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    if 引导的条件状语从句.ppt

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    if 引导的条件状语从句.ppt

    Unit 5 If you go to the party,youll have a great time.,Where there is a will(dream),there is a way.,教学理念 学会用if 引导的条件状语从句表示某件事情的先决条件、做出某种决定的前提和依据、取得某种结果和成就的必备要素等。通过学习本单元内容进一步培养学生通过现状分析从而预知事情结果的能力;做事的决策能力和对社会事务的参与意识;社会生活的规则意识。,一、教材分析:本单元的重点是“谈论因果关系”,围绕参加学校晚会为话题,学习if引导的条件状语从句,并运用所学知识对将来的事情进行假设,谈论人们做事可能出现的后果,并提出合理的建议,通过师生对话,复习一般将来时的用法,及be going to结构,让学生明确“现在进行时”“一般现在时”都能表示将来。同时还要继续学习情态动词should的用法。本节课主要是学习if 引导的条件状语从句。以观察图片,听力理解,俩俩对话,完形填空,阅读理解,小组活动等训练方式完成目标语言的输入教学(input),重在培养学生的综合语言运用能力,合作精神,创新意识和实践能力。,二、教学目标:1 知识目标:正确运用if 引导的条件状语从句2 能力目标:能用if 引导的条件状语从句作出假设,用will谈论结果。3 情感目标:本课时围绕party展开话题,贴近学生生活,符合他们热爱休闲的心理,可以提高他们学习英语的兴趣,积极参与英语实践活动。教学策略和方法:通过pair work和groupwork,鼓励学生对if引出的结果进行推测。三、教学重点、难点:(1)重点句型:I think Im going to go to the party with Karen and Ann.If you do,youll have a great time.(2)正确使用if 引导的条件状语从句,教学设计一If I do,They will do 你在家、在学校有什么必须遵守的规则?如果你不遵守的话,会有什么后果?和你的同学交流。要求:1.表演对话,把对话的内容写出来。2.把你的信息和同学的信息列举出来、进行比较。,教学设计一If I do,They will do*1.表演对话,把对话的内容写出来。所需语言结构:A:I cant get home late.What will happen if you do that?B:If I return late,mum will ask me a lot of troublesome questions.And I have to finish homework by 9:00.What about you?A:So do I.If I cant finish it well,I cant surf the Internet on weekends.What about your school rules?Can you wear sunglasses in class?B:Of course not.If I do,I think my teachers will let me out.,教学设计一If I do,They will do*2.把你的信息和同学的信息列举出来、进行比较。所需语言结构:I have to get home early after school.If I return late,mum will ask me a lot of troublesome questions.At home Wang Tao has to do homework every day.If he plays a lot of computer games and cant finish homework,his parents will be very angry.I cant bring food to school,if I do,the teacher will criticize me.My friend Li Chen is in another school.She has to wear a uniform in school days.If she doesnt do this,her teacher wont let her in.,教学设计二 How Will the Dreams Come True?你有什么心愿或者理想?应该具备什么条件、应该设法避免什么情况,才能保证你的心愿早日实现?要求:写出你的心愿,并且写出自己和周围的人认识到的实现愿望的必备条件。,教学设计二 How Will the Dreams Come True?所需语言结构:I want to be a teacher.I think if I study hard,read a lot of books and know much about kids,my dream will come true.I want to have a lot of money.If I always work hard,stay healthy and have many helpful friends,I am sure it will come true.,教学设计三 If the Dreams Come True 你有什么心愿或者理想?如果你的心愿能够实现,你又会做些什么?和同学交流、听听他们的建议和他们的计划。要求:写出报告,介绍、比较自己和另一位同学的情况。,教学设计三 If the Dreams Come True所需语言结构:Ill have a great birthday party this year.If I do,I will invite all my friends,we will have a rich buffet at home.Mum and I will make salad and cook traditional Chinese food.I will have a unforgettable birthday.Maybe Ill become a painter.If I become a painter,I will travel a lot and paint the lovely world.I will be able to work outside.I will be happy and healthy.,Section A 重点:if引导的条件状语从句的基本结构。难点:条件状语从句的主、从句中的时态。教学突破先通过大量口头练习,让学生对该句型有一定的了解后再进行语法讲解。语法讲解时,先从将来时入手,举出两个将来时的句子,再由if来连接,注意提醒学生时态的变化。协作学习 1引导学生操练1c,2c才中对话。2要求学生之间就3a的内容进行3b的对话练习。3帮助学生进行4的小组练习。Section B 重点:if引导的条件状语从句的使用。难点:学习利用条件状语从句分析事情的因果关系。教学突破通过Michael是否加入Lions,以及加入与否给他带来的影响进行分析,让学生充分展开思维的翅膀,阐述他们的理由,并由此过渡到谈论他们感兴趣的活动,例如玩电脑游戏,的利弊分析上去,充分引发争论,让学生完全掌握if引导的状语从句的用法。协作学习 1引导学生操练2c才中对话。2引导学生进行3b、3c中的口头和书面练习,强化基本句型的使用。Review of units 1-5重点:1 各单元的单词综合复习。2 对将来的事情进行描述。3 过去进行时的用法。4 间接引语的用法。5 情态动词should的用法。,导入:Step 1 Warming up and Leading in1.Enjoy an English song:If you are happy2Ask some questions.If you are happy,what will you do?If I am happy,I will smile.If you are sad,what will you do?If I am sad,I will cry.What will happen if you do too much work?If I do too much work,I will get tired.Purposes for the designs在轻松的英语歌曲中进入课堂,让学生进入愉快的身心准备状态,同时为引出新课作好铺垫。,1.快速完成1a.1b后,用pairwork的形成巩固目标语言。2.利用学生早晨迟到的现象所导致的不愉快的后果进行连锁对话d导出开Party 使他开心,(同时巩固if引导条件状语从句)什么时间开Party好呢?让我们一起听录音.3.学生听,并完成2a和 2b,然后对听力进行对话操练。4.小组讨论如果你赢得500万元,你会干什么?(继续操练if条件句并编成短文达到运用自如地目的)引导学生别总想自己,要回报社会,对学生进行德育渗透.通过游戏让学生用if条件句造句.让学生敢于迎接挑战!小结:重点短语重点句型作业:什么时间举办我们自己的班会好?,第一课时教学情景导入 1.Show a flashcard.In the first picture theres a clock,it shows 8o.A boy is getting up.In the second picture students are having class,the boy is standing outside the classroom.And there are two phrases under the pictures-get up late,be late for school.2.Talk about the pictures.Ask what the boy doing in the first picture,and what happens to the boy in the second picture.3.Guide them to say:If you get up late,youll be late for school.第二课时教学情景导入 Show a short movie about a school party.Ask Ss:If our school has a party,what rules should we obey?Ask them to make rules for the party in pairs.Then tell them this class we will learn some rules about the school party.第三课时教学情景导入 1.Check the homework.Share their posters in their groups.2.Play a recording of Page 37,2a and 2b to the class.Ask them to talk about“If I become a professional soccer player,Ill.”3.Ask volunteers to share their ideas to the class.,1.辨析:wear,put on,have on与dress2.辨析:be going to,will与shall3.辨析:half,all与none4.拓展(1)call sb.s name喊某人的名字 The boy calls his brothers name.那个小男孩喊他哥哥的名字。(2)call on sb.拜访某人(拜访的对象是“人”)I called on him yesterday.昨天我去拜访了他。(3)call at sp 拜访(拜访的对象是“地点”)They called at her house last week.他们上星期去她家拜访。5.辨析:a lot,a lot of与lots of6.拓展由make构成的词组:make paper 造纸make a road 筑路 make noises 发出噪音 make up ones mind 下决心 make friends 交朋友make tea 沏茶make a fire 生火 make a living 谋生7.辨析:join,join in与take part in8.辨析:maybe与may be9.辨析:also,too与either10.辨析:sometimes,sometime,some time与some times11.辨析:too much与too many12.辨析:laugh与smile,Present the Target Language1).导入:T:Today Im very happy.If Im happy,I will smile.So if you are happy,what will you do?(Ss:I will laugh./sing./dance.)T:But if you are sad,what will you do?(Ss:I will cry./eat much food./I listen to the music.)T:Now lets read together.(Show 2 sentences in the screen and Ss read after the teacher.)2).show picture 1:T:Whats it?(Ss:Money.)Yes,its a lot of money.If you have a lot of money,what will you do?(Ss:I will buy many things./go shopping./buy some gifts for my parents),1,2,T:What is he doing?Ss:eating.T:Is he eating too much or little?Ss:much.T:What does the man look like?Ss:heavy.T:So what can we say about the pictures?Ss:If he eats too much,he will be heavy.4):show picture 3:T:What is the boy doing?Ss:sleeping.T:but now its nearly 8 a.m.So is he sleeping late or early?Ss:late.T:What about the other students?What are they doing?Ss:having a class.T:so what will happen to the boy?Ss:he will be late for school.T:so what we can say?Ss:if he sleeps late,he will be late for school.4)Summarize the rules for first conditional:(show 4 conditional sentences in the screen.)1.If I am happy,I will sing.2.If I have a lot of money,Ill buy a big house.3.If he has a lot of money,hell buy a big house4.If he sleeps late,he will be late for school.,3,4,Pairwork(1c),2a.Listen and number.,2b.Listen and answer.,听力,3a.Read the notice.Fill in the blanks.,3b.Pairwork,Exercises,If you join the Lions,If you become a Lion,_And if you work really hard,_If you become a professional soccer player,_5.But if I dont do this now,_,a.youll be famous.b.Ill never do it.c.youll become a great soccer player.d.youll never go to college.e.youll travel around the world.,b,d,a,e,c,LiuXiang is a professional athlete.,导入Section B 3a,If I become an athlete,will I be happy?For many young people,becoming a professional athlete might seem like a dream job.If you become a professional athlete,youll be able to make a living doing something you love.If you become famous,people all over the world will know you.Many athletes give money to schools and charities,and do a lot of work to help people.This is a great chance that many people do not have.However,professional athletes can also have many problems.If you are famous,people will watch you all the time and follow you everywhere.This can make life difficult.If you play sports for a living,your job will sometimes be very dangerous.Many professional athletes get injured.And if you become rich,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are.In fact,many famous people complain that they are not happy.They say they were happier before they became rich and famous.,谋生,慈善事业,机会,总是,受伤,do something you love,become famous,people all over the world will know you,help others,give money to schools and charities,people will watch you all the time,very dangerous,you will have a difficult time knowing who your real friends are,Read the article and complete the chart.,S2:If I go to the movies,I wont finish my homework.,S1:I think Im going to go to the movies tonight.,S3:If I dont finish my homework S4:,GROUPWORK,Complete the letter.,Dear Mr Brown,I have decided that I(will/wont)_ join the Lions.If I join the team,_ Sincerely,_,1.I forgot your address.I cant _how to get to your house.2.If I dont clean my room,my mother wont _me meet my friends.3.The teacher _my mobile phone because I used it in class.4.Im going to _time with my grandparents this vacation.5.Can you _the games for the class party?.,SELFCHECK,remember,let,take away,spend,organize,If 引导条状语从句时,从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。,If he _(go)to the movies,he wont finish his work.,goes,If I _(become)a doctor,I can help others.,become,If we _(have)time,we will go to the park tomorrow.,have,如果你去,我也去。,If you go,I will go.,如果明天下雨,请带雨衣。,Please take a raincoat if it rains.,易错点,1.If it _ tomorrow well go to the park.A.will not rain B.doesnt rain C.is not raining D.didnt rain答案:B(选择A的同学要注意if引导的条件状语从句主句用将来时,从句用一般现在时.)2.The radio says the snow _ late in the day.A.stopsB.will stopC.has stoppedD.stopped答案:B.(选择A的同学要注意语境,late in the day表示“晚些时候”,要用将来时),重点词组(Key Phrases)1.barber shop 2.get out(of the shower)3.take care of 4.train station 5.run away e in 7.Beijing International Airport 8.hear about 9.take place 10.World Trade Center 11.asas 12.in front of the library 13.sleep late14.cut hair 15.follow sb to do sth.16.be surprised(to do sb.)17.jump down18.direct speech 19.reported speech 20.first of all 21.pass on 22.be supposed to23.do better in 24.be in good health 25.report card 26.get over 27.Peking University28.the Ministry of Education 29.Chinese Young Pioneer 30.sea level 31.open up care for,


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