time after the meeting5.When you draft you can use abbreviations and telescoped sentence,the content words provide the factual details in the sentence,Thank you!,