根据下面提示写一份英文备忘录:1.基本情况:在今天早上的会议中,董事会已经同意再建娱乐中心,并表示非常乐意给员工们提供健身器材,让员工锻炼身体。明天开始动工,50天内完工。每个部门都会派一个代表向员工们收集关于活动和设备的建议。2.备忘录书写人:总经理办公室Norman Kennedy3.备忘录递送对象:公司全体员工4.备忘录写于:2018年4月23日,Sample-Format:the indentedMemoTo:All staffFrom:Norman Kennedy,General Manager OfficeDate:April 23,2006Subject:Construction of Recreation Center The board of directors has approved the idea for a new Recreation Center at its meeting this morning.We are very happy to provide facilities that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees.The construction of the Recreation Center will begin tomorrow and shall be completed within 50 days.Each department will appoint an employee representative to collect your suggestions about activities and equipment for the Recreation Center.,Memo(title)(heading)To:All staffFrom:Norman Kennedy,General Manager OfficeDate:April 23,2006Subject:Construction of Recreation Center,Opening segment,(context)The board of directors has approved the idea for a new Recreation Center at its meeting this morning.(purpose)We are very happy to provide facilities that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees.,Body segment,The construction of the Recreation Center will begin tomorrow and shall be completed within 50 days.(body)Each department will appoint an employee representative to collect your suggestions about activities and equipment for the Recreation Center.(closing),The board of directors has(1)approved the idea for a new Recreation Center at its meeting this morning.We are(2)very happy to provide facilities that will contribute to the physical fitness of all our employees.The construction of the Recreation Center will(3)begin tomorrow and shall be completed within 50 days.Each department will appoint an employee representative to(4)collect your suggestions about activities and equipment for the Recreation Center.,Writing Principles,pleteness:heading,opening,body,closing;all information points2.clarity:Each department will appoint an employee representative to.3.concreteness:will begin tomorrow and shall be completed within 50 days.4.correctness:no gramma,spelling or other errors.5.conciseness:The board of directors has approved the idea for a new Recreation Center at its meeting this morning.,