Jack Welch,No.11No.13,Jack Welch,Jack Welch,the former CEO and chairman of GE,was born on November 19,1935 in Salem,Massachusetts.In 1960,he joined GE.In April1981,Jack Welch became the youngest chairman and CEO of GE.,General Electric Company(GE),General electric(GE)is one of the largest diversified service company in the world,from aircraft engines,power generation equipment to,financial services,from medical imaging,television to plastic.GE set subsidiaries in 100 countries,with about 300,000 employees around the world.,In 1908,GE established the first light factory in Shenyang.,born in Massachusetts Salem,Growth experience,Restructure GE,Management Ideas,Six Sigma quality project Three steps to make strategies 5 slides examinationVitality CurveBoundaryless,Change managementCrisis management“4E”and“1P”project,Six Sigma quality project 六西格玛质量计划,Six Sigma:A project to improve the quality of the product and customer satisfication,Analyze,The Process of Six Sigma,Measure,Improve,Control,Measure where the error is.,Analyze what causes the error.,Confirm the key variable,then adjust and monitor it to eliminate the error.,Control the key variable in the acceptable scope.,全球化,服务,六西格玛,电子商务,GE战略运动,Make a long-term plan of your business.5 slides examination(五张幻灯片检测法)Put the right people in right position to implement this plan.Vitality Curve(活力曲线)Continuous exploration is the best way to realize the final plan.Boundaryless(无边界行动),Three steps to make strategies 制订战略的三个步骤,If the direction of the stragy is right,and it also has a certain development space,the strategy does not need to often change.,5 slides examination(五张幻灯片检测法),Slide 1:What is todays arena(竞技场)like?Slide 2:How is the competitive situation recently?Slide 3:How is your recent development?Slide 4:What are the latent variables(潜在变量)?Slide 5:What chance do you have to ensure the success?It helps to find an effective and practical method to develop and compete sustainably.,the best 20,middle 70,the worst 10,区别考评制度,clear performance measure system,Material and spiritual rewards Retain(留住)the star employees.Make them maintain a leading position.,Keep their initiative and enthusiasm Improve the overall level of the organization.Investigate(考察)Find and cultivate potential good employees.,leave Weed out(剔除)inefficient part.,业务:分类分配投资员工:分类区别对待,Vitality Curve(活力曲线)区别考评制度,The main ideas of boundaryless:Domestic and foreign business have no difference;Remove all the obstacles between the various functional departments(职能部门).Engineering,production,marketing and other departments can circulate freely;Let vendors(供应商)and users be in a single part;Avoid racial and gender discrimination;The benefits of the team is more important than that of the individual.,Boundaryless(无边界管理),Changeto win in the business,4 RULES,1,2,3,4,Set a clear goal before you start the change.Let more people understand the necessity of the change.,Recruit and promote loyal followers and those who adapt to the change.,Remove the rebels(反叛者),even if they have good performance,Be good at grabbing all the opportunities,Crisis Management hypothesis methodology 假设方法,The problem is worse than you think it is,After the crisis,everything will be better,Eventually everybody will know all the truth of the matter,Things will change when handling the crisis,The process will be described in the most hostile(敌对的)words,5 factors,危机总会出现,危机总会清除,明天总会更加美好,Recruitment 招聘“4E(和1P)”选人标准,激励别人的能力(Energize),4E,活力(Energy),决断力(Edge),执行力(Execute),Desire for actions,be good at communication,get used to change,love life.,Have excellent persuasion skills,create good atmosphere.,Analyze problems from every angle,make decisions resolutely.,Put into practice,get rid of resistance,improve continuously.,1P,激情(Passion),Have a strong sense of excitement,care about other people,keep interested in surroundings,招聘高层人士强调的四种特征,坚韧的弹性,挫折过后能迅速恢复,Enterprise is a fundamental strategy,strategy is the essence of culture.Health up company culture is an enterprise invincible dynamic.企业根本是战略,战略本质是文化。健康向上的企业文化是一个企业战无不胜的动力之源。Puttherightpeopleintherightjobs.Respect the competent employees,and fuck off incapable staff.Come up with a few key ideas.Push,push,push them through the company until they become realities.Just keep an eye on the flagship of the industry(龙头老大).,经典语录,Everything begins with confidence.Each of us are ordinary people in our daily life,but we can have an extraordinary heart,extraordingary ideas and extraordinary goals.Less thinking and swift action(迅速行动)can make success!Maybe this way can not make us succeed,but we can learn some knowledge in this way.,Summary,杰克韦尔奇自传(Jack:StraightfromtheGut),赢(Winning),