Unit 4,In-house Correspondence Lesson 16 Memos,General Introduction,Memo writing usually occurs between colleagues-internal company writing.It is an informal writing compared with business letters.The writing style of a memo is:Conciseness、Courtesy、Clarity&Concreteness,Purpose,Memos have a twofold purpose:they bring attention to problems and they solve problems.They accomplish their goals by informing the reader about new information like policy changes,price increases,or by persuading the reader to take an action,such as attend a meeting,or change a current production procedure.Regardless of the specific goal,memos are most effective when they connect the purpose of the writer with the interests and needs of the reader.,Choose the audience of the memo wisely.Ensure that all of the people that the memo is addressed to need to read the memo.If it is an issue involving only one person,do not send the memo to the entire office.Also,be certain that material is not too sensitive to put in a memo;sometimes the best forms of communication are face-to-face interaction or a phone call.Memos are most effectively used when sent to a small to moderate amount of people to communicate company or job objectives.,Memo Format 1,Company NameCompany AddressDate of Memo To:From:Subject:Recipient of Memo Writer of Memo Writers Initials*Title of Memo in Initial Capitals,Memo Format 2,The heading segment follows this general format:TO:(readers names and job titles)FROM:(your name and job title)DATE:(complete and current date or time)SUBJECT:(what the memo is about,highlighted in some way),Context,The context is the event,circumstance,or background of the problem you are solving.You may use a paragraph or a few sentences to establish the background and state the problem.Oftentimes it is sufficient to use the opening of a sentence to completely explain the context,such as,Through market research and analysis.Include only what your reader needs,but be sure it is clear.,Necessary Attachments,Make sure you document your findings or provide detailed information whenever necessary.You can do this by attaching lists,graphs,tables, the end of your memo.Be sure to refer to your attachments in your memo and add a notation about what is attached below your closing,like this:Attached:Focus Group Results,January-May 2007,Sample 1,To:Andy Andler,Benita Buchanan,Charles Chavez CC:Darcy Danko From:Heady the Head Honcho Date:June 1,2006 Re:Need for New Memo Format,Ive noticed that we dont seem to be able to communicate important changes,requirements and progress reports throughout the company as effectively as we should.I propose developing one consistent memo format,recognizable by all staff as the official means of communicating company directives.While I know this seems like a simple solution,I believe it will cut down on needless e-mail,improve universal communication and allow the staff to save necessary information for later referral.Please talk among yourselves to determine the proper points of memo writing and return the input to me by 12 noon.I will then send out a notice to the entire staff regarding the new memo format.Thank you for your prompt attention to this.,Sample 2,To:All Staff From:Heady the Head Honcho Date:June 1,2006 Re:New Memo Format Effective June 1 In order to make interoffice communications easier,please adhere to the following guidelines for writing effective memos:Clearly state the purpose of the memo in the subject line and in the first paragraph.,The body of the memo might include two-four paragraphs outlining the purpose of the memo.If this is a longer memo,each paragraph will have a subhead to help guide the reader through the document.Finally,the writer includes a summary paragraph,which features bullets highlighting the main points of each previous paragraph,and concludes the memo with a stated action required by the reader or writer.A quick note about the use of memo vs.memorandum:it doesnt really matter.It falls in line with the style selected by the writer.,Keep language professional,simple and polite.Use short sentences.Use bullets if a lot of information is conveyed.Proofread before sending.Address the memo to the person(s)who will take action on the subject,and CC those who need to know about the action.Attach additional information:dont place it in the body of the memo if possible.Please put this format into practice immediately.We appreciate your assistance in developing clear communications.If you have any questions,please dont hesitate to call me.Thank you.,Situation Writing One,PointsSome resumes you send Henry Smith,Sales Manager.Ask him to choose out whom they want to interview.You will arrange interviews for him.Write a memo about 30-40 words on your Answer Sheet.,TO:Henry Smith,Sales ManagerFROM:Jack Wong,Personnel ManagerDATE:May 4,2006SUBJECT:Applicants for Sales Post,Attached are the resumes and certificates of four applicants who have applied for your department position.Please evaluate these applicants and then recommend people you want to interview to me.As soon as I have the names,I will make arrangement for the interviews.J.W.,Situation Writing Two,PointsYou are Nancy.Mr.Paul is one of your important customers.He will come to your city.He made a phone call to your company when your Manager Ted Feng was out.Pauls flight JL608.Meeting your Manager Ted Feng at 5:00 at the airport.Driving him to Holiday Inn.Write a memo to your manager in about 30-40 words.,To:Ted Feng Date:Oct.1stFrom:Nancy Time:14:42Topic:Delay of arrivalPaul called for you,just when you out.He will arrive at 5:00 pm today on flight No.JL608.You are requested to meet him at the airport and drive him to Holiday Inn.Nancy,Contents,返回,Section 1 Getting Started,SEC 2,SEC 3,SEC 4,SEC 5,返回,SEC 1,1 If you want to remind someone to do something,what would you do?,SEC 6,2 Do you know what a memo is?What is it used for?,Section 2 Sample Study,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,Sample 1,Arrowhead East Conference CenterINTEROFFICE MEMOTO:Jan Turner,Meeting PlannerFROM:Mark Wilson,Catering ManagerDATE:February 3,2005SUBJECT:Catering for CellFirst lunch I have attached three menu choices for the March 16 lunch for the CellFirst group.,SEC 2,Translate,我已于2月1日联络过客户请他们在自助餐和传统午餐中选择一个。,I asked the client on February 1 if they would prefer a buffet lunch or served lunch.,我尚未收到他们的答复。,They havent gotten back to me.,对某事物采取进一步行动,Could you follow up?,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 1,Arrowhead East 会议中心公司内部备忘录致:简特纳,会议策划人由:马克威尔森,参议部经理日期:2005年2月3日主题:CellFirst就餐安排 附录上有我为CellFirst集团安排的3月16日的三种午餐菜单。我已于2月1日与客户们联系过请他们在自助餐和传统午餐中选择一个。但尚未收到答复。请你做进一步咨询。,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Translate,SEC 5,SEC 2,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 2(1),TO:Remigo Ruiz FROM:Becky PharrDATE:April 1,2004SUBJECT:Request for cost information concerning meeting As we discussed in my office today,please get the necessary cost information for conducting our annual sales meeting at the Timber Creek Lodge,Timber Creek Village,Colorado.Our meeting will begin on the morning of Monday,June 5.We should arrive on the 4th.,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,6月9日早上开个简短的会议之后我们就离开。,We will leave after a brief morning session on June 9.,安排,计划,arrange to,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 2(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,Specifically,I want the following information:Travel costs for all 43 participants,including air travel to Denver and ground travel between the airport and the lodge.I have listed the names and home stations of the 43 participants on the attached sheet.Room and board costs for the five-day period,including cost with and without dinner at the lodge.As you know,we are considering the possibility of allowing participants to purchase dinners at nearby restaurants.,Section 2 Sample Study,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,Translate,SEC 2,Costs for recreational facilities at the lodge.Costs for meeting rooms and meeting equipment(projectors,lecterns,and such).We will need a room large enough to accommodate our 43 participants.Id like to have the information by April 15.If you need additional information,please contact me at 3715 or.,Section 2 Sample Study,Sample 2,致:莱米格瑞兹 由:贝克伊法尔日期:2004年4月1日主题:咨询会议费用根据我们今天在我办公室进行的谈话,请弄清楚在科罗拉多州的Timber Creek 村的Timber Creek山庄举办我们公司的年度销售会议的费用情况。我们的会议预定在6月5日(星期一)上午开始。我们将在6月4日抵达,于6月9日早上开完简短的会议之后离开。具体地说,我需要了解以下信息:与会43名人员的旅行费用,包括去丹佛的机 票和机场与会议地点之间的交通费。我已经附 上43名与会人员的名单和他们各自的出发站。,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,Translate,SEC 5,五天会议的食宿费,需要含晚餐和不含晚餐两种 报价。如你所知,我们正在考虑请与会者在会场 附近的餐馆自行解决晚餐。会场内各项娱乐设施的费用。租用会议室和会议使用的各种设备(投影仪,演 讲桌等)所需的费用。我们需要一间足够容纳43 人的会议室。请在4月15日之前提供以上项目的报价,如果你需要任何进一步的信息,请拨打3715房间或者发邮件到。,SEC 2,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Template,MemorandumTo:recipients names,job titlesFrom:writers names,job titles Date:complete and current dateSubject:description of what the memo is regardingOpening:state the background of the problem and purpose of the memoFocus:explain the steps you have taken or methods and sources you have used to solve the problemClosing:request your reader to take an action to solve the problem.Some people use conclusion at the end of the memo to summarize or give suggestions and recommendations or if you wish to make a request to the reader.,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 1(1),Complete the following chart according to the information given in the samples.,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,Becky Pharr,_,Mark Wilson,Catering Manager Becky Pharr,_,April 1,2004,_,Request for cost information concerning meeting,_,Jan Turner,Meeting Planner,_,February 3,2005,_,Catering for CellFirst lunch Request for cost information concerning meeting,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 1(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,Could you follow up?Id like to.,_,get the necessary cost information for conducting our annual sales meeting,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 2(1),Read the following sentences and write O if the sentence is for opening,F for focus,or C for closing.,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,1.We are holding our annual meeting and I would like to get information about your facilities.2.I look forward to your phone call.3.We now need chairs and tables for 35 attendees.4.I would like to confirm the information that we discussed on the phone today.5.This schedule is effective as of August 25.,F,_,C,_,O,_,O,_,F,_,Section 3 Composing your Messages,Practice 2(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,6.In addition to the meeting rooms,we will reserve five guest rooms.7.I await your confirmation.8.Can you arrange it?Thanks.9.We will need a buffet lunch for Monday,Tuesday,and Wednesday.10.Im sending you confirmation today of the details that we discussed.,F,_,C,_,O,_,F,_,C,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 3(1),Choose the words that best complete the sentences.,SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,1.We expect payment May 30.(by/within)2.The check should be there the week.(on/within)3.Please contact me the end of the week to discuss this matter.(by/on)4.We would appreciate receiving the items as soon as possible,but April 15.(no later than/on)5.Please complete the catering request form and send it to us June 3.(before/within),by,_,within,_,within,_,no later than,_,before,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 3(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,6.I will be leaving for a business trip March 3,so I would like to receive the materials before I leave.(on/after)7.We would like the table and bookcase delivered August 20.(no later than/within)8.Two of our five European offices are closing June 1.(on/no later than)9.Please send the new office directory and make sure it will arrive the end of the year.(before/after).10.Would you please send me a copy of your catalogue two weeks?(within/before),on,_,within,_,no later than,_,before,_,on,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4(1),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,Rewrite these sentences by using the expressions with“as”.,SEC 2,1.I mentioned over the telephone this morning that Intex chip sets were out of stock.,As I mentioned over the telephone this morning,Intex chip sets are out of stock.,_,2.In our telephone conversation last week,I told you that all items on your purchase order are no longer in production.,As I told you in our telephone conversation last week,all items on your purchase order are no longer in production.,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,3.I told you in my office on Monday that we are unable to fill your order at this time.,As I told you in my office on Monday,we are unable to fill your order at this time.,_,4.During the meeting we agreed to send a deposit of half the amount and pay the balance when goods are delivered.,As we agreed at the meeting,we will send a deposit of half the amount and pay the balance when goods are delivered.,_,5.Last time we paid by credit when we placed the order.,As we did last time,we will pay by credit when we place the order.,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4(3),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,6.You requested that we should provide a microphone and speakers in the meeting room.,As you requested,we will provide a microphone and speakers in the meeting room.,_,7.You said on the telephone that you would give me an interview on Friday morning.,As you said on the telephone,you will give me an interview on Friday morning.,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 4(4),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,8.He predicted there was a shocked silence.,There was a shocked silence as he predicted.,_,9.I said that this research has just started.,As I said earlier,this research has just started.,_,10.We expected the new products to sell well.,As we expected,the new products sell well.,_,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 5(1),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,Read the following memo and write appropriate section headings.,SEC 2,MEMORANDUMTo:Wayland Anderson,Joe Harkins,Dick HarperFrom:Clark Duffy,Assistant DirectorDate:April 22,2007Subject:Reservoir Management Implementation MeetingA meeting of our work groups is scheduled for 10:00 a.m.on Friday,April 27,in the State Conservation Commission Conference Room.The Bureau of Reclamation,including Dan Sheer,will also be present.The purpose of the meeting,preliminary assignments,and post-meeting activities are outlined below.,Section 4 Writing Your Message,Practice 5(2),SEC 3,SEC 4,返回,SEC 1,SEC 6,SEC 5,SEC 2,We will identify and discuss the specific tasks necessary to implement the Large Reservoir Management Section of the plan.We will also make assignments to organizations and individuals for the completion of the various tasks.I am asking each of you to submit the following to me by Wednesday,April 24:Comments on the attached summary of the tasks for each of the projects five work groups.One-page proposal,to be included with the attached summary,which outlines in detail how each task,will be accomplished and who is responsible for its completion.,