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    E英语教程1Unit .ppt

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    E英语教程1Unit .ppt

    Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Content,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Passage,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Listening and speaking,The pronunciations of the words in brackets are difficult to distinguish.Listen carefully and check()the words you hear.,1 Im just not used to this kind of(hit heat).,2 Its a big(ship sheep).,3 Bring the(fox forks)here,please.,4 Dont worry,its just a(bet bat).,5 Thats a good(boy buy).,6 He sent me a(toy tie)as a birthday gift.,7 Look at the(clouds crowds)over there.,8 Let me(collect correct)the papers.,Distinguishing confusing pronunciations,Tips,/i:/和/I/i:/是长元音,发音时嘴唇略扁,舌尖抵下齿龈,但不要抵得太紧。/I/是短元音,发音时嘴角微微比发/i:/时收小一点,舌尖靠近下齿龈。e.g.beat bit,ease is,leave live,peak pick/和/:/发/时,上下唇和上下齿自然分开,双唇略圆,但不突出,肌肉松弛,发音短促而有力。发/:/时,在/的口形上,将双唇收圆,并向前突出,舌后部抬起,舌身后缩,肌肉紧张,发长音。e.g.pot port,fox forks,shot short,spot sport,Pronunciation and listening skills,Tips,/e/和/发/e/时,口略开,不扁唇,舌尖抵下齿龈,舌前部稍抬起,上下齿间可放一个食指。它是短音,发得急促,不要拖泥带水。发/时口型要比发/e/时更开,嘴角尽量拉向两边,成扁平形,舌尖抵下齿龈。e.g.bet bat,guess gas,mess mass,merry marry/I/和/ai/发/I/时,舌头从/的位置开始向/I/的位置滑动,在接近/I/时停止,唇形从圆唇变为扁唇,前音长而强,后音短而弱。发/aI/时,先发/a/的音,然后再滑向/I/。发/a/时,舌尖抵下齿龈,嘴张大,重读、长读后,过渡到轻读、短读的/I/。发这个双元音的关键是把/a/音发饱满,还要注意口形从开到合的动作。e.g.boy buy,toiltile,foilfile,toytie,Pronunciation and listening skills,Tips,/l/和/r/发/l/时,口微微张开,舌尖抵上齿龈,但舌尖后部稍稍抬起,振动声带,气流从舌头两侧流出。/r/双唇轻轻撅起,舌尖卷起停在口腔中央,不要贴在任何部位上,气流由舌面和硬鄂之间流出。e.g.led red,light right,life rife,load road,Pronunciation and listening skills,Conversations,Conversation 1,Conversation 2,Functional language,Exercises,Exercises,Functional language,Conversation 1Greetings&responses,1.Listen to a conversation and match the students in Column A with where they come from in Column B.,boy,girl,Judging by Janes accent,Li Ming could tell where she comes from.,Conversation 1Greetings&responses,2.Listen again and decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).,T,T,F,Janes major is Chinese Martial Arts.,Li Ming is learning ink and wash painting at the Department of Art.,Conversation 1 Greetings&responses,Li Ming:Jane:Li Ming:Jane:Li Ming:Jane:Li Ming:Jane:Li Ming:Jane:Li Ming:,Hi!Are you new here?Yes.I am an overseas student.Im Li Ming.Its very nice to meet you here.Im Jane.Nice to meet you,too!Hi,Jane,I guess youre from Britain.Right!But,how could you know?Your accent.Welcome to China!Thank you!What are you studying?My major is Chinese Martial Arts.What about you?Im studying oil painting at the Department of Art.,Scripts:,Conversation 1Greetings&responses,3.Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 1 Greetings&responses,Linda:David:Linda:David:Linda:David:Linda:David:Linda:David:,Hi!Im Linda.Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you too,Linda.Im David.Just call me Dave.Ok,Dave.Im a freshman here.What about you?Me too.Whats your major?I major in Computer Science,and you?Sport science.Do you often come to the English corner?Yes,I do.I come here every week.How about you?This is my first time to be here.I really enjoy it.Great!Hope to see you again.,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Conversation 1Greetings&responses,Jack:Robert:Jack:Robert:Jack:Robert:Jack:,Hello!Im Jack.Nice to meet you!Nice to meet you too,Jack!Im Robert,but you can call me Bob.Ok,Bob.What are you studying?I am studying painting.What about you?Design.Im studying graphic design here.Thats great!We are from the same school.Im very interested in Western art.Same here.Thats why I come here for this lecture.,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 1 Greetings&responses,Role play,Conversation 1Greetings&responses,Functional Language,Conversation 2Making introductions&responses,1.Listen to a conversation and answer the questions with“Yes”(Y)or“No”(N).,Is it the first time for Mary and John to meet each other?,N,Y,Y,Y,Is Rose a friend of Marys?,Is Rose studying music?,Has John heard of Rose before?,Pleased to meet you,too.Mary has told me a lot about you.Ive been looking forward to 4)_ you.,Hi,John!How are you 1)_?,Not bad.How about you,Mary?,Fine,thank you.John,this is my friend Rose.Shes studying 2)_ here.,How do you do,John?Its a 3)_ to meet you.,Same here.,John,theres a 5)_ on campus this evening.Would you like to go with us?,Id love to,but Ive already made 6)_.,Thats too bad!,Mary:John:Mary:John:Rose:John:Rose:Mary:John:Mary:,Conversation 2 Making introductions&responses,2.Listen again and complete the following conversation with what you hear.,doing,music,pleasure,seeing,concert,plans,How do you do,Rose?,Conversation 2Making introductions&responses,Mary:John:Mary:John:Rose:John:Rose:Mary:John:Mary:,Hi,John!How are you doing?Not bad.How about you,Mary?Fine,thank you.John,this is my friend Rose.Shes studying music here.How do you do,Rose?How do you do,John?Its a pleasure to meet you.Pleased to meet you,too.Mary has told me a lot about you.Ive been looking forward to seeing you.Same here.John,theres a concert on campus this evening.Would you like to go with us?Id love to,but Ive already made plans.Thats too bad!,Scripts:,Conversation 2Making introductions&responses,3.Role-play a conversation in groups of three according to one of the following situations.You may refer to the Functional Language.,(Sample),(Sample),(Sample),Conversation 2 Making introductions&responses,Jenny:Brown:Jenny:Kim:Brown:Kim:Jenny:Kim:Brown:Jenny:,Hello,Professor Brown.Hello,Jenny.Professor Brown,may I introduce my friend Kim to you?Kim,Id like you to meet Professor Brown.Nice to meet you,Professor Brown.Nice to meet you too.Whats your major,Kim?I major in computer science.Jenny often tells me how much she enjoys your class.Thank you.Professor Brown,Kim and I are going to a concert of modern Chinese music.Would you like to join us?Id like to,but I have to go to my office to prepare for a lecture.What a pity!,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 1,Nick:Smith:Nick:Carol:Smith:Carol:Robert:Nick:Smith:,Hello,Mr.Smith.How are you doing?Fine,thanks.How about you?The same as ever.Carol,Id like you to meet Mr.Smith,my piano teacher.Mr.Smith,this is my friend,Carol.Nice to meet you,Mr.Smith.Nice to meet you too.What do you study here?I study art history here.Nick told me how much he enjoys you playing the piano.Thank you.I appreciate it.Mr.Smith,Carol and I are on our way to the cafeteria now.Would you like to go with us?Sure.Lets go!,Role play-Sample conversation,Situation 2,Conversation 2Making introductions&responses,Conversation 2Making introductions&responses,Functional Language,Language hes learning:4)_,Insutrument he plays:3)_,Hobbies:2)_,jogging,and modern music,Country:1)_,Chinese name:Zhang Weili,English name:John Willie,1.Listen to a passage and complete the following table with what you hear.,the U.S.A.,swimming,the drums,Chinese,Passage,Passage,2.Listen again and match John Willies family members in Column A with what they do in Column B.,Johns father,Johns mother,Johns elder brother,Passage,Scripts,Passage,3.Its a good chance to get to know each other in the first class of the new term.Please introduce yourself to your classmates according to the following steps.,Passage A,Passage B,A mothers letter to the world,A violinist in the metro,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Reading,A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Listening and speaking,Reading,Grammar,Writing,Culture express,Passage A,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Extended reading,Pre-reading questions,Video appreciation,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Video appreciation,世界啊,我交给你们一个孩子 张晓风 小男孩走出大门,返身向四楼阳台上的我招手,说:“再见!”那是好多年前的事了,那个早晨是他开始上小学的第二天。我其实仍然可以像昨天一样,再陪他一次,但我却狠下心来,看他自己单独去了。他有属于他的一生,是我不能相陪的,母子一场,只能看做一把借来的琴弦,能弹多久,便弹多久,但借来的岁月毕竟是有其归还期限的。他欢然地走出长巷,很听话地既不跑也不跳,一副循规蹈矩的模样。我一个人怔怔地望着巷子下细细的朝阳而落泪。,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Extended reading,想大声地告诉全城市,今天早晨,我交给你们一个小男孩,他还不知恐惧为何物,我却是知道的,我开始恐惧自己有没有交错?我把他交给马路,我要他遵守规矩沿着人行道而行,但是,匆匆的路人啊,你们能够小心一点吗?不要撞倒我的孩子,我把我的至爱交给了纵横的道路,容许我看见他平平安安地回来。我不曾搬迁户口,我们不要越区就读,我们让孩子读本区内的国民小学而不是某些私立明星小学,我努力去信任自己的教育当局,而且,是以自己的儿女为赌注来信任但是,学校啊,当我把我的孩子交给你,你保证给他怎样的教育?今天清晨,我交给你一个欢欣、诚实又颖悟的小男孩。多年以后,你将还我一个怎样的青年?,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Extended reading,他开始识字,开始读书,当然,他也要读报纸、听音乐或看电视、电影,古往今来的撰述者啊,各种方式的知识传递者啊,我的孩子会因你们得到什么呢?你们将饮之以琼浆,灌之以醍醐,还是哺之以糟粕?他会因而变得正直、忠信,还是学会奸猾、诡诈?当我把我的孩子交出来,当他向这世界求知若渴,世界啊,你给他的会是什么呢?世界啊,今天早晨,我,一个母亲,向你交出她可爱的小男孩,而你们将还我一个怎样的呢?!,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Lead-in,Extended reading,Do you still remember what your parents told you when you started school?What is it?What are your parents expectations of you?Have you realized them?What would you say to your parents when its time for you to leave home and start your own life?If it were the time for your own child to go out into the adult world,what would you say to him/her?,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Pre-reading questions,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Text study,Organization of the text,Language points,Text reading,Passage A,A mothers letter to the world,Dear World,My son starts school today.Its going to be strange and new to him for a while,so I wish you would sort of treat him gently.You see,up to now,hes been king of the roost and boss of the backyard.I have always been around to tend his wounds and to comfort him.But now,things are going to be different.This morning,hes going to walk down the front steps,wave his hand to me,and start on his great adventure that will probably include wars,tragedies,and sorrows.It takes faith,love,and courage to live his life in the world he has to live in.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,A mothers letter to the world,So,I wish you would take him by his young hand and teach him the things he needs to know.Teach himbut gently,if you can.Teach him that for every bad man,there is a hero;that for every irresponsible politician,there is a devoted leader;that for every enemy,there is a friend.Teach him the wonders of books.Give him quiet time to wonder at the eternal mystery of birds in the sky,bees in the sun,and flowers on the green hill.Teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,A mothers letter to the world,Teach him to have faith in his own ideas,even if everyone else tells him that hes wrong.Teach him to sell his strength and intelligence to the person that offers the highest price,but never to put a price on his heart and soul.Teach him to close his ears to crazy trouble-makers,and to stand and fight if he thinks hes right.Teach him gently,World,but dont spoil him,because only the test of fire makes fine steel.This is a big order,World,but please see what you can do.Hes such a nice little fellow.,_,_,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Organization of the text,Structure,Part I(Para._),Part II(Para._),Part III(Para._),1-2,3-12,13,Introduction:My son starts School today.,The authors requests:I want you to teach him,Conclusion:The authors hope.,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.1),Its going to be strange and new to him for a while,so I wish you would sort of treat him gently.,在一段时间里,他会感到陌生和新鲜。我希望你能对他温柔一些。,be going to+动词原形,我下周一要和我老师一起吃晚餐。,Im going to have a dinner with my teacher next Monday.,表示某事即将发生。,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,Its going to be strange and new to him for a while,so I wish you would sort of treat him gently.,wish:v.to want sth.to happen although it is unlikely 但愿,希望,我希望明天不要下雨。,I wish it would not rain tomorrow.,wish后面的宾语从句中需用虚拟语气,表示不太可能发生的事。,(Line 1,Para.1),Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 3,Para.1),You see,up to now,hes been king of the roost and the boss of the backyard.,你知道,直到现在,他还一直都是家里的小皇帝,后院的霸主。,他的小女儿是他的掌上明珠。,His youngest daughter is the apple of his eye.,king of the roost 和 boss of the backyard 是比喻用法,说明孩子在家一直像“小皇帝”,受到家人的关心和宠爱。,在up to now 为状语的句子里,谓语动词一般用现在完成时,表示从过去某时到现在这一段时间里已发生的事。,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 4,Para.2),It takes faith,love,and courage to live his life in the world he has to live in.,要在他必须生存的世界里生活,需要信念、爱和勇气。,It takes sb to do,我花了很长的时间来完成作业。,It takes me a long time to finish my homework.,It在此句中是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式 to live his life in the world he has to live in。,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.3),So,I wish you would take him by his young hand and teach him the things he needs to know.,因此,世界,我希望你能牵着他的小手,教给他必须知道的事情。,in 表示在身体部位内部或身体表面较软的部位的名词前面,He hit me in the face.,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.3),So,I wish you would take him by his young hand and teach him the things he needs to know.,on用在表示身体部位表面的名词前面。,The man beat the boy on the head.,by 常与动词 take,seize,catch,lead等连用,表示“拉、扯、抓住”身体某部位。,The man caught/seized the thief by the arm.,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.5),Teach him that for every bad man,there is a hero;that for every irresponsible politician,there is a devoted leader;that for every enemy,there is a friend.,教他知道,世界上有一个恶棍,就有一个英雄;有一个奸诈的政客,就有一个富于奉献精神的领袖;有一个敌人,就有一个朋友,该句有三个that引导的从句,它们是并列关系,都是teach 的直接宾语。值得注意的是,该句中后面的两个That不可省略。,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.8),Teach him that it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat.,教他知道失败远比欺骗值得尊重。,认识到错误远比改正错误要容易得多。,It is far easier to recognize an error than to correct it.,用于两者的比较,说明前者在程度上比后者强,表示“得多”。far后面接比较级,It is far more than:,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 1,Para.12),Teach him gently,World,but dont spoil him,because only the test of fire makes fine steel.,请温柔地教导他吧,世界,但不要放纵他,因为只有烈火才能炼出真金。,谚语,意思是“烈火出真金”,only the test of fire makes fine steel,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 3,Para.1),我多少猜到了这件事会发生。,I sort of thought this might happen.,sort of,in some way or to some degree 多少,有点儿,同义短语:kind of,我一进去就有点后悔不该来。,The minute I came in,Im sort of sorry Id come.,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,一直到晚上十点你都可以随时给我打电话。,Pleas feel free to call me any time up to 10 at night.,1)used to show the latest time sth.can happen 一直到,他们愿意为此付款,高达600美元。,They are willing to pay for it,up to$600.,2)used to show the highest amount or level of sth.多达,(Line 3,Para.1),up to,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 5,Para.1),护士悉心照顾病人的伤口。,The nurse gently tended the patients cuts.,vt.take care of or look after 照顾,vi.be likely or have a tendency to 往往,倾向于,我们都倾向于喜欢一些像我们的人。,We all tend to like those similar to us.,tend,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 6,Para.1),She comforted herself with the thought that it would soon be spring.,她想到马上就是春天了以此来安慰自己。,在我苦恼的时候,他来安慰我。,He comforted me in my distress.,vt.to make sb.feel less worried or unhappy by being kind to him/her 安慰,comfort,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 6,Para.1),We are living in comfort.,我们过得很舒适。,n.安慰;舒适,派生词:comfortable:adj.舒适的,安逸的 comfortably:adv.舒适地,安逸地,comfort,Passage A A mothers letter to the world,(Line 2,Para.2),My son came out to wave me goodbye.,我的儿子跑出来和我挥手道别。,vt.to move your hand or arm fro


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