THE ENGLISH,We will have,The meaning of D-o-v-eThe constellationThe work of volunteersAnd the money around the world,Hello,everyone!Do you like English?I think the English is interesting.It takes us to go on a different journey.If you or you like the English,you will became my friend.Are you ready?Follow me.Lets go!,DO YOU LIKE ENGLISH?,DOVE,D-O-V-E.Do you know a word called Dove?Whats the meaning of Dove?Only a kind of birds?Know let me tell you.,DOVE,Whats Dove?,D do O you V love E me DO YOU LOVE ME?,There are twelve constellations in Divination.The prophets predict the lives of each person by constellations.Do you know many constellations?Whats your constellation?And you?And how about you?,Constellation,Aries March 21st-April 20thAres Taurus April 21st-May 21stAphrodite Gemini May 22nd-June 21stHermes Cancer June 22nd-July 22ndArtemis Leo July 23rd-August23rdApollo,Twelve Constellation,Virgo August 24th-September 22ndDemeter Libra September 23rd-October 23rdThemes Scorpios October 24th-November 22ndHades Sagittarius November 23rd-December 21stZeus Capricorns December 22nd-January 20thCoronus Aquarius January 21st-February 18thUranus Pisces February 19th-March 20thPoseidon,What do they look like?,I m Lily.I m Sagittarius.Angel is my sister.She is Scorpius.Jack is my best friend.He is Cancer.,Whats your constellation?,Who are you?What is the world from?A 15-year-old girl from Norway named Sophie,she often accepts some strange letters and some different questions.Well,its Mr.Albert s Philosophy Lesson.Do you know Philosophy?,SOPHIES WORLD,The philosophy of Socrates,Plato,Aristotle and so on and on.I dont think I can understand Philosophy well,but I think its a wonderful subject.If you want to know something about Philosophy,please read it by yourself.,Do you like the work of volunteers?,What do you want to do as a volunteer?,Dear Sir or Madam,I like reading very much.In my free time,I always read books,I want to volunteer as a book lover.Id like to volunteer my time to teach kids how to read and how to do some reading at Reading Club.The kids sit in the library and you can see in,A Letter,their eyes that they are going on a very different journey with each new book.Im strong at English and Im friendly to everyone,so I think I can do this job well.I volunteer here is a dream come true for me.And I can do what I love to do and help others at the same time.Yours trust,Lily,We have too many kinds of currencies.Now for example,Dollar,RMB,Euro,Penny,Franc,Pound and so on.,THE MONEY AROUND THE WORID,Dollar,The dollar is world currency.,RMB,Chinese use the REB.,Euro,Members of European Union use the euro.,Penny,French Franc,The penny is English currency assist.,The French use the French Franc.,Pound,The national currency of England.,附【It will be in Chinese】,白羊座Aries阿瑞斯(Ares)战神。金牛座Taurus阿芙洛狄忒(Aphrodite)美与爱女神,执掌生育与航海的女神 双子座Gemini赫尔墨斯(Hermes)商业之神 巨蟹座Cancer希腊神话中月亮女神的象征,为奥林匹斯十二主神之一狮子座Leo阿波罗(Apollo)被视为司掌文艺之神 处女座Virgo德墨忒尔(Demeter)农业的保护神、立法女神、婚姻、妇女和家庭的保护神。天秤座Libra忒弥斯(Themes)主持正义和秩序的女神 天蝎座Scorpios哈迪斯(Hades)冥王 射手座Sagittarius宙斯(Zeus)第三代众神之王 摩羯座Capricorns克洛诺斯(Coronus)第二代众神之王,时空的创造与破坏之神 水瓶座Aquarius乌拉诺斯(Uranus)天空之神 双鱼座Pisces波塞冬(Poseidon)海神的象征,Philosophy 哲学Constellation 星座Prophet 预言家Divination 占卜学dove 鸽子 Socrates,Plato,Aristotle 苏格拉底,柏拉图,亚里士多德European Union 欧盟Currency货币,