,MAYAN CIVILIZATION,玛雅文明,Present by:Della AnnBlinda Susan,玛雅文明,Present by:Della AnnBlinda Susan,MAYAN CIVILIZATION,插入文字插入文字插入文字插入文字插入文字插入文字插入文字,ORIGIN,玛雅起源,origin,玛雅起源,origin,玛雅起源,Brief IntroductionGeographical Extent,MATH,玛雅数学,Math,玛雅数学,CHARACTER,玛雅文字,啊,character,玛雅文字,啊,Mayan glyphs First appeared Ca.the Christian era 800 hieroglyphs translated Mainly represent days,months,numbers,directions,colors and deities.Most of them recorded on stone tablet石碑,plank木板,pottery and books。,character,玛雅文字,啊,A set of syllabic glyphs,each chracter contains four syllabaries.somewhat similar in function to modern Japanese writing.,RELIGION,玛雅宗教,啊,religion,玛雅宗教,啊,Religion interwinds culture life.The capital of a city-state is also the center of religions.Mayan have great faith in religion.They worship helios,rain god,god of death,god of grain,Mars,god of corn etc.太阳神、雨神、五谷神、死神、战神、玉米神等。,CALENDAR,玛雅历法,啊,calendar,玛雅历法,啊,Complex calendar system the Tzolkin卓金历 260 days a cycle?太阴历 6 months a cycle the lunar calendar 阴月历 29 or 30 days a cycle the solar calendar 太阳历 365 days a cycle,calendar,玛雅历法,啊,Amazing!地球年 Now 365.2422 days,Mayan 365.2420 days。金星年 The time that Venus turn a round at the sun.Now 584 days Mayan 583.92 days,calendar,玛雅历法,啊,?Primary lifeButAccurate math,astronomy,calendarMystery,MYSTERY RELIC,玛雅神秘文物,Mystery relic,玛雅神秘文物,Mystery relic,玛雅神秘文物,