EDSA -华远国际尚都景观设计方案.ppt
华远.尚都国际中心景观设计方案汇报,Prepared by:December 1st,2003,设计构想 Design intent,华远.尚都 繁华的时尚之都EDSA Orient 通过对场地及建筑的深入了解及与各方的充分沟通,力图在此处创造出富有生气,充满特色的城市商业景观。限制与挑战场地不完整,周边众多民宅,一期地面上的突出物。突出物的景观处理,下沉广场商业气氛的创造,各期之间的有机联系。,EDSA Orient 的三个方案各具特色:方案一:以动感的斜线交织整合场地,借镜面的反射事半功倍地创造流光异彩的迷幻空间。方案二:以自由流畅的曲线带出动感活跃的景观空间。方案三:以五彩斑斓的色彩,跳动的热情活力,体现出“My Place”的青春节奏。,方案一光.线 流光异彩的时尚迷幻之都,场地的整合,自由的植栽组团整合散乱的场地沿街树阵广场通而不畅,兼有休息和通行功能办公入口前广场的开敞商业入口广场的引导,入口引导广场,欢腾的旱喷泉加强入口引导广场的 商业气氛,借镜面的反射事半功倍地创造流光异彩的迷幻空间以动感的斜 线 交织整合场地,光.线,方案二曲线 动感活跃的时尚之都,Concept 2,方案三色彩 五彩缤纷的时尚之都,Concept 3,Design intent 设计说明:Many urban places in Beijing,especially in the Central Business District(CBD)area where our site is located rarely use color in the landscape.The skyscrapers and the paved road made the whole area became a concrete forest.To live and work in such places can be mentally depressing.The idea behind this theme is to introduce color and dimension into the landscape to make our project,Spaces,the icon of the Beijing CBD area.This theme is using primary color and the range of greens in vegetation to create liveliness for our site.The different colors help to create different functional space at the same time providing a verity of texture and visual impact.Just like Piet Mondrians painting,Broadway,the color will appear in grid pattern interwoven creating the unique sense of space.,场地铺装示意图,场地灯光示意图,构筑物外墙处理示意图,路面停车示意图,二,三期平面图,商业街入口透视图,Courtyards屋顶花园,Courtyards,开花乔木,铺装,喷泉,铺装效果,喷泉效果,座椅,花钵,水景矮墙,Thank you for viewing,